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Thread: SELEM 2017 Sign up thread

  1. #91
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    Raleigh, NC


    Quote Originally Posted by rodman1369 View Post
    They Do often meet in the conference room...sometimes till early in 4AM!
    I guess that's why nothing much happens at SELEM until after lunch.

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by kecked View Post
    Well....ok....I think I might actually come this year. First time.
    Would be great to see you there, Marc! Tons of cool stuff going on this year, including an expanded "home-build display area" in the cafeteria. Basically think Hackerspace meets Maker Faire only with less organization and more lasers! And that's in addition to all the other, more typical SELEM activities.

    Quote Originally Posted by rodman1369 View Post
    Any word on hotel discounts?
    We have a block of rooms reserved at the Holiday Inn Express as usual. Give them a call and mention you are with the "SELEM laser group". This year I specifically asked for some of the rooms for our group to be on the first floor near the conference room. Figured that would be more convenient *and* would cut down on the noise complaints for other guests, since we tend to get rather loud in the lounge and the conference room late at night...

    Quote Originally Posted by 10Fenny View Post
    I got a Honda element I might sleep in.. is there a parking lot I could use? Ha.
    You can sleep in the parking lot at the venue if you want. Although you might want to see about splitting a room with someone instead. I think you'll want some air-conditioning when you try to sleep!

    Quote Originally Posted by rodman1369 View Post
    Looking for a roommate.
    See? Rodney is looking to split a room....

    Quote Originally Posted by Lazerjock View Post
    you might miss out on the late night conference room LEM's.
    Which is definitely a big part of the fun, assuming you are one of those folks who can stay awake that long. I usually drop in on the first night and the last night, but otherwise I need to crash at the Trotthouse as soon as we close up shop at the venue, or else I won't be conscious in time to open things up at 10 AM the following morning!

    Quote Originally Posted by rodman1369 View Post
    They had a bunch of APC 40s and the like set up so peeps could control lasers in Club SELEM last year...had to pry fingers off buttons to shut 'er down on some nights!
    This year will be the same. Several consoles set up so people can play. Also thinking about buying a few bean-bag chairs (assuming we have the budget) so folks can lounge around and watch the beams in there...

    And yeah, shutting down Club-SELEM every night is often a bit of a challenge! No one ever wants to leave... (Can't say I blame them though. It's pretty damned awesome in there!)


  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffo View Post
    We have a block of rooms reserved at the Holiday Inn Express as usual. Give them a call and mention you are with the "SELEM laser group".
    What's the group rate? I just made a regular reservation at about $105/night.

  4. #94
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    Hey Hank - I thought I had it written down, but I can't find it. (Sorry!) I know it wasn't a huge discount...

    They might have already given you the group rate though, based on the dates you booked. I would still give them a call and ask just to be sure...


  5. #95
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    Just registered! First SELEM and my birthday will be on Sunday. Ferrous256 and I will want to do a Laser Juice demo. I am looking forward to playing with the Z-5 and any other synths. Is anyone else interested in a laser programming round table discussion?

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by scnlns View Post
    Is anyone else interested in a laser programming round table discussion?
    I'm interested in that or even just one-on-one discussion.

  7. #97
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by scnlns View Post
    Just registered! First SELEM and my birthday will be on Sunday.
    Excellent! Got you added to the list, Tim!

    Ferrous256 and I will want to do a Laser Juice demo.
    Brenden has been in touch with me via PM, and we definitely want to see you guys do a presentation on your software. I also suggested that you may want to have a small demo setup in the cafeteria (especially for "Lasers and Lattes").

    I am looking forward to playing with the Z-5 and any other synths. Is anyone else interested in a laser programming round table discussion?
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnYayas View Post
    I'm interested in that or even just one-on-one discussion.
    I think this would be a *GREAT* idea. There are plenty of folks who would love the chance to just sit in and listen to such a discussion, but we've also got some heavy hitters who would undoubtedly be qualified to actively participate in the chat. Thinking about Bluefang, DZ, Swamidog, Ekeefe, JohnYayas, and Lumia for sure... Maybe Bill Benner too? Firstlight_Mike? Countfunkula? Imagelight?

    I don't think it needs to be a super-formal event. Just get a bunch of tech geeks in a circle and start telling stories! But I know that *I* would love to just sit there listening and soaking up information... I'm sure others would too!

    Obviously if you want to get balls-deep in some technical minutia, you can always chat one-on-one, but given the recent resurgence of interest in laser abstracts, I think a round table discussion would be very well received. If you guys are up for it, I'll block some time out in the schedule for it.


  8. #98
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    But I know that *I* would love to just sit there listening and soaking up information...
    In a circle of tech geeks, is there anyone out there who thinks for one minute you'd only be able to sit and listen?
    PM Sent...

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bradfo69 View Post
    In a circle of tech geeks, is there anyone out there who thinks for one minute you'd only be able to sit and listen?
    Fair enough... Although to my credit, I did sit and listen (mostly!) when Aron Bacs did his round table discussion on his history with AVI, right?


  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffo View Post
    Fair enough... Although to my credit, I did sit and listen (mostly!) when Aron Bacs did his round table discussion on his history with AVI, right?

    That ranks among the top most amazing events I've had the pleasure to attend at SELEM.

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