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Thread: iShow3.0(not update from iShow2.3, it is a completely new software)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Guangzhou, China.

    Default iShow3.0(not update from iShow2.3, it is a completely new software)

    Hello , everyone :
    The iShow 3.0 is a completely new laser show software, it is a powerful laser show software.

    Some of specifications:
    a)Can work with both 32 bits and 64 bits computer system.
    b)Using Ethernet port as interface , no need install driver.
    c)Using timeline and drag animations to edit shows.
    d)Support both TTL and Analog lasers.

    Here is the trial version for test :

    If you want to know more pleae contact me at:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails iShow01_??.jpg  



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    I will check the demo out. Any pictures of the controller interface?
    What is the price if ishow 3.0?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Guangzhou, China.


    Happy to get your reply, i have sent the information to your email,please check.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Sydney, Australia


    Jeez those cues look familar
    RTI Piko RGB 4 Projector
    CT6215 Scanners & CT 671 Amps; CT6210 & Medialas Microamps.
    RGBLaser Systems 6000mW RGB Module - 638nm/445nm/532
    LD2000 Pro + + Beyond
    Etherdream + LSX

    Old Projector Build

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    95% pangolin cues

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	buggy.png 
Views:	40 
Size:	93.2 KB 
ID:	45778
    - Very buggy.
    - Right clicking edit right away brings up an error *aka edit of a cue doesn't even work* *see image
    - Cue's play too fast in the preview and speed cannot be changed
    - Mirrored images on the bottom of preview screen at large sized graphics
    - page tabs are too small to click if you want too switch... where the buttons are big... Confusion if you guys wanted to do a touchscreen layout.. if you do then you really need to make the tab buttons bigger.
    - selection tool is misaligned with the cursor in the drawing tool
    - No undo feature
    - No way to make curves other then circkles
    - Layout shares similarities to quickshow but dumbed down as much as possible. *workspace ripoff*
    - You cannot edit page names or add more or remove
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	this.png 
Views:	202 
Size:	1.4 KB 
ID:	45777
    This one doesn't even work at all

    Who are the developers and how can they be reached?
    Unusable software... ilda import might also not work

    This is a poorly attempted copy of the quickshow layout and its frames

    Sorry Xinyu... "new software" but instantly stamped as bad... I also look down on the stealing of frames me and many other users work hard on.
    Last edited by masterpj; 12-22-2014 at 02:40. Reason: grammar

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Orlando, FL - USA


    Actually although all of these frames and animations were made using Pangolin software, the actual owner of the copyright of many of these frames and animations is Lightspeed Design Group. In 2003, Pangolin acquired an exclusive license to distribute these animations and include them with our software.

    By using these animations as iShow does, it infringes Lightspeed's copyrights. Moreover, by including these frames in the way that their software does, they contribute to further infringement of others.

    This is a serious matter! In 2006 Lightspeed went after another Chinese company for this -- AND WON! They were successful at forcing the company to remove the infringing content.

    I have brought this situation to the attention of Chris Ward: President of Lightspeed design, who will no doubt be taking action very soon.

    I do hope that the laser community will step up and support the right of the artists, by not only boycotting the sale of this software, but also speaking out very loudly that simply taking the artwork of others will not stand. If the laser community as a whole speaks out against piracy, then this will always be a bulwark and force companies to do the right thing.

    Best regards,

    William Benner

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Thank you for doing this bill.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I do hope that the laser community will step up and support the right of the artists, by not only boycotting the sale of this software, but also speaking out very loudly that simply taking the artwork of others will not stand. If the laser community as a whole speaks out against piracy, then this will always be a bulwark and force companies to do the right thing.

    Good luck with hoping. I,m as you strongly against copying because in a way its stealing someone elses their "art" but unfurtunally the "community" thinks otherwise. Don.t get me wrong , people that are copying things for own use that is totally fine but as soon as they start doing things commercially by selling it or using the design to make money with it that is where i draw the line. And when the design is being used private or commercially at least some form of thank you would be nice but that didn,t happen either........

    I believe there is always a choice, be original and design things of your own or get help if your stuck instead of taking the bad route.

    Unfortunally the average person doesn,t care as long as they can have it cheaper. But when they loose their job at the local factory where they work because a chinese copied "their"product all hell brakes loose.

    If the "world" can get their hands on "your" quickshow version that is not original but works the same way and half price they would buy it. They don,t buy your "original" one because they feel sorry for you. They will support (moneywise) the one that is the cheapest!

    Most people would say , you should have patent things so its your own fault but that is too easy. Smaller companies don,t have the cashflow to do that since it has to be done in each country. Besides if a chinese gets their hands on it they just grab it as they don,t care.

    Allot of people would say your being negative but i just display the reality. As soon as its about money the morals go out of the window and that is the world we are living in.

    How was it again? Better steal a good design then use a crappy design of your own

    Below a couple of examples:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails copying.png  

    Last edited by edison; 12-22-2014 at 11:55.

    Interested in 6-12W RGB projectors with low divergence? Contact me by PM!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Bill has patented quickshow and its interface. You cannot patent each frame you create. If you made something from scratch in software you legally own then you are the rightholder of said object unless stated otherwise through contract so this is just plain illigal no beating around the bush.

    It's not about morals here its about protecting people like me who rely on selling content....We sell... you benefit from it greatly by using it commercially and because you support us by buying our frames/content we also let you exploit that to the max... but only for your own use. if you don't do anything to protect them they will leave and there wont be any chinese people very soon to replace this can copy a frame but coming up with new ones requires skill.
    Multiple sections benefit from made content: We make content which builders of projectors can point fingers to that it was made and projected with their projectors to then sell physical products to others who want to be alike or display the content using the equipment used for the display.. the "Daddy I want what that guy has" kind of attitude.
    Same goes for laser software

    In the "workspace" *yes they called it workspace too.. they also have frames of other companies which are affected just as much.. people who share files for free share them because you can fetch them from there.. not include them with your software where the frames are used as an additional sales point.

    There is no hoping.. because once the creative section has enough they will have enough where as they will lock down their frames and content to serial numbers only and avoid distributing in ILDA format.
    The less open Photonlexicon FTP is an great example of this.
    Last edited by masterpj; 12-22-2014 at 12:29.

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