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Thread: First Light pics of my Alphalite projector!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Default First Light pics of my Alphalite projector!

    Hey Everyone!

    Well, it finally arrived. Yep... Got my Alphalite projector. It's got a set of Dragon Tiger DT-40 closed loop galvos & amps, a 100 mw dpss green laser with TTL blanking, and of course, the Alphalite XC Pro DAC.

    The housing is very compact; 12" x 14" x 6". The only cords are a power cord and the parallel cord to the controlling PC.

    It fired right up as soon as I plugged it in. Within 20 seconds I was displaying laser frames on the wall!

    There are a few bugs with the unit, but considering the super low cost, I'm not complaining just yet.

    Anyway, I took a bunch of pictures of this "first light." I just finished uploading them to the gallery... Enjoy!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005



    For the blanking gaps, look at blankahead timing variable for the
    laser illusions software if you haven't messed with it already... Setting
    it a few points ahead may fix things...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Blank ahead timing variable?

    I see a slider on the abstract screen (tab) for blanking speed, but nothing on the tab for the main screen. The problem manifests itself with ilda frames and text, but on the screens (tabs) for those objects I can't seem to find the adjustment. Where is this variable adjustment?

    Also, is this a global setting, or one that is saved as part of each file?

    Sorry Yadda - I'm still pretty new when it comes to the Alphalite software, and to closed loop operations in general! Please bear with me as I'm slogging my way through this...


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    nice !!!

    That was a clean setup, all the cable and stuff nicely mounted inside like it.
    The same galvo as I soon have

    What did you pay for the alphalite software (including the DAC)

    And where did you find the ild. files on the net

    nice work ... you just need blue and red now

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC



    It's hard to say what I paid, because I got the whole thing as a package deal, and it was done as a favor to boot, so I got a GREAT deal...

    Nevertheless, at the time I bought my unit, the Alphalite XC Pro DAC and software were selling as a complete package for $749.

    However, I just checked, and Rick has reduced his prices... You can now get the Alphalite XC Pro complete package (that's the DAC and the software) for $499. Link here

    I should also point out that Rick is working on a new revision of the software, based in part on some comments I had after playing with it... Should see something in about a week or two. (Note also that all software upgrades are free for Alphalite users.)

    I plan on adding Blue and Red to this projector soon. The Alphalite supports TTL color, but first I need to get my AOM working so I can blank the Argon, and then I need to build a driver circuit that supports TTL blanking for one of these red DVD diodes. Then I'll have all the parts I need to make an RGB projector.

    As for the files, I downloaded them from This site. But I'm also working with a guy here in Charleston, and another in the UK, to put together a larger collection of frames. When I get the collection completed, I'd be willing to mail CD's of them to anyone that is interested. It's going to take a while to get everything together though. (We may actually be able to post them someplace for download - still working on that...) I'll be sure to post more info here when the collection is complete.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    hi again..

    Thanx alot yes 500$ is maybe ok i guess :roll:
    I damn sure need a software, and if i got a DAC at the same time, HELL man i got 2 complete scanner setup !!! :twisted: :twisted:

    But i need to save 500Dollar and hide them from my girlfriend so I can buy the alphalite she will kill me if she did know that it actually cost more than 10$ !

    And yes a collection with frames will be pretty cool to have
    I read that some program include like 20000 frames so there is alot to find hehe...


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    For a little less you could get an easylase USB and Mamba 2004 with 12bit dac and 16 bit color (3x8bit dac).
    You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    If you're looking at buying a new one and paying retail, In terms of technical
    superiority, I'd definitely have to agree with Groover and suggest the easylase
    over the Laser Illusions...

    The laser illusions hardware has the timing jitter problems common to all
    parallel port laser boards running under windows (visible as hotspots
    when doing things like moving the mouse)... Laser illusions also is 8-bit
    and Rick designed it to run at full scale at 20Vp-p (+/-10V) to keep backward
    compatibility with the old openloop scansystems, this means that using
    it at 10Vp-p (+/-5V) used by most modern scanamps, you'll be running
    at 7-bits of effective resolution...

    But besides the inferior specs, it does come bundled with one of the most
    useful beamshow packages for live shows and you can easily make up the
    entire cost of the board in one night of doing a small party... Though of course
    in terms of personal preferences I'd much rather use pangolin or write
    my own software

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Default Alphalite vs Easylase/Mamba


    Spec was talking about this over-voltage problem too. He suggested that I check the voltages between pins 1 and 14 on the ilda connector, and between pins 2 and 15... However, I did not see the expected 20 volts peak-to-peak. Should I maybe check it with my oscilloscope to be sure? And should I have the galvo amps disconnected when I check it?

    Spec said he was able to check it with a standard multi-meter set to measure DC voltage. I tried that, but only got a reading of 1.2 to 1.8 volts, which didn't sound right at all. I tried measuring it on AC as well, with erratic results, but nothing close to 20 volts, or even 10 volts. I'm thinking that the scanners are running way faster than 60 hz, and thus my multimeter isn't properly measuring it. But my oscilloscope should be able to see it... What do you think? (Maybe Rick changed this?)

    Also, I checked with Joachim Mueller about the pricing of the Easylase DAC and the Mamba Black software. It's 299 Euros for the DAC if you don't need DMX support, and 349 Euros if you do. (That is for the desktop version with a power supply and a case though. The bare board is cheaper, if you want to build your own power supply and install it inside a projector or something.) The Mamba Black software is an extra 299 Euros. So a good starter setup would be around 600 Euros, which is roughly 200 Euros more than the Alphalite. Still, like you pointed out, there are some advantges to the USB interface.


    I looked at the Mamba 2004 software too, which is a lot cheaper at only 129 Euros, but it doesn't have near the features of Mamba black. (no sound support, for one!) So if I were looking at the Easylase, I'd probably step up to the Mamba Black software. I think the extra money is worth it for the features.

    As for the Alphalite software - yeah, the beamshow designer *is* pretty cool, and the abstract generator is nothing short of amazing. But the problems with the parallel port interface that Yadda mentions are a valid issue. So far it hasn't proven to be too big of a problem for me, but there *ARE* hotspots in some images. (You can see that in some of the pictures I posted to the gallery.)

    Anyway, one of the reasons I'm looking forward to the SELEM event is that I really want to see these other hardware/software combinations in operation. That way I'll have a better idea of what I'll want to purchase next. (Plus, if Yadda can actually make it, maybe I'll get a chance to see his "super board" in operation - even if I'll probably never be able to afford one...) :cry:


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    As you said. I would also opt for the more expensive Mamba black. You can get it bundled with Easylase USB OEM. I somwhat regret that I didn't go for the bundle with Mamba black but It's a good product. I'm working on some software for the Easylase that will be for live shows with sync to bass, playlist and random images. It's my old software updated so even a DJ could use it.
    You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!

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