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  • JoJo's Avatar
    Today, 05:25
    1.4742 ist ferritic, but has a very high amount of chrome (17-19%), so the possible magnetic flux could be less than using ordinary cold rolled steel. Just use simple cold rolled steel (or for example 1.0715) for the stator and your scanner will be much faster.
    23 replies | 351554 view(s)
  • paranagua's Avatar
    Today, 05:06
    Search Pretty Womans in your city for night
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  • dchammonds's Avatar
    Yesterday, 19:41
    Welcome to the Forum, Allen! I'm interested in learning more about your project, and I'm looking for a better DAC as well. I recently acquired a vintage Tektronix 100Mhz scope in mint condition and I'm sending laser graphics to it using a cheap DC modified 8ch USB audio adapter, but it's limited...
    1 replies | 121 view(s)
  • allenwp's Avatar
    Yesterday, 13:22
    Hi there! I've been working on a 3D rendering engine for video games that outputs a stream of samples to be displayed on an analog oscilloscope or similar CRT XY display. These types of displays are most similar to laser projectors. In fact, I suspect it would be very easy to control an...
    1 replies | 121 view(s)
  • clickamouse's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:40
    Greetings, all; Remember when I wrote that I won two ILDA awards at this year’s conference in Poland? Due to a mis-communication, it turns out I didn’t win two awards. I won three! A personal best. The additional award was for the Alien Black Box, visible here: ...
    5 replies | 517 view(s)
  • laserist's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:02
    The whimsy is strong with this one...
    5 replies | 517 view(s)
  • mixedgas's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:06
    Steve started a new job after an unfortunate incident defending a female foreign student from a known sexual predator on campus. She's fine, he fled the country. Steve is exhausted. And after nearly getting kicked off his other favorite forum for stressing laser safety... He's weary of BS> ...
    4 replies | 681 view(s)
  • zerowaitstate's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:16
    Want to buy 2nd Hand Radiator. Any one out there got a Radiator collecitng dust ? - Disgruntaled wife - Stroke victim - Recent Death in the family - Require a hit man ? Okay may be the last one is in bad taste .... Actually the last two .../ Doh thaey are all in poor taste .
    0 replies | 89 view(s)
  • Greg's Avatar
    10-08-2024, 10:26
    Actually I just heard back from Pangolin that they may be able to to provide something custom, so fortunately there seem to be options.
    105 replies | 96300 view(s)
  • TheHermit's Avatar
    10-08-2024, 10:14
    Much lower price, .9mrad divergence, 40kpps, German made so the specs are likely legit. Wonder whose galvos they use.🤔 I also like their FX GOBO wheel, with rotating wheels & 4 position carousel. FX selection looks pretty slow and DMX controlled, which isn't a deal breaker. But, I'm wondering...
    105 replies | 96300 view(s)
  • Greg's Avatar
    10-08-2024, 07:37
    That's helpful! Thanks, Roj. I was also looking at the Laserworld DS-2000RGB.
    105 replies | 96300 view(s)
  • Greg's Avatar
    10-07-2024, 19:44
    I went looking to buy a fifth projector as a backup for a hopefully upcoming show. Unfortunately, I found that Pangolin no longer sells projectors that have ILDA interface capability. Suggestions for an alternative manufacturer for an aprox. 2 Watt RGB projector with analog color modulation and...
    105 replies | 96300 view(s)
  • -bart-'s Avatar
    10-07-2024, 12:54
    -bart- replied to a thread I just won 2 ILDA Awards in The Lounge
    congrats !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    5 replies | 517 view(s)
  • -bart-'s Avatar
    10-07-2024, 12:52
    Of course Steve knows that...Not sure if he is gonna help you set your house on fire. A lab bench power supply 0-60VDC 0-5V will help you determine why you got your hands on it so cheaply...
    4 replies | 681 view(s)
  • tommylee333's Avatar
    10-07-2024, 08:42
    What color dicro do I need to reflect my blue diode, while still passing the red and green thru It, and Where Do I Get One? I have several of the ones that reflect red, and one that reflects green but neither one of them are working right for the blue. I'm rearanged my laser and I changed the...
    0 replies | 142 view(s)
  • Angelillolaser's Avatar
    10-07-2024, 06:59
    do you know how can I determine the power of each laser diode to built the power supply ?
    4 replies | 681 view(s)
  • Angelillolaser's Avatar
    10-07-2024, 06:57
    I use a 3DLP xenon projector, I remove the lamp and power supply, digital porjection 30sx model; I use set xy scanner to scan inside the light integrator to get a full distribution of light in the screen , fiber optic works too
    24 replies | 12347 view(s)
  • dar303's Avatar
    10-07-2024, 04:29
    dar303 replied to a thread lumens vs Watts? in Lasers, All Kinds.
    Wait, you did what?! Did you use a 6W laser as light source for a DLP video projector? And it held up for that kind of power? Super cool, I want to try it!
    24 replies | 12347 view(s)
  • rszemeti's Avatar
    10-07-2024, 00:48
    Yeah, I got this 48-2 with the dead RF drive the same way, I kept it thinking when the tube in this eventually gives out, I always have the other one to swap the bits into. I don't remember if I ever tested it before hiding it on a shelf. The machine (an ancient Universal Laser I picked up on...
    6 replies | 424 view(s)
  • dar303's Avatar
    10-07-2024, 00:24
    I can test it when I find the PSU that came with it! I have a few 48-1's too in the same box, I sniped them for 100USD on eBay back in the days, pulls from medical equipment it seems since they have the auto power sensor accessory.
    6 replies | 424 view(s)
  • rszemeti's Avatar
    10-06-2024, 15:39
    Just as a quick question, does yours produce roughly half power with one drive stage running? With one of the drive stages blown it *should* produce some output afaik, if the gas is good. The one I have with a blown stage was supposed to be a good tube too, but ...
    6 replies | 424 view(s)
  • rszemeti's Avatar
    10-06-2024, 15:37
    That could be interesting, I am in the UK ... UPS works fine between the two ...
    6 replies | 424 view(s)
  • dar303's Avatar
    10-06-2024, 15:03
    Hi, I have a supposedly good (at least gas-wise) 25W that blew one of the FETs, the previous owner then changed the FET but it blew again when he turned it to full power so he suspected some tuning was off. I´m probably not ever getting around to fixing it so I´m open for trades. Where are you...
    6 replies | 424 view(s)
  • rszemeti's Avatar
    10-06-2024, 06:31
    Well, scratch that. I fired up the "weak but two good RF drives" tube, it pulled 13.5A, showing both drivers are alive ... it is weaker than expected. A slight burn on cardboard that becomes non existent after about 30 seconds CW, the tube is close to dead. The second tube, I fired up with...
    6 replies | 424 view(s)
  • laserLips's Avatar
    10-06-2024, 01:10
    Hi everyone. I'm looking to buy some IP65 moving heads. Ideally not huge and heavy ones. 2nd hand no problem. I'm talking with 2 companies at the momemnt (Artfox and but it's slow going. Artfox are pretty good at answering and I like their light it's just so big and...
    0 replies | 205 view(s)
  • Greg's Avatar
    10-05-2024, 19:24
    Glad to hear the AD633 rotation circuit is working. That is a fun and exciting circuit, not previously available, to my knowledge. Thank you laserist. You should get an award for your drawing. Kevint: Did you get the continuous turn sin cos pot supplying the rotation signal? I haven't tried using...
    263 replies | 1046694 view(s)
  • rszemeti's Avatar
    10-05-2024, 15:54
    So I have two Synrad lasers, one a J48-2SW ... I assume 25W device, with a pair of RF board containing a single MRF150 ... one of these boards is broken, FET missing, output cap missing, etc. but the tube itself is believed to be good. The other is a similar, older, G48-2 25W tube,...
    6 replies | 424 view(s)
  • mixedgas's Avatar
    10-05-2024, 14:02
    To the best of my knowledge that is the first picture of the inside of one on the internet. Steve..
    4 replies | 681 view(s)
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