Simple question. Does Blu-Ray disks coming about mean it will drive down Blue DPSS lasers? Especially when Blu-Ray burners come out.
Simple question. Does Blu-Ray disks coming about mean it will drive down Blue DPSS lasers? Especially when Blu-Ray burners come out.
Simple answer: No.
Blu-Ray lasers lase at 405 nm, which is just about at the limits of human vision. It will appear *many* times dimmer than the same power at, say, 457 nm. (The output from a blu-ray diode is really almost UV, not blue at all...)
So, even if you could eventually buy a 100 mw blu-ray diode for something like $1000, you'd still be better of with just 30 mw of DPSS blue!
well that sucks! Oh well
Yeah, pretty much. Solid state blue is going to be expensive for a while yet...Originally Posted by DjDevNull
anyone seen the blues that arctos are making ? based on violet diodes........ similar concept to their red diodes... except blue (or violet).
In reality, the colours you get from mixing this with green and red look nice but they are very dim...
Now proudly stocking and offering the best deals on laser-wave
check this out
That's funny, buch of ignorant fools, but funny none the less... Or are we just geeks... :roll: I wouldn't spend $2000, but it's still kinda cool. 8)Originally Posted by DjDevNull
Love, peace, and grease,
allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin
What is even funnier is that it looks like that top post was posted by me
So guess that there must be another laserlikey with the same name as me .... or some one is posting under my name
All the best .... Karl
Awww man... I didn't mean you... they weren't all ignorant, just most of the responses I looked at... MAinly about WL using this as an advertisement... :roll:Originally Posted by Banthai
There IS an interesting area of 14U, the one who, to me, it looks like posted the first article... Gadget models....
Doesn't change the fact that 405 nm light (ie: blu-ray) is going to be darned near invisible to the human eye when compared to the 473 nm blue of a dpss unit. A 20 mw blu-ray diode isn't going to be anywhere near as impressive as a 5 mw dpss blue.
I think I'll wait 'till dpss blue's come down in price. Or just bite the bullet and build a big, honkin' projector to house a large frame argon laser. If you select just the 456 nm line, you'll have one hell of a deep blue that is still fairly visible to the human eye. (Yeah, you'll be wasting 90% of the beam, but who cares?) Or you could take all the blue lines up through 488nm and end up with a really bright source of blue (up to 50% of the total output of the Argon). Of course, your color balance would suck, but hey - you can't have everything!