With the last run of prisms I had a couple of broadband AR coated PBS' sent through for me to look at, they performed quite well and come out at £21GBP ($33 USD or 25 EURO) each, including PP fees and standard delivery.
I have 220 of these being made now that will be with me early November, these will be re-packaged and sent out within 24 hours.
Size: 10x10x10mm
Material: BK7
AR Coating Ravg: < 0.5% @ 0° AOI
Dimensional Tolerance: ±0.2 mm
Extinction Ratio: Tp:Ts >1,000:1
Transmitted Beam Deviation: <5 arcmin
Reflected Beam Deviation: 90° ± 5 arcmin
Clear Aperture: >90%
Surface Flatness: λ/10 @ 633 nm
Wavefront Distortion: <λ/4 @ 633 nm
Scratch-Dig: 40-20
I ran some quick transmission and reflectance tests, these were very 'plonk and measure' checks so it's quite possible these figures could be improved with better alignment and tweaking, the losses were:
At 445nm ~4% T and ~6% on R (I tried a 405nm coated PBS & lost ~10% and ~16%)
At 532nm ~5% on T and R
At 635nm and 642nm the needle barely moved on my meter and I would say just a % or two losses on both T and R
A PBS is on the way to Krazer for more comprehensive performance testing, so stay tuned..
If you're interested please shout up here and we'll see how we go for numbers.
PBS freaks identified so far (please let me know of any +/- qty's asap):
P1t8ull: 30
andy_con: 2
neutrino: 2
Laserman532: 4
Pardini: 4
krazer: 4
badger1666: 2
catalanjo: 6
swamidog: 4
MisterWilling: 2
lange5766: 10
taggalucci: 2
polishedball: 2
dave: 10
300EVIL: 2
ireedz: 2
csmn: 15
dazebtwn: 2
jy69: 1
flecom: 2
RedlumX: 1
megaton: 3
edison: 2
mikkojay: 3
hexagon5un: 2
loopee: 4
blowfly: 1
Doc: 2
LaserCo: 4
laser_freak: 2
mick: 6
laston: 6
werner_b: 16
norty303: 1
Saarlaser: 2
Wondertwnz: 2
dsli_jon: 4
mccarrot: 4
uamdme: 4
Solarfire: 4
kecked: 2
mophead: 2
dnar: 4
SrS: 3
Laser_Kiev: 7
Howie: 2
massivesound: 4
jooopy: 1
Djjule007: 5
LaNeK779: 2
Xytrell: 1
andythemechanic: 2
olive13: 2
Required: 220
Remaining: 0