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Thread: Dutchlem 2013 - Friday 15 until Sunday 17 FEBRUARY !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Netherlands

    Default Dutchlem 2013 - Friday 15 until Sunday 17 FEBRUARY !

    Hi All,

    Today i had a nice conversation with McCarrot about a new DutchLEM.
    We agreed i would organise the LEM in February in MARRUM and McCarrot would organise the Dutchlem in Ilpendam after Summer Holiday.

    Ok, so i called the caretaker Fred and went by to make some agreements.
    The date which was still free was February 15 until February 17th 2013 (Friday to Sunday!).
    We can sleep in the hall, he can make us breakfast for ridiculously low prices, you can order beer for low prices to, snacks are on order.

    City Hall "De Nije Tille"
    Ringweg 21
    9073 HG MARRUM
    The Netherlands

    The only thing he asked is if he could invite people again for a 1 hour show on Saturday from 8.30pm till 9.30pm.
    These people will be mainly his family and some friends from the village. He will charge them 2 euros (Cup of coffee included).
    This way he can raise some money for the repairs / future enhancements of the hall.
    For instance, when we are there there will be cable internet (possibly 80Mbit).

    I said, just like last time, i don't object if it will help him raise some money (we pay the ridiculously low rent of 100 euro for 3 days).
    If we set price to 20 euros per person i am sure i can talk him into delivering us a fabulous chinese buffet again on Saturday night (which was 12 euro's last time per person) and free coffee and tea all weekend! Maybe he will include breakfasts in that amount too, i will keep you posted. You can sleep in the former 3 class rooms in the hall, so no need for hotel rooms.

    If it is really a problem we can also organise the event 1 week later but for now i'd like to see who would be interested if we organised it 15-17th February!

    Who is interested ? I will update the topic with the names of the people who show interest.

    1. Dimitri
    2. Manfred
    3. Reinder

    Koen ?
    I didn't fail !
    I just found out 10,000 ways that didn't work.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Bree North West, Middle-Earth



    I would like to make this event, if it is Ok with you? Hopefully some more of the Uk crowd could join? I would personally prefer one week later, as this is the weekend after Valentines Day and normally I take my partner away that weekend. But as we are getting married next year, I am sure she would understand Sorry for romance in a post, but we Brits can be romantic! Anyway she knows the rules are "love me, love my lasers" lol

    Sounds great, so count me in!



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Wiltshire, UK


    Steve, man up. Show her who's boss from the start, or you will end up like me. Down trodden.

    I would love to attend, and the boss says yes. Only thing as last time is transport, Bit of a struggle on a plane with kit so if any other UK member fancy driving and would likr someone to share the costs, give me a shout. I missed the first one and would love to make it to this one.

    Squat that bug,

    One day I'll finish my build.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Amsterdam, NL


    I'm in, I think I will be there at saturday and sunday>

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    i would like to be there too, its a 3 hour drive i am willing to take

    i am just wondering, i have only just started, and my stuff is too cheap-ass to take for show-and-tell

    i suppose its no problem i leave my stuff home, besides i broke my only galvo scanner too

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    I'm in too!

    Quote Originally Posted by mrfloppy View Post
    i would like to be there too, its a 3 hour drive i am willing to take

    i am just wondering, i have only just started, and my stuff is too cheap-ass to take for show-and-tell

    i suppose its no problem i leave my stuff home, besides i broke my only galvo scanner too
    Please bring your stuff, hobbyist projects are much more interesting than this 13 in a dozen multiwatt megabucks projector.
    Besides, galvo mirrors can be glued.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    I will be there maybe. With a few new 3~4 laser projector beamshows and graphics shows.
    No ponies I promise.

    I might take 3 to 4 laser projectors with me.
    All RGB

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Yes i totally agree Bart!!! Projects are great to see. I bring a few modules and maybe a projector.

    Interested in 6-12W RGB projectors with low divergence? Contact me by PM!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Netherlands


    Hey dudes, you all rock.
    I would love to see the guys from England teaming up and driving together to get here. It's too much fun and hopefully other people will be interested to join me too in coming over in April to the UKLEM which is also always very nice.
    Bring all your projects along, be it a multimillion dollar projector you bought or your home made projector in a wooden box.
    We all started once you know, so bring your kit, maybe someone will be able to help you fix your gear if it is broken or needs improvements.
    These events have shown to be the most valuable events in learning stuff. People are willing to share in this easy and cosy atmosphere more easily.
    And all the persons together have a vast amount of knowledge so don't miss this ! be there !
    I didn't fail !
    I just found out 10,000 ways that didn't work.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Hi Dimus

    I'm not already say yes to this but i think i will come over, at least for 1 day.

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