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  • Greg's Avatar
    Yesterday, 21:32
    Greg replied to a thread CYGN-B in The Lounge
    980 replies | 3020465 view(s)
  • cfavreau's Avatar
    Yesterday, 13:56
    Thanks very much for the interest and help everyone.
    7 replies | 427 view(s)
  • TheHermit's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:46
    I just discovered this MaestroDMX video on YT, which is a very similar concept as my T4 Laser Synth. It looks like something that would be very useful for laser folks doing mobile lighting work.
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  • mixedgas's Avatar
    01-13-2025, 07:07
    Pm SENT with local professional's phone Steve
    7 replies | 427 view(s)
  • djmatt's Avatar
    01-12-2025, 19:14
    djmatt replied to a thread Pre moving sale in Buy/Sell/Trade
    This thing!! It popped me in the side of my hand and I said nope that to go!
    2 replies | 225 view(s)
  • swamidog's Avatar
    01-12-2025, 18:26
    swamidog replied to a thread Pre moving sale in Buy/Sell/Trade
    high powered scary green yag? <spock eyebrow>
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  • djmatt's Avatar
    01-12-2025, 17:06
    djmatt started a thread Pre moving sale in Buy/Sell/Trade
    I’m trying to see if there is any interest in a few lasers I have kicking around. A argon or two, and a high powered scary green yag laser system as well. We are starting to pack things up and I’m going to need some stuff gone. I’ll post more soon.
    2 replies | 225 view(s)
  • cfavreau's Avatar
    01-10-2025, 21:15
    Hey Mike! Let me know if you are interested. I can let them know and pass them your contact info. Thanks, Chris F. - - - Updated - - - Hey Mike! Let me know if you are interested. I can let them know and pass them your contact info. Thanks,
    7 replies | 427 view(s)
  • clickamouse's Avatar
    01-10-2025, 16:14
    I will check them out. Thanks! …Mike
    7 replies | 427 view(s)
  • Kevint's Avatar
    01-08-2025, 10:38
    Yes, the addition of another nobel gas was one option, but could reduce laser power or change the tube voltage. Our primary solution was to insert a 0.5" long piece of nickel wire into each end of the gas returns. This significantly helped reduce the likelihood of Ignition down a return. It's a...
    14 replies | 971 view(s)
  • cfavreau's Avatar
    01-08-2025, 07:01
    Cool, thanks fellas. Can you PM me your contact info so I can pass it on to the event organizers? One of them is a college friend of mine and contacted me because they remember the laser show stuff I had in my dorm room. They are looking to have some Lumia or interactive thing in their art...
    7 replies | 427 view(s)
  • luciday's Avatar
    01-08-2025, 05:01
    That's correct, the chances are indeed high that the splicer won't want to splice the fiber in automatic mode, but most splicers also have a manual mode that allows you to align the fibers yourself. As long as the core is clearly visible, that works well enough. I assumed that in the OP's case, a...
    3 replies | 2687 view(s)
  • VJ AIWAZ's Avatar
    01-08-2025, 03:58
    I have been working with and doing lasers for rob Robinson of damnsam on the NYS Harvest fest for about 25years +
    7 replies | 427 view(s)
  • atomd's Avatar
    01-08-2025, 01:18
    Many modern fiber lasers use unusual core diameters that can be easily spliced by cheap, telecom splicers nor it's easy to get isolator for them.
    3 replies | 2687 view(s)
  • lasermaster1977's Avatar
    01-07-2025, 20:37
    Pretty cool, mixedgas. Looks like an early Apple II Plus keyboard based on the power light to the left of the spacebar.
    2 replies | 332 view(s)
  • lasermaster1977's Avatar
    01-07-2025, 20:25
    lasermaster1977 replied to a thread CYGN-B in The Lounge
    Sounds radical, outa sight...blow our minds, like to the max.
    980 replies | 3020465 view(s)
  • Greg's Avatar
    01-07-2025, 20:13
    Greg replied to a thread CYGN-B in The Lounge
    The theater hosting my presentation of Classic Laser Shows of the 1970s, 80s, and 90s has posted information for the event. They're calling it Laser Jukebox, which is fine with me. Here on PL I referred to the playback system as the "juke" system vs. the "dev" system, which has the joysticks and 6B...
    980 replies | 3020465 view(s)
  • mixedgas's Avatar
    01-07-2025, 16:21
    Check your PMs.. I work with the right guy for the job from time to time, who's in the multiple 20-30 watt class with variance and Ohio permits. Some cities in Ohio are starting to charge big fees for laser safety evaluations. Cleveland is 1700$ for a one time permit fee and the presence of 2...
    7 replies | 427 view(s)
  • luciday's Avatar
    01-07-2025, 13:09
    Yes, it is technically possible to do this. A few years ago, I bought a defective fiber laser engraver and repaired it this way. The two essential tools you need are a fiber cleaver and a fusion splicer. The cleaver ensures a clean, perpendicular cut of the optical fiber, while the fusion splicer...
    3 replies | 2687 view(s)
  • mixedgas's Avatar
    01-07-2025, 07:42
    Was there any cure other than anecdotal for "Down the return Bore" ? I know the one guy has a patent on using a Helium, Krypton, Argon mix (8,2,1) for active cleaning of dirty bores during rebuild. I had one or two clean up over the years with a soft discharge at a 20 mA or so, but it was never...
    14 replies | 971 view(s)
  • Kevint's Avatar
    01-06-2025, 20:59
    Just a comment. Be careful and make sure that tube is lighting down the main central bore and not a gas return path. When the tube light down the main bore the ceramic will glow a unform blue. If it lights down a gas return path the blue will appear to glow on the outer side of the ceramic...
    14 replies | 971 view(s)
  • luciday's Avatar
    01-06-2025, 13:19
    Hello, I recently purchased an old, non-functional Lightwave Electronics Xcyte UV laser. After adjusting the damaged LBO crystals slightly, I managed to get some 355nm output. However, for further tuning, it would be very helpful to have more control over the TEC setpoints and to reduce the...
    0 replies | 67 view(s)
  • cfavreau's Avatar
    01-06-2025, 09:54
    Hi All, I have a friend who is the event coordinator for the Stargazer Cannabis Festival which is located in Ohio. It takes place in July. She is looking to hire a laser show company or individuals that can do an outdoor show. I was thinking Mike Gould with his...
    7 replies | 427 view(s)
  • buffo's Avatar
    01-06-2025, 07:43
    We should make sure Alden Gaw sees this! He did a ton of work on the early Apple II systems back in the day. Adam
    2 replies | 332 view(s)
  • mixedgas's Avatar
    01-05-2025, 17:30
    1750 Watts calculated.... You might get away with a much smaller isolator. Also if I remember right, check the anode pins in the cable. If "cooked" they tend to pull away from the CPC connector on the umbilical. Series 4/5 CPC tools for pin change are out there. Steve
    14 replies | 971 view(s)
  • Xenonion's Avatar
    01-05-2025, 16:59
    Hello Steve, Let me compress these messages into one reply, your comments are in blue. MixedGas: “You need an isolated scope (isolated from POWER HOT, NEUTRAL, AND GROUND) for reading the test points. Which is dangerous as can be. There is a startup adjustment procedure post repair.” The...
    14 replies | 971 view(s)
  • mixedgas's Avatar
    01-05-2025, 16:03
    Any news David? I rescued a little something... But it needed to leave the garage... So its going to Florida sooner or later. B."b.". O'Brian PE worked on Lovelight as well as other projects by Interscan. The console in question is, well, special.. I have enough others to work on besides...
    2 replies | 332 view(s)
  • mixedgas's Avatar
    01-05-2025, 15:56
    ]Hark! There is hope. Check that the circuits match, but here are most of the waveforms I would have had to scan... Edit: Check all the picofuses... They look like 1/8 or 1/4th watt resistors but ARE fuses, before you do...
    14 replies | 971 view(s)
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