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Thread: PM Storage Limits

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    hmm..i also agree with you Also my paid subscription has recently been cancelled from Spec's end. I've seen others that have de-blued. Any ideas what's going on? that a good pint

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by gottaluvlasers View Post
    Its doing it AGAIN!!! this is starting to piss me off!!!
    Yours looks blue right now. Not sure if you meant that or the PM thing, though. But if it is the name colour thing, try purging cookies, because logged-in status might be more complex than it need be, and a clean start is the first thing we can try. I often see erratic logged-in state weirdness so I'm fairly sure the mechanism is not a simple one.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by merry123 View Post
    hmm..i also agree with you Also my paid subscription has recently been cancelled from Spec's end. I've seen others that have de-blued. Any ideas what's going on? that a good pint
    Wasn't me.

    Turns out Paypal changed something about how they handle the transaction handshake and vbulletin devs didn't get the memo quick enough. So in the time it took them to update vbulletin and get patches out - all the transactions failed causing them to cancel on the paypal side which sends out the automated $ACCOUNT_HOLDER cancelled $USER Subscription emails.

    Was quite the mess. Still kind of is.

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