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Thread: Safety Wiki, Pilot Episode...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    SoCal / San Salvador / NY

    Lightbulb Safety Wiki, Pilot Episode...

    ...This Song is Dedicated to My Pal, ElectroFork....

    OK, so, #1, please don't kill me all at once, just in case I'm reeealy stoopid and...

    ...#2, Cap'n Spec, please feel-free to put it in a more 'correct place', than I have... ('Main Page'???... wasn't quite-sure how to create a 'New Page'... ) - but, hey...
    it's a start, ya'll...

    When time-permits, I'll try and start a feeder to other 'x-linked-wikis', that will be appropriate for the 'next-level info' - ie: 'How To Fill Out XYZ'... tips / advice, etc, etc...

    From there, such-can 'blossom right-out' into, ie: 'How to Align RGB dichros'; 'Near-field vs Far-Field alignment'; 'All-about PBSs', 'How NOT to be a ProDJ' , etc, etc, etc...
    Just so'z to make it a bit 'easier' on everyone, when the 'saplings' come-in and are all, 'How do I do this and that, tell me NOW NOW NOW!', etc...

    Of course, we will want to avoid posting 'senstitive info' (ie: 'Co.-specific Info', such-as Projector Acc#s...(don't want 'n00bs' just filling-out Variance apps with projector-info,
    they may or may-not actually own); How to Convert a Laserscope to fit on the front of your Mountainbike etc, etc...)

    ...But anything helpful to aid newcomers / 'beginners' on their 'journey to Certification' (...for those intent on that path...) and / or for general curiosity / info / to satisfy the 'conspiracy-theorists', (the ones that taunt that 'no one around here really cares / does anything about promoting safety, etc...)

    So, please, feel free to 'correct' me / the Wik...
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Knoxville, TN, USA


    Good idea all around, including the the subjects for the follow-on content.
    Thanks for starting this!

    Metrologic HeNe 3.3mw Modulated laser, 2 Radio Shack motors, and a broken mirror.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    Hey! Wiki content! heh.

    The issue I am having right now involves how to structure the thing... Wikipedia is arguably the best example of this but the amount of data they have to organize is, on the thinnest of days, a hundred thousand times what we will end up sorting.

    As such I don't think that having a hard structure like

    Main Page
    ------Regulatory Agencies

    is really needed or useful... At least not for a really long time...

    As of right now I put them each in their own entry and then hard linked them from the main page. Hope this works for the time being until a "heir apparent" structure is designed.

    Also, new pages are a little odd to create, but heres how I do it:

    Edit the main page and add a "topic" like this [[Topic]]

    That will hard link a wiki page with the title of topic to it and then from there you just dump your content/edit/re-link.

    To generate headings inside a wiki doc use ==Heading==

    One of the "special" things about headings is that after you get 3 or 4 of them on a page it generates a "Contents" box on that page.

    All and all... I'm still trying to figure this one out as I go. Currently have a project on the backburner to "wikificationize" the LaserFAQ in its entirety but can't come up with a good way to structure *then* automate the conversion. A bunch of the content in the faq, while wholly valid, would fit better under "talk" pages.

    Ohh hey, another thing. At the end of your entries you can "sign and date" them by using ~~~~

    I think this would be a good idea because it puts a face to the data and should help minimize the talking out of ones ass problem I see on a lot of tiny wikis.

    Anywho. Mediawiki is a complicated system and there are number of quirks with the "bridge" between vbulletin and mediawiki but I imagine I will get the hang of "it" eventually.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    SoCal / San Salvador / NY

    Thumbs up

    Howdy Cap'n...

    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post
    Hey! Wiki content! heh.

    As of right now I put them each in their own entry and then hard linked them from the main page.
    Much obliged, Sir! Did a little 're-arrange', added a little more 'detail' to the sub-section link-titles ('verbose', yes, I know, but I'm sure at least one of our 'international brethren', down the road, would undoubtedly post the question: umm, what is a "FAA", please? ) and so forth...

    Thanks for breaking-out those 'compartments', yes, that makes it easier to 'mod / add-to' each of them, as-appropriate...

    Now, I expect the likes of Marc (gottaluv) and Dan (X-Laser) to help me 'keep up with this', since we're probably among the most-often in-touch with the powerz dat bee, and can, thus, be on top of who's in charge, this-week... Specifically, ie:, I ran into a delay in early Nov. with the Western Region FAA contact having changed (from what was listed on the FAA-pages, there) and it had not yet been-updated... I did not note this 'new' person in the 'wiki', since they have since-updated their own page... So, it's correct, once-again... (for now...)

    This is great, Cap'n... Extra thanks for adding this... I can see this (as people are willing to support / add-to it, like Sir Stuka well-noted... really becoming a great asset to us all / future PL'ers... LONG LIVE THE KING!!!

    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  5. #5
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    Feb 2007



    For future reference use "piped links" like this:


    This avoids having "hard links" to full page URL's and it makes it easier to manage in the long run. I already piped the links on main, enter the editor mode if you want to get a feel for the syntax in a live environment.

    To link straight out to a page without alt.text just bracket it like this:


    Also, just "double enter" after you make the link, no need for <br>/<p> tags.

    I need to start thinking of branching out and rewarding verified wiki entries and start duplicating some of the "good threads" people talk about around here.

    Hrrm... Might even be a good idea to have new page submission guidelines that include things like "general description" and header blocks.

    Furthermore: I know a few people around here are "syntax challenged" but have enormous amounts of data they could feed the wiki with. I will be glad to convert the text over to wiki format if they provide the base info like "page name" "header" etc, etc.

    This whole process deserves a specific place to discuss the ideas/entries... maybe after a few dozen wiki entries I can build a wiki sub-forum or something.

    I'm open to suggestions on how this should be handled. As it stands right now this is a "big change" to the back-end of PL and it needs a more structured approach to hopefully avoid a massive retooling in the future.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    Bam, Search engine here at PL proper now sorts wiki entries above posts. That should eventually make the search system here suck marginally less.

    Just tried the search with CDRH and it brought up the title *and* the full-text search from main_page.

    Think of it. In the future we might be able to say "Use the search Luke", provide a query, and actually have it reply with something that is wholly valid.

  7. #7
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    SoCal / San Salvador / NY

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post

    For future reference use "piped links" like this:
    Ah, excellent - thanks for the 'skooling' - that's was what I was 'missing', the magic "|" - got the 'internal vs external links'-thinggy, but could not figure out that part-o... thankums...

    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post
    I need to start thinking of branching out and rewarding verified wiki entries and start duplicating some of the "good threads" people talk about around here.
    Great idea! How about we pool some funds and get an order of, like, 'Retardo T's' or 'Retardo Stickers' made-up, and, when folks rack up 'RetardoBux' via their Wiki-contributions, well, after a certain 'level', they get some 'RetardoTreats'!

    ...or something like that...

    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post
    ... Might even be a good idea to have new page submission guidelines that include things like "general description" and header blocks.
    Yeah, exactly the 'point' I was inferring when I questioned, 'is the Main Page the 'right place' for the Safety-Info Wiki?' - Perhaps the Main Page should be such-'guidelines',
    and then, the 'newest' Wiki, can-be the 'Safety'... ??

    ...but, I guess, all in due-time...

    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post
    Think of it. In the future we might be able to say "Use the search Luke", provide a query, and actually have it reply with something that is wholly valid.
    Wikitastik!!! (...sorry...

    Thanks, Cap'n....
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  8. #8
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    SoCal / San Salvador / NY

    Lightbulb Updated...

    Hey Kats -

    In, um, 'light' of all the recent hullaballoo / crisis over the 2.5K+ 'incidents' in the US-skies last year, from pointer-based cockpit-illuminations, PL Wiki is now updated with the linx to ILDA's very fine little sitelet, "FYI"...

    Disclaimer: this is *NOT* any-sort of 'political-commentary / attack' on any 'LPF / CPF'ers', so let's not even 'go-there' with the 'conspiracy-theories'....
    This is just a posting of helpful info....for *everyone*.... ZERO 'hidden agendas', alrighty?

    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by dsli_jon View Post
    Hey Kats -

    In, um, 'light' of all the recent hullaballoo / crisis over the 2.5K+ 'incidents' in the US-skies last year, from pointer-based cockpit-illuminations, PL Wiki is now updated with the linx to ILDA's very fine little sitelet, "FYI"...

    Disclaimer: this is *NOT* any-sort of 'political-commentary / attack' on any 'LPF / CPF'ers', so let's not even 'go-there' with the 'conspiracy-theories'....
    This is just a posting of helpful info....for *everyone*.... ZERO 'hidden agendas', alrighty?

    Is the Wiki for safety only, or will it host other stuff too?

    I have some, mmm, resources that I'm sure would be beneficial, at least to a degree.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    SoCal / San Salvador / NY


    Hey Mr A -

    Quote Originally Posted by goninanbl00d View Post
    Is the Wiki for safety only, or will it host other stuff too?
    No, create-away! Ideally, we just want to #1, keep the 'Safety / Regs'-stuff, *first* / 'on-top', and any 'sub-pages', linked-back; And, #2, for 'Other Topics', branch-off, create a 'New Page', and link-back, as-relevant, so as not to have ALL of any one info-topic's 'guts' on the Main Page... The Main Page should be like a 'Table of Contents' / Qwik-linx, etc, to the 'deeper' info / pages...

    You could also start a New 'Category', so like, we have the 'Main / Safety Page', then, ie: a 'Tips for Projector Builders' Cat, then maybe 'Direct Injection Main', then 'DPSS Main', then 'Ion Main', etc, etc - each with their own 'Main Page' and sub-topics / linked-pages, etc... Also-see Admins' fine-suggestions, in this thread...

    Fire away!
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

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