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Thread: SELEM 10 - Swap meet / Auxiliary communications

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    DC/VA metro area

    Default SELEM 10 - Swap meet / Auxiliary communications

    I figured I'd start an auxiliary thread for conversation about SELEM 10 that isn't people registering. My main purpose is swap meet / equipment / etc.

    Up for take, IE Decoders

    For me, 2 SELEMs ago I purchased some Image Engineering decoder boxes (and a few encoders) that I was dorking around with. In my adventures of working to add a direct USB dump ability I ended up with a number of MORE decoders (and maybe an encoder) thanks to the awesome Image Engineer company. Because of this generosity I'd like to pass on the love to my laser geek friends!

    Count funkula is already down for a decoder/encoder pair.

    If someone is interested in this system, I'm willing to give you a decoder and a VHS tape with some show data copied. I'll try to make as many tapes of content as possible. These are old units, they scan at around 8K PPS I think. Each 2u rackmount decoder box RX's a video signal containing digital data stuffed in the video signal and can output either 1 or 2 scannes + RGB + 3 digital outputs.

    If you are really interested, I only have a few encoders tops, but if someone would like to generate new content I'm willing to give those away. I have one that I accidentally spiked the input with too much power (10V) and it died, so one is in need of repair. Probably the ADC chip?

    I have some of the decoder schematic all done. The originals are gone.

    I'll have to get a count but I have quite a few of these boxes. Probably 8+ decoders.

    Other Ethans FS/FT/Wanted

    FS: Blackface ADAT, tape transport *SHOULD* work, untouched I/O boards (not converted), this will go cheap

    Oberheim Matrix 6, 6R or 1000 synth

    High End Systems Dataflash mini controller / AF-1000 strobes (Have mobolazer HW to trade into this?)

    I have two Laser Power Corp (early Melles Griot DPSS) that aren't functioning, probably the ~18W fiber coupled IR pump diodes, anyone have the parts?

    Fun stuff I can bring:
    2 x Pluto II 3W the common
    RGB LED screen, 6' wide 3' high w/ laptop to drive it
    Can bring HD24 + two BF ADATs + IE stuff
    Amiga 500 running LSD1000 ? (Thanks cfavreau)

    I have a luggable running Win98/Lasershow Designer, but the Quadmod32 has a lot of issues in the output. Probably data being sent to the DACs has errors, so it tends to erroneously spend a lot of time in the bottom right corner. Another thing I need to fix. Looking for a QM32 if anyone has one they would trade for a bad one (if you're just looking for trade in credit.) I can look again to see which license level it's at, I think it's intro.

    I have all sorts of other stuff but I currently drive an old Honda accord. If I get a new pickup truck or SUV before event I can bring more. I have QSC amps, driverack PA, some Global triangle truss, crank stands, technobeams, a Mackie 48 channel digital console, and other crap but.. space....

    Still have the multicam video rig as well. Not killing the cameras again :-)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Hi Ethan;

    Please bring the Plutos! We'll need them for the auditorium for sure. (Mine are slated to be in the Gym this year.) Also, the LED screen sounds cool! Would you be willing to do a little demo on how it works / what it can do? Thinking this would be fun to play with in the Cafeteria... As for the other stuff, let's chat as we get closer. I think we have audio sorted, but the global truss might be useful...

    Also, a general request for anyone who feels a bit artistic: We haven't selected a logo for this year's SELEM. Being that it's the 10th anniversary and all, it would be nice to have a cool logo to celebrate the event. Anyone have any ideas? If so, please post them!

    Finally, a few people have suggested that we come up with a nickname for either our group and/or the event as a whole to have something more exciting than just "SELEM" to use when talking about the event. I've heard things like "Laserpalooza", "Laser Nerd-vana", "We Be Lasers", "Laser Geeks R Us", and several others, but nothing seems right. So if anyone has a cool-sounding pet name we can use as a tag-line, I'll add it to the shirt logo for this year.


    PS: Note to anyone selling items this year - the buy/sell/trade area will be MUCH larger this time because we've moved that area into the Cafeteria. So yeah, it won't be nearly as cramped.

  3. #3
    Bradfo69's Avatar
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    What he said ^. I was reading through your initial post prior to seeing buffo's response, and thought the same thing. Pluto's for sure. Truss... LED screen.
    PM Sent...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    DC/VA metro area


    Quote Originally Posted by buffo View Post
    Hi Ethan;

    Please bring the Plutos! We'll need them for the auditorium for sure. (Mine are slated to be in the Gym this year.) Also, the LED screen sounds cool! Would you be willing to do a little demo on how it works / what it can do? Thinking this would be fun to play with in the Cafeteria... As for the other stuff, let's chat as we get closer. I think we have audio sorted, but the global truss might be useful...

    Also, a general request for anyone who feels a bit artistic: We haven't selected a logo for this year's SELEM. Being that it's the 10th anniversary and all, it would be nice to have a cool logo to celebrate the event. Anyone have any ideas? If so, please post them!

    Finally, a few people have suggested that we come up with a nickname for either our group and/or the event as a whole to have something more exciting than just "SELEM" to use when talking about the event. I've heard things like "Laserpalooza", "Laser Nerd-vana", "We Be Lasers", "Laser Geeks R Us", and several others, but nothing seems right. So if anyone has a cool-sounding pet name we can use as a tag-line, I'll add it to the shirt logo for this year.


    PS: Note to anyone selling items this year - the buy/sell/trade area will be MUCH larger this time because we've moved that area into the Cafeteria. So yeah, it won't be nearly as cramped.
    Very cool Adam! I would be more than happy to do a little presentation on the LED screen (which can be expanded to a huge wall if you have budget.)

    Will bring Plutos and other auxiliary hardware. Will probably have a new vehicle by the time SELEM hits so truss transport shouldn't be an issue!

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