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Thread: SELEM 6: Aug 16 - 19 Sign up now!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Payment received, John!

    By the way, I have confirmed that we will have the same group rates as last year at the Holiday Inn Express. So if you want to stay there, give them a call at (828) 465-7070 and tell them you are with the SELEM group. You get a regular room for $79 (that's either two double beds or a single king), and you can get a suite for $99. (The suite makes it very easy to split a room with one or two other people. If you're looking to save some money, the suite is the way to go.)

    They have 25 rooms blocked out for us. They will give us more than that if they are available, but the 25 rooms are reserved exclusively for us. Once they're gone, it's first-come, first-served.

    Finally, we also have access to the conference room off the main lobby area for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. That way you young bucks can have your after-party until the wee hours of the morning! (Sorry, but at my age I just can't hang with you guys anymore!)


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Well, I'm in.

    SELEM is sort of a big deal.

    I'll send my fee in soon and see about coercing some other people to show up as well.


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Looking forward to seeing you there, Jonathan! (And really looking forward to seeing your 3 watt green monster in action again too!)

    Regarding the cafeteria area, I've got some pictures from Reggie that show the interior of the cafeteria area. This is where we'll be setting up the scaffold for the multiple-projector displays. There are a lot of windows to cover, but the space is HUGE! I think it will work out very well for us, assuming we can get it dark enough. Here are a couple pics:

    We can use those tables if we want, or we can fold them up to get more space. My guess is we'll use the ones with bench seating, and fold up the smaller ones with the round disc seats. Also, we can use that display screen for graphics if we want to.

    Regarding the kitchen area, I have been informed that we will not be able to use any of the equipment in there. The school is worried about liability, so they said no. (The cafeteria is owned by the school, not the auditorium, and the school is a lot more uncomfortable with other groups using their facilities.) Also, there will only be 110V power available in the cafeteria. No 220, and no 3 phase either.

    If you'd like to see more pictures of the cafeteria area, have a look in the gallery. I've got a bunch more pictures in my album for the SELEM venue.

    And finally, after a few discussions with some SELEM regulars, it's come to my attention that I really need to address the issue of concealed weapons. (Yeah, you heard that right.) I can't believe I have to post this in public, but here goes:

    While I fully support everyone's individual right to keep and bear arms, and I also support concealed carry laws, I need to emphasize that NO CONCEALED WEAPONS OF ANY KIND are ever allowed at SELEM. This is to protect both the venue and the attending guests.

    Really, there's no good reason for anyone to be armed at SELEM anyway. There is zero chance of a credible threat at this location. On the other hand, it is a large group of people, there are often minors present, and alcohol is being consumed on the premises. None of these things are a good mix with firearms.

    So just to reiterate: no weapons at SELEM. Period. If you are found to have one on your person, the police will be called and you will be politely escorted out of the building. This is for everyone's safety. I hope those of you who normally carry concealed will understand, but if this is a deal breaker for you, please do not sign up to attend. (I really don't want to have to deal with a situation like this!)


  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Knoxville, TN


    Oh wow I hadn't seen that room before... That looks great! Be fun to target those globes for chase effects... Definitely going to need a *lot* of fabric to cover the windows! For some reason I thought when you said the cafeteria you were referring to that room where we normally eat during SELEM.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by massivesound View Post
    Oh wow I hadn't seen that room before... That looks great! Be fun to target those globes for chase effects...
    Yeah, we've never used this room before, even though most people drove right past the building in past years without even knowing it. (It's on your left as you pass the chain-link fence on the way to the loading dock area behind the auditorium.)
    Definitely going to need a *lot* of fabric to cover the windows!
    I agree. I'm trying to get a count of how many windows total, along with an accurate measurement of the size of each one. The venue manager has been very busy, however, so it may take me another few days to get that information.
    For some reason I thought when you said the cafeteria you were referring to that room where we normally eat during SELEM.
    You are the second person to tell me that. The area we used to eat in was the lobby outside the auditorium. (Where they had the grand piano and all the artwork hanging on the walls.) But this is the school cafeteria, which is separate from the auditorium building. That's why we need a second sound system. It will be completely separate from the auditorium, so we can be doing two things at once!


  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Grand Rapids, Mi


    Just curious will there be any sort of schedule for the Club type cafeteria? WIll any shows ever be shown in there or will it just be live? For me the most interesting part was watching the beam shows play back on so many multiple heads,(being the nut in the balcony getting painted (this will be missed)) we only had this last year on friday for the most part, before it was changed up for less projectors for shows and then most of them for live.

    I know most prefer the cleaner look of the proper staged projectors for shows, and I am the odd one, but really liked them all fired up for the beam shows.

    Also if I bring a beam table what DMX assignments should it have? I am limited as I convert DMX to TTL.
    leading in trailing technology

  7. #27
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Native Floridian


    That cafeteria is going to be awesome for club SELEM, nice job getting that booked, Adam!

    For me the most interesting part was watching the beam shows play back on so many multiple heads,(being the nut in the balcony getting painted (this will be missed))
    Look at it this way, at club SELEM you can stand in the middle and get painted from both ends of the cafeteria!

    Sounds like SELEM is already shaping up to be another bad-ass event, can't wait!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Indeed. "Club-SELEM" should be pretty intense. But yeah, we don't have to run live music in there all the time. We can run synchronized beam shows (or even graphics shows) whenever we want.

    Opening up that area was my was of compromising. Many people were pushing to use the Auditorium for more choreographed shows with just a few projectors, and while I could see their point, I (and many others) still liked the idea of seeing 20 (or more) projectors all running at the same time. So now we can do both!

    It will be interesting to see which area fills up. My guess is that the Cafeteria will be a very popular place this year, but we'll see...

    Regarding a schedule, I'll have to see as we get closer. I did plan on having a schedule for the Auditorium, but I have a feeling that things will be a bit more chaotic in the cafeteria (much like the entire event has been in past years)!


  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Maine USA


    I might be able to make my way there! I'll already be halfway down the country from my place that week anyway!
    1st place ILDA 2013 awards "Multiscanner show"
    1st place ILDA 2014 awards "Multiscanner show"
    My start to the laser world

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Knoxville, TN, USA


    Stage layout question:

    For the auditorium main stage, how much open "floor" space should we have available between the base of the screen and edge of the stage?

    I used some "floor level" DMX lighting to supplement the lasers for my Christmas shows this past year, and it worked out surprisingly well.
    If we have the room, I wouldn't mind trying a similar approach for a couple of my SELEM shows - and stepping it up a notch or 2!

    The arrangement I'm thinking about might also open up some possibilities for some interesting beam bounces, and I think I can muster up a spare 1-watt green projector to make it "doable"...
    Last edited by Stuka; 05-24-2012 at 15:55.

    Metrologic HeNe 3.3mw Modulated laser, 2 Radio Shack motors, and a broken mirror.

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