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Thread: SELEM 6: Aug 16 - 19 Sign up now!

  1. #1
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    Charleston, SC

    Smile SELEM 6: Aug 16 - 19 Sign up now!

    It's time for another South Eastern Laser Enthusiast's Meeting!

    Location is the same as always: The Newton-Conover Auditorium in Newton, North Carolina. Load-in and setup will be on Thursday, August 16th from Noon until 5 PM, with the pre-SELEM dinner party starting at 6 PM.

    SELEM will officially start on Friday, August 17th at 10 AM. As usual, we will run until Midnight on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday we will need to shut things down around 5 PM so we can be out of the building by 7 PM.

    I'd like to try something new this time. Several people have requested that the main auditorium be dedicated to running shows pretty much continuously. That would mean we would only have a few projectors set up in there. (One graphics projector aimed towards the screen and two beam projectors on stage aimed towards the audience.) DZ and RGB-gas are working together to bring a fiber-fed, dual-head projector and a 6 watt whitelight gas laser to run graphics on, and I'm hoping that allthatwhichis will be able to provide a matched pair of 1 watt RGB projectors for beam work in the auditorium.

    However, one of the big draws for this event is seeing lots of projectors set up all at once. If we only have a few projectors in the auditorium, we won't be able to do the "club-SELEM" bit where we have everyone's projector running simultaneously with live music. So I've negotiated permission for us to use the cafeteria as a secondary laser display area. The plan is to take the scaffolding that we used to use on the stage and set it up in the cafeteria instead. That will give us more than enough space to put everyone's projector up. We can also set up a separate sound system (possibly including some turntables), so we'll be able to run live music and live laser shows in there. Unfortunately, we won't be able to get in to the cafeteria to set things up until Friday afternoon at around 3 PM. Also, we will probably need to cover the windows...

    This is going to cost us another 30% or so, but I think we can still make it work with our budget. I also think the extra space will be nice, as it started to feel a little crowded at times last year. So unless I hear a bunch of negative feedback, I'm going to go ahead with this plan. (Translation: if you don't like this idea, SPEAK UP NOW while I still have time to change things...)

    The attendance fee this year will be $60 per person, and for that you get an official SELEM shirt along with your admission. You are welcome to bring adult family or friends as your guest(s), but remember that you will be responsible for supervising them. (They will have to sign a waiver too.) Please do not abuse the guest provision: if your buddy is a laser hobbyist, he's not really your guest. He should be registering himself. But if you've got a neighbor or family member who is merely curious about lasers (or just wants to check out the shows), feel free to bring them along as your guest(s).

    I don't have the shirt logo design finalized yet, but it will probably will not be as elaborate as last year. The company I have to use this year has a different pricing structure, so I can't go crazy with the design or the shirts will be prohibitively expensive. The plan is to continue to offer extra shirts for the same $20 as in previous years. (More details about the shirts as we get closer...) Please note that the shirt order will need to be finalized at least 3 weeks in advance, so if you sign up late you won't get a shirt. (Translation: sign up early!) NOTE: Shirt order is now closed (7-31-2012)

    If you have specific shows you want to display in the auditorium, you'll need to reply in this thread with the specifics (graphics or beam show, basic content, and run length). Once I have a master list, I'll post a schedule for the main auditorium. (At a minimum, I'll be running Pink Floyd's Best of Echos graphics show from Mike Dunn, which runs about 1 hour.)

    Likewise, if you've got gear that you want to bring, please reply in this thread with what you are bringing so we can make sure we have enough scaffold set up for everyone (and enough tables for all the computers in the cafeteria). And if anyone would like to volunteer their time for special presentations, that would be great. (I've already had several requests for a repeat of Displaser's "Home-made Lumia" presentation...)

    As before, I'm planning on Mario to bring the bulk of the audio gear. If we need help with the second sound system for the cafeteria, we'll ask about it here, but I'm pretty sure we'll have it covered. Lazerjock will be handling the lanyards/name tags and the waivers. And Flecom and allthatwhichis will be setting up the network as before.

    With regard to the auditorium projectors, if you have shows that run on Pangolin gear, all you need is the show content on a thumbdrive. We'll have a few computers set up at the back of the house to run the projectors. But if you have shows that run on other hardware (Mamba/easylase, or Spaghetti/sound card DAC), then you'll need to allow time to set up your computer in the auditorium so you can connect to the ILDA cables feeding the projectors. (We'd like to keep the auditorium dark for most of the time so we can keep the shows running.)

    Just like last year, the backstage area will be set aside for the buy-sell-swap tables and for work on ion lasers. And we'll keep the main curtains on the stage closed, so people can mill around backstage and work on stuff as needed. We will also have access to the upstairs classroom area if we need it.

    I'm sure there are a bunch of things that I've forgotten, but when folks remind me I'll post them in this thread! For now, I'd like to get some quick feedback on the cafeteria idea, and I'd also like to know who's going to be able to make it this year. The $60 entrance fee can be set via paypal to


    Here's a list of the people who have signed up so far:

    Firstlight_Mike (Mike Dunn)
    X-Laser (Dan Goldsmith)
    Pangolin (Bill Benner)
    Jeff (Jeffreythe00)
    Dr Evil
    David Walker (Lasernet)
    Javier Ramirez (Lasernet)
    Owen Murphy (X-laser)

    T minus 5 days and counting 'till setup...

    Reminder: shirt order is now closed. You can still sign up for SELEM, but you probably won't get a shirt.

    See attached liability waiver, which you will need to sign upon your arrival at SELEM.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails SELEMrelease2012.doc.pdf  

    Last edited by buffo; 08-12-2012 at 10:55. Reason: updated attendee list

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Knoxville, TN


    Wow, right in between a festival gig in GA and Burning Man... but I'm in! I can bring some audio gear if it would help (QSC powered system, mixer, dj equipment, whatever). I'll likely bring 2x4W blue projectors a 4W RGB, a couple of FB3s, etc etc. It'll be good to see everyone again!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Laurel, MD


    Looking forward to it!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Knoxville, TN, USA


    Big THUMBS UP on the idea to keep "shows" and "Club SELEM" in separate parts of the venue!!

    The auditorium setup sounds perfect -
    It would be great to be able to run mixed sets of graphics / beam / hybrid shows without having to reconfigure the hardware each time!

    Metrologic HeNe 3.3mw Modulated laser, 2 Radio Shack motors, and a broken mirror.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Miami, FL


    don't know if I am going to go this year...

    who am I kidding of course I will

    only thing that sucks about the auditorium setup is my shows use my beam tables so would be no point in running them

  6. #6
    Bradfo69's Avatar
    Bradfo69 is offline Pending BST Forum Purchases: $47,127,283.53
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    1 - flecoms mobo's need to be in the auditorium

    2 - do I need to bring the snake if we're revamping the set up?

    3 - dear God in heaven - make sure Stuka's show is played properly this year - I don't like him to be upset

    4 - wont know until I pack the car but, I'm good for probably 6-8 projectors if I get ambitious, and hell... there's 90 some days left

    5 - Depending upon certain variables I may have a show or two

    6 - I'm running out of smileys... oh yeah, I remember.... "You've Got Money"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by massivesound View Post
    Wow, right in between a festival gig in GA and Burning Man... but I'm in! I can bring some audio gear if it would help
    That might be helpful, Brad. I'm going to defer to Mario though. He's setting up the audio again this year, so I'll let him comment on what we might need. Given that we'll need two sound systems (one for the auditorium, one for the cafeteria), he may appreciate the help.

    Note that I'm also looking for a volunteer to figure out some way to black out the windows of the cafeteria... Anyone care to take up the challenge? (I can get measurements from Reggie.)
    I'll likely bring 2x4W blue projectors a 4W RGB, a couple of FB3s, etc etc.
    Sounds fantastic! I have a special request though: If you bring the dual blue projectors, can you *PLEASE* bring the hardware you need to use the Wii-Mote with them? Because I know I'd love to see that setup in action again, and I'm sure several others would as well. (Especially the ones who missed out on the KnoxLEM and have never seen it.)
    Quote Originally Posted by araugh View Post
    Looking forward to it!
    Hey Adam! Will be great to see you there again. Any chance that Dan or Joe will be able to come too?
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuka View Post
    Big THUMBS UP on the idea to keep "shows" and "Club SELEM" in separate parts of the venue!!
    I got lots of feedback from last year, which is why we're doing things differently this year. I think it will work out better like this, since there will be "something for everyone".
    It would be great to be able to run mixed sets of graphics / beam / hybrid shows without having to reconfigure the hardware each time!
    That's the general idea. We'll still have to do a little reconfiguring when we hook up different controllers, but the projectors should stay the same for the entire event, which makes things a lot easier. Right now the plan is for front-projected graphics from DZ's dual-head projector (which some of us saw at the last FLEM), and standard left-right RGB beam projectors on-stage.

    If we need another RGB on stage for rear-projection graphics we can probably work something out, but that means setting up a scrim, which could be tricky. If anyone feels we need to support rear-projection, please post below and we'll get the details worked out now.
    Quote Originally Posted by flecom View Post
    only thing that sucks about the auditorium setup is my shows use my beam tables so would be no point in running them
    Oh I think there is a point! We can set your beam rails in the auditorium on Thursday and run them on Friday. Then, once we can get into the cafeteria area Friday afternoon, we can move them in there and continue to run them all weekend. It just means that we need to run your custom shows first.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bradfo69 View Post
    1 - flecoms mobo's need to be in the auditorium
    I agree that they need to be there for his shows, but he's the only one who has taken time to put DMX cues into his shows to trigger the beam rails. So once he's run all his shows, I think it makes more sense to put them in the cafeteria where they can be triggered live from a lighting console in sync with the live music in there. Well, that's my opinion anyway. If you or Frank have something else in mind, that's cool too...
    2 - do I need to bring the snake if we're revamping the set up?
    I'm thinking we will need the large mixer in the cafeteria, which I assume means we will need the snake in there too. In the auditorium we will probably just have a small mixer set up - either one that Mario brings, or we can use my Alesis Studio 24 if we want. I'm going to leave the audio decisions to you, Frank and Mario though. You guys know more about it than I ever will.
    3 - dear God in heaven - make sure Stuka's show is played properly this year - I don't like him to be upset.
    Neither do I, and yes, missing out on Randy's show was one of the reasons for this change. But several other people had input too, and the bottom line is that we've got this awesome auditorium and it seems such a shame to waste so much of the time we have in there, so we're going to try to use it more efficiently this year.
    4 - wont know until I pack the car but, I'm good for probably 6-8 projectors if I get ambitious, and hell... there's 90 some days left
    Sounds great! I'll bring a couple tripods for the beam projectors on-stage, which will leave us all the scaffold (plus 3 to 5 extra tripods) to use for projectors in the cafeteria. Would be really cool if we could crack the 20-projector-at-once record this year!
    5 - Depending upon certain variables I may have a show or two
    Cooooool! Hoping to have two new ones myself. Maybe three, but we'll see I guess.
    6 - "You've Got Money"
    OK Brad, you win! You're the second person who has registered for SELEM. (I was the first - duh...)


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffo View Post
    That might be helpful, Brad. I'm going to defer to Mario though. He's setting up the audio again this year, so I'll let him comment on what we might need. Given that we'll need two sound systems (one for the auditorium, one for the cafeteria), he may appreciate the help.

    Note that I'm also looking for a volunteer to figure out some way to black out the windows of the cafeteria... Anyone care to take up the challenge? (I can get measurements from Reggie.)

    Sounds fantastic! I have a special request though: If you bring the dual blue projectors, can you *PLEASE* bring the hardware you need to use the Wii-Mote with them? Because I know I'd love to see that setup in action again, and I'm sure several others would as well. (Especially the ones who missed out on the KnoxLEM and have never seen it.)
    Sounds good! I always roll with the wii controller setup... it's improved now with dual control to two FB3s through Beyond!

    I may be able to help with the windows... black felt or blankets with some gaff usually does the trick cheaply and nicely. Lets talk as the date approaches.

    I was basically volunteering a smaller sound system for the cafeteria, since Mario's system is larger. I'll contact him and see if he needs any additional equipment. It would also be great if the club/DJ room was more accessible to other DJs... I'm no prodj but I'd love to play some music at clubSELEM this year, and I'm sure others would as well =)

  9. #9
    Bradfo69's Avatar
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    Oooooo...... just had a thought! Does "cafeteria" mean "commercial kitchen??" Humm... I smell food cooking! That little thing next to the office leaves a *bit* to be desired when feeding the masses. Proper equipment could be bangin'. Assure Reggie there is a professional inquiring as to the use.

    A fryer would be the sh*t!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Orlando, Florida


    It looks like I won't be able to make it to SELEM this year. Now that I'm working and have money flowing again I am planning to take time off over Lobor Day weekend to fly my plane down from Ohio to Florida. As you know I've been waiting for this for a long time. I dont' have the time available or the finances to do both. I would move the flight to another time, but things have already been planned and put into motion. Ian did a great job with the sample plastic name tag he made last year. Maybe he can take over this year. Ian what do you think? I can provide him with all of my file and graphics if needed.


    BTW I plan to fly to SELEM 2013 and possibly the next FLEM.

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