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Thread: ScannerMAX Saturn Series

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Cleveland Ohio


    Mixgas I have a wild hair....

    For cleaning optics why not heat the acetone slightly and pass a little air over it. have the output of that hit the optic and let it fog/condense. Would that not be like making utra pure solvent on the spot from cheap stuff? Then do the same with the methanol. I tried it with ethanol on my glasses and it work very well. Yes they lens is glass not plastic. Tis is kind of like vapor polishing/not.

  2. #22
    mixedgas's Avatar
    mixedgas is offline Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
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    Oh, you mean vapor phase or vapor still optics cleaning... Been done for 20 years for laser tube optics. Just with something more volatile that does not have phobic affinity for the coating materials. I'll have to go home and check my notes. Lexel used a vertical drip vapor still for Brewster windows prior to bonding on the tube.

    Qui habet Christos, habet Vitam!
    I should have rented the space under my name for advertising.
    When I still could have...

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by -bart- View Post
    Well make that 26... to give you 3 weeks extra.
    So sorry Expected that I was able to do a little bit of work while my girlfriend was staying for 2 weeks.. well that was a big nope..on top of her wanting to visit a lot I needed to help her build some simple animatronics for her college project
    You can see a video of that here:
    The puppets were build for traveling as the signal cables are color coded and have connectors on them so they could be utilised by people who are not as technical. They were used in an exhibition in israel.
    They were both build and puppeteered in 1 day. I do animatronics aside of lasers as well. The following was assembled in 1 day and designed/3d modeled over a course of a week: Although the tension needed fixing but its fixed by now.)

    then a big client for television was in urgent need for my services and time just flew by. I am just done with the latter so time is now freed up to follow up on this. My apologies!
    Last edited by masterpj; 03-03-2016 at 12:12.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Interesting. what kind of software is used for choreographing the speech and movements? What interface do you use for driving the steppers servos?

  5. #25
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by -bart- View Post
    Interesting. what kind of software is used for choreographing the speech and movements? What interface do you use for driving the steppers servos?
    I use servos no steppers, they are more silent and move faster with higher torque (steppers are usually low speed and high torque) and would need a lot of work to get absolute positioning... I also do build custom servos for cost effective high torque applications. I puppeteer by hand and record motion and correct and offset.. Software is my own doing and partually commissioned work of friends. A lot of work went in the software end as its for all my mechanical stuff i've been building behind the scenes and kept building onto it.. The interface I use is SSC32 and more controllers can be used at the same time. For cost and size purposes. like my own controllers. Multi channel audio is supported and video too and sync with pangolin beyond or showtime. SMPTE was eventually added where the programming for SMPTE sync was outsourced to india and the code was then added to the main progammatures code

    I have working animatronic neck mechanisms and mouth mechanisms for both large and small scale (including one premium one which allows a jaw to move forward/backward and left/right and open. Along with pushrod moved eyebrows.. Expect it in a future video on youtube when it's ready.

    I made a modified version of my projects efforts for my girlfriend where a relay can be toggled from the USB to cut the power off to the servos to have them be at rest *since the fabric gives a lot of resistance* this was triggered from usb and you can individually turn characters off to let the servos relax for a while.

    for pupeteering I have a homemade waldo although usually I use a joystick and record a few motion at a time in rows. Head tracking is possible too and it can mimic through FaceAPI.. that or you can even use midi controllers.
    3D character motion to servo motion is also possible with software I commissioned from a talented developer of picarto (which is a streaming site aimed towards purely artists).

    Will I sell the software? Likely not.. I will offer the stuff for rent at some point maybe or you need to just buy it complete with mechanic.
    Last edited by masterpj; 03-02-2016 at 17:36.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    So I got an email from Justin stating that the Saturn's are not available to the "general public." What gives? I have just contacted Ryan on specs for the scanners--and I would like to purchase 3 sets of Saturns with 6mm mirrors and show off the rigs at SELEM or NELEM this year. Sooo... are you offering them to PL members or just to the big manufactures?

  7. #27
    Bradfo69's Avatar
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    Graciously redacted... I made an oops.
    Last edited by Bradfo69; 04-21-2016 at 12:24.
    PM Sent...

  8. #28
    mixedgas's Avatar
    mixedgas is offline Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
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    Kecked, Lexel used isopropanol on the Brewster window cleaning still.

    Qui habet Christos, habet Vitam!
    I should have rented the space under my name for advertising.
    When I still could have...

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Orlando, FL - USA


    Rick I appreciate your post, but here's the situation.

    Regarding Justin's comment, he simply didn't calibrate his language very carefully. That's understandable. Pangolin is full of people who are super busy. Our business has grown by roughly a factor of three, but we've added perhaps only a single new person in the past year. (We are of course always interested in skilled and enthusiastic people -- contact us if you're in the Orlando area and are interested in a job...)

    By the way, as many of you either know or could figure out just by our posting and emailing habits, Justin, Alexey, Ante and I (all people who don't get paid by the hour) all work 14 to 16 hours per day, and work every single day even on weekends and holidays...

    Nevertheless, my point is that when you're in a rush, sometimes niceties like fully-calibrated language goes out the window, especially if you believe you're talking to a friend, or someone who will be able to read between the lines. (We thought that was you Rick...)

    In any event, Rick, what I wrote to you in my several messages since then is this: Once projector manufacturers and medical industry professionals tested our scanners and found them to be exactly what we say they are, orders came in very strong. At the present time projector manufacturers have placed a year's worth of orders which take up roughly 80% of our capacity to build Saturn scanners. Another 19% of our capacity has been purchased by medical system manufacturers, leaving only roughly 1% of our capacity for "everybody else". To compound things, the folks in the category of "everybody else" have already placed purchase orders and laid their money down, and so it's a simple fact that they are ahead of you in line.

    Your request was for 3 systems, which -- these days would be hard to deliver quickly. You're getting in the back of the line, and wanting 3 of something. If we delivered to you, what would that say to folks who placed an order a month ago for 1 of something?

    While Justin used the term "the general public", I chose to use the term "everybody else" above. It's not a matter of "the general public" per se. It's a matter that nearly 100% of our build capacity is already spoken for by organizations which placed large blanked purchase orders, and their orders have financial penalties associated with long delivery.

    Now, with all of this being said, if you're only looking for scanners capable of moving 6mm or 8mm or 10mm beams, we have Compact 506 in stock and these can be delivered very quickly. LFI recently developed a servo driver and cable set that works very nicely with these scanners.


  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Thanks for the update, Bill--I understand your situation completely. Do you happen to have a contact info for LFI so that I can get these drivers?

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