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Thread: Pesident Clinton

  1. #131
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    Jul 2008


    During 99% of the last 100,000 years covered year by year by these studies man has had no more influence than any other animal
    Gee, that only leaves 1% of 100,000 or 1,000 years left over to account for. We've only been burning fossil fuels in significant quantities for about 150 years...

  2. #132
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    New Hampshire


    Heck I'm sure man will survive some of the worst cases put forwards - the system will balance eventually to somewhere and we're hugely adaptable - but it could be a very different world
    Agreed. And yet, it is the same world that has been so tremendously different through its history.

    Think about this sorta apocalyptic idea. For the vast majority of human history we were numbered in the many thousands and a few millions. There are now, what, 7 billion people on this planet? This number is rising quickly, but it is not the Western World or Japan that are contributing. China, India, Africa and Latin America with their huge populations are contributing the most to this growth. China refuses to even BEGIN to try to curtail its CO2 production until after 2030. Did you know that in many apparently modern high rise buildings in China each apartment is heated by individual coal stoves! This is a major contributor to the horrible air quality in Beijing.

    This self flagellation for global misery by Western elites is stupid. The masochistic acceptance by Europe of hordes of invading Muslims is stupid as well as suicidal. Soon, many areas in Europe will look like MolenbeeK.

    Open European boarders, generous welfare and unilateral support for dependent nations like Greece will be something to read about in the history books while civil unrest, civil war and the rise of nationalist armies that used to be found only in the history books will become a way of life in Europe. This is so sad.

    Gee, that only leaves 1% of 100,000 or 1,000 years left over to account for. We've only been burning fossil fuels in significant quantities for about 150 years...
    No, we can account for it, the data is there. But, the global warming crowd can't blame people for the 99,850 years of large climatic fluctuations that we could not have possibly contributed to.

    This global warming fear is like the morbidly obese girl who is getting ready for her prom and is all upset about the pimple on her chin. Her major problem is not the pimple, but it is all she thinks about. Maybe that's because that is easier to face??

  3. #133
    Join Date
    Sep 2015


    Is there maybe a form of Pascal's wager here?
    Provided we don't know if humans contribute to current climate change and even if yes then how much, it's still a good idea to reduce greenhouse gas emission just to be on the safe spot because we don't lose much by doing so and if the other possibility turns out to be true the consequences will be catastrophic?
    But like the original Pascal's wager the premise that not much is lost with 1st option is debatable.

    Going back to Trump/Hillary. The whole Youtube doesn't want to shut up about Trump. I'd expect channels to realize there are enough dublicates of the videos they're making talking about the questions which have already been beaten to death. I've actually stopped visiting Youtube because it's all spam right now, from Anderson Cooper, John Oliver, Bill Maher to gamergod98. and I consider myself liberal.
    Last edited by ghosttrain; 03-24-2016 at 04:25.

  4. #134
    Join Date
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    Guildford, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by planters View Post
    The masochistic acceptance by Europe of hordes of invading Muslims is stupid as well as suicidal. Soon, many areas in Europe will look like MolenbeeK.
    Up to here it was reasonable - there does need to be more balance in how other countries respond to all this, though the schoolyard "well they're doing it sir" isn't a great excuse.

    This however is just nonsense. There have only been a couple of hundred deaths from terror attacks in Europe in the last decade - there were over 9,000 deaths from fuel poverty in the UK alone last year. 19,000 just in the first six months on the roads in the USA in 2015. Heck over 43 people shot by toddlers last year alone in your country. Do you think there's any possibility that the sense of proportion might be slightly off here?

    There are no hordes and no need to end providing for those in need or less able - just a lot of people doing ISIS's work for them overreacting and encouraging the fear. The VAST majority of refugees are in the countries neighbouring Syria - no one told them that they were meant to be an invading army not scared people running for their lives. It's simply untrue propaganda manipulating people as fear's an easy button to press - works for the terrorists, why wouldn't corrupt politicians mash it as hard as they can too?

    edit> have to add this to back up saying doing ISIS's work.

    ghosttrain has it on climate change I think - the thing is even if it does turn out our influence is minimal it is in our own economic and future interest to avoid the increasingly energetic weather systems caused by having more energy in the form of heat in the system. Hurricanes, typhoons, monsoons, flooding, snowfalls, desertification all powered by temperature differentials and evaporation and the water carrying ability of air that increases with temperature. We should do what we can to not screw up this current balance and avoid ending up with mass migrations and upheaval
    Last edited by frostypaw; 03-24-2016 at 05:49.

  5. #135
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    Planters does have a point with islamism growing in Europe.

    You can call me a racist if you like, but while I'm perfectly fine with muslims, I am completely against Islamism and Sharia law. Christianity is no less of a violent and racist religion than islam based on the teaching and rules in both books, but the difference is christianity has had a "reformation" and predominantly christian countries have embraced secular laws and separation of church and state a long time ago, and while not many talk about this essentially western laws are based on utilitarian ethics, rarely spiced with some religious traditions. Same goes to judaism, the concept of goyim is very racist but very few jews take it seriously today. With islam the statistics are not so pretty. This doesn't mean muslims are inferior or worse than the rest which would make us "racist" (still the wrong term), islam just sadly hasn't had the same historical development.

    Since the number of mulsims is growing not only in their homelands but also in Europe and US this is a real issue. If we don't want more of the world to return to the dark ages like it is in Saudi Arabia as well as to create nationalistic movements in the future islam needs a reformation asap. Number of EU countries already allow Sharia law, partially, between muslims, dealing with marrige, divorce, etc. but even though Sharia law isn't implemented completely (meaning also the criminal part which completely contradicts any international treaty and fundamental human rights) it is very alarming that any country would allow religious traditions to replace law even in limited cases. I don't understand how the lawmakers don't see that what they are doing is a violation of their international treaties, if somehow their constitutions are so poor to permit such a thing.

    Europe and US can start off by letting those who speak out about islamism speak out and not ridicule and silence them, otherwise in few decades you are going to have a population divided by contradicting views on life, morality, law and I agree, this could lead to growing nationalism, xenophobia which will in turn fuel the islamism among muslim part of the population and to put it lightly it won't be pretty.
    Or you can deny the climate change happening in the society because you're afraid to hurt someone's feelings today.

    While I don't believe muslims are "invading" Europe, the above is a huge issue.

    Sharia law in Europe: (UK, Germany) (UK) (France) (Sweden) (Norway) (Belgium) (Spain) (Greece)

    And these are the nationalists I'm predicting to grow in numbers as well:
    Last edited by ghosttrain; 03-24-2016 at 10:57.

  6. #136
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    London or Spain depending on the weather


    Quote Originally Posted by planters View Post
    .......This global warming fear is like the morbidly obese girl who is getting ready for her prom and is all upset about the pimple on her chin. Her major problem is not the pimple, but it is all she thinks about. ..........
    Couldn't agree more !

    Death is extremely stable, and......SAFE, ....... life on the other hand........

    Almost everything alive, depends mainly on CO2... maybe better, not to bite the hand that feeds us all.

    Only really effective greenhouse gas is precious WATER, but even politicians would think twice about trying to demonize that!

    Global cooling (no more clouds for a few thousand years) THAT would worry me a bit more.

    Our planet doesn't need saving, sorts that out by itself, ...............just seems that many of us humans, don't like,............... let alone understand, ..............its methods !


  7. #137
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    New Hampshire


    This however is just nonsense.
    This? What is "this"? What is nonsense? Please be more specific.

    There are no hordes and no need to end providing for those in need or less able - just a lot of people doing ISIS's work for them overreacting and encouraging the fear.
    MILLIONS of people pouring into Europe is most definitely a HORDE.

    Your minimization of the threat by only comparing the numbers is very misleading.
    Consider the pedophile moving into the house down the block. He only raped two children and that was 15 years ago. The threat to the neighborhood children is ARGUABLY small. It is also ARGUABLY unacceptable to many. Will it effect your property values? You bet it will. Will many parents have to monitor the activities of their children differently? Sure. Will it make certain parts of the neighborhood off limits to these children which would have been accessible if the grandmother hadn't sold the house to him? Of course.

    Terrorism is based on threat; both the odds well as the frightening nature of the threat. The costs are the changes in our lifestyle, where we spend our resources even if they never did blow up that Belgium nuke plant.

    ghosttrain has it on climate change I think
    I have to disagree with both of you here even though I am usually in agreement with gosttrain. Remember the old adage that if you don't know the numbers, you don't know anything?

    there were over 9,000 deaths from fuel poverty in the UK alone last year.
    Even in your own post you specify that in the UK alone these many people died due to the cost of fuel. If correct, how would this number grow if you included the entire planet especially the poor third world where fuel represents a larger fraction of a persons spending? A million dead? It's plausible. Our present ruler claimed that his anti global warming policies would cause energy prices to "necessarily skyrocket". Guys, the assumption that changes to avert an unsettled and poorly predictive global warming threat would not cost that much, is wrong.
    Last edited by planters; 03-24-2016 at 10:10.

  8. #138
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    That's not my position, but a question. Pascal's wager only works if the premises are true, and I'm not sure they are. Because I'm not sure whether we lose nothing in comparison by believing in global warming vs not believing it. At least the US might actually be losing quite a bit.

  9. #139
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    Provided we don't know if humans contribute to current climate change and even if yes then how much, it's still a good idea to reduce greenhouse gas emission just to be on the safe spot because we don't lose much by doing so and if the other possibility turns out to be true the consequences will be catastrophic?
    I was referring to this suggestion.

    While I don't believe muslims are "invading" Europe, the above is a huge issue.
    I know that this position gives the benefit of the doubt to the people entering Europe, but they ARE largely Muslims and how do you explain the demographics? Typically, refuges would be the young and old, women and the sick. These people are disproportionately young men. One argument is that they are running away from conscription and I buy that, but that would only explain why they are not remaining in their original countries. It does not explain why the other groups are not accompanying them.

    Large numbers of these men are poor, poorly educated and violent. Look at Calais. It's not like Muslims haven't invaded Europe in the past.

  10. #140
    Join Date
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    If Soros or Hillery or Karl Rove successfully place a hit on Trump and he is killed then Jim may have a point.
    Thanks to a Google search I just recently discovered that George Soros is the Antichrist...

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