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  1. #1
    mixedgas's Avatar
    mixedgas is offline Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
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    This thread to become a closed sticky linking pdfs with no comments attached. Do not reply as your reply will be deleted by Admin soon. These files are for PL members only, and not to be linked or hosted on other sites. When done it will have 3 PDFs, one for the Glossary, one for the Test Pattern, and one for the ILDA Standard Connector. I asked ILDA's Executive Director for permission to post a historical copy of some portions of the ILDA Standards For Laser Display for historical and education reasons. Here is his gracious reply:

    Steve --

    Thanks very much for calling me to ask about permission to reprint selected
    information about the ILDA Test Pattern, ILDA signal levels, and the
    complete ILDA Glossary.

    I hereby give permission for this to be disseminated on the PhotonLexicon
    thread about these issues, in order to bring the participants up to speed
    on these important facts.

    You can make a PDF of these. The first page of the PDF must include the
    following text (e.g., cut-and-paste this and make it a standard
    human-readable text page, before the ILDA pages):

    This material is copyrighted by the International Laser Display
    Association. Permission is given to O. Steven Roberts to scan this for the
    use of PhotonLexicon forum members in a discussion in January 2014.
    PhotonLexicon members on the discussion may have a copy but may not
    disseminate it further without written permission from ILDA (contact

    The full ILDA Standards are available for Members in the Members-Only
    section of the ILDA website,, by direction of the ILDA
    Board of Directors. Memberships start at about $50 for students and about
    $125 for individuals.

    Steve, thanks VERY much for your help on getting this information out there!

    -- Patrick Murphy, ILDA Executive Director
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ILDA_Glossary1.pdf  



    Last edited by mixedgas; 01-23-2014 at 20:05.
    Qui habet Christos, habet Vitam!
    I should have rented the space under my name for advertising.
    When I still could have...

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