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Thread: Pesident Clinton

  1. #11
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    1 hr from everything in SoCal


    Quote Originally Posted by Bradfo69 View Post
    Thoroughly enjoyed the hour long plus video and put a link on my Facebook page. I've got mixed emotions just like everyone else about this whole election cycle but there is absolutely a part of me that wants to see Trump win this. I really think he would surprise a lot of people and do a lot of good for this country. Yeah, there is a bit of trepidation as well but, I really think the whole political establishment needs to be shaken up a bit. I think they need to internalize the message that the public is fed the fuck up. The bumper sticker "Re-elect nobody" should be on every vehicle.
    Yes, we need to be shaken up but not by the same two parties that have monopolized the presidency for well over a century. What I would really like to see is more than two parties and an election system that is based on STV. Yes, I know that any other recognized party can run but let's face it, none of them will ever get elected because of the way the Dems and Reps have things set up, see: for an example. As far as STV goes, here is a video showing how sTV works and why it works so well. Obviously this won't work for the presidency but for all ares of government, both state and federal, this could work great and give, we the people, for more options for better representing us.
    Last edited by absolom7691; 03-14-2016 at 00:25.
    If you're the smartest person in the room, then you're in the wrong room.

  2. #12
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    it's going to be a mess, label my self as an independent so i dont always vote the same, my two concerns , trump is anti medical pot and i take this for pain but Hillery seems pro medical pot but is for widening gun control and that a don't support and well she has committed a few high level crimes as well with her e-mail systems, she is rude and i feel she thinks she is better then us poor hicks
    Trump seems to run this like a reality show and seems to not know when to shut his mouth or when to feed his hair a mouse or three, i tend to view him as dangerous.
    Sanders i dont know on yet, this is such a mess this year, i dont think any of them would be ideal people to put into office but we will see
    one joke a read was as fallows , Sander would have a chicken in every pot, Hillery would confiscate your pot and trump would use your pot to clobber some one of the head and then sell your pot for the best deal "cooking pot" not the fun stuff with the same name.
    god i just wish they made pot schedule II for now, doctor prescriptions would then allow you to keep a job if you use strictly for medical use, and not high on the job though. i am faced with that now, trying to get a part time job so i stopped use of pot for at lest 6 weeks now and my pain has skyrocketed to new levels of suffering.
    right now in my state you can get a pot card but then are prevented from buying firearms, it's already illegal to use a firearm while high/drunk/or impaired by medication so i dont understand the direction my state is going in. man what a friken mess this election will be
    Remember Remember The 8th of November, When No One Stood, but Kneel, In Surrender
    In a popular government when the laws have ceased to be executed, as this can come only from the corruption of the republic, the state is already lost. Montesquieu

  3. #13
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    It's 100% Bernie for me, for many many reasons but I'd vote for him only because of the outrageously unfair and unbalanced across-the-board media blackout on him. The influence of all the monied power is strong against him, yet he wins anyway. No scandals for Fox to bark about. There's nothing that can be used against him except the McCarthyist, dishonest oversimplification of calling him "socialist" in the attempt to equate that in the minds of ignorant people with "communist". The dishonesty of anyone is clear when they drop the "democratic" half of "democratic socialist". Works for many over 50, but falls on deaf ears on those under 40. All trump can do is lie, repeat the lies to try and sell them, lie louder to get applause, and avoid answering serious questions from TV personalities who let him do it unchallenged because they want to keep the show running. Bernie is the real deal, despite common human quirks. I don't buy his whole package, but probably 80% of it. He's the only candidate with integrity. I've been wanting a candidate offering integrity for 37 years.

  4. #14
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    Many voters are single issue. Often their single issue is kept private because it is embarrassing. An example is voting for Hillery BECAUSE she is a woman. This is bigotry and it is shallow, but is undoubtedly an important issue for some who might say that it is her experience that they are voting for.

    I resent it when people describe the electorate as the little people or poor hicks. Many of us are more productive and intelligent than those for whom we are being asked to vote.

    The violence being BROUGHT TO the Trump rallies is being orchestrated by socialist groups including Move This is a leftest product of Soros. Despite all the rhetoric from Cruz, Rubio, Hillery, Sanders and the talking heads on CNN, the supporters of Trump did not go out and riot or commit violence based on his statements like" I would like to punch that guy" or "take him out on a stretcher". They understood his frustration and they too resent the unfairness of leftest violence and intimidation and the double standard that always works against them.

    Sanders is a socialist. Socialism is for loosers. Socialism is theft. But, I would support him if Trump were not an alternative because the corruption in Washington with both parties is an even greater evil.

    Hillery is a criminal and would be encouraged, if successful, to remain a criminal as president. Hello third world.

    Cruz, Rubio and oh ya he's still around, Kasich are all going to cooperate with the continuation of the RNC agenda with Paul Ryan promoting big government/business interests above national interests. I believe even Cruz will do this based on his previous position on TPP and the visa program.

    The combination of pot, narcotics or alcohol and firearms or driving concerns me as well. I would think that many employers would be concerned if an employee was on chronic pain killers of any kind while at work or while driving to and from work. They should also be concerned if in order to hold the job an employee refrained from these medications and was in extreme pain.

    It has been my understanding that THC has been used in conjunction with narcotics for chronic pain due to its proven anti nausea effects and as an anxiolytic. This calming action augments the pain relief from the narcotics. Using enough THC alone to treat extreme pain suggests that the individual would be pretty doped up.

  5. #15
    swamidog's Avatar
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    suppose you're thinkin' about a plate o' shrimp. Suddenly someone'll say, like, plate, or shrimp, or plate o' shrimp out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconciousness.

  6. #16
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    I heard about this and was near tears, it's so sad. I didn't realize it was from the Onion. Thank god, he'll be OK and the dump won't loose a good worker. Sorry, I meant Trump.

  7. #17
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    All aboard the Trump Train!
    Ryan Smith
    ScannerMAX Mechanical Engineer
    ryan {at}

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by rns0504 View Post
    All aboard the Trump Train!
    Get on board!

    Sooooooooouuuuuuuullllll Train!

    Last edited by dchammonds; 03-14-2016 at 15:14.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eidetic View Post
    It's 100% Bernie for me, for many many reasons but I'd vote for him only because of the outrageously unfair and unbalanced across-the-board media blackout on him. The influence of all the monied power is strong against him, yet he wins anyway. No scandals for Fox to bark about. There's nothing that can be used against him except the McCarthyist, dishonest oversimplification of calling him "socialist" in the attempt to equate that in the minds of ignorant people with "communist". The dishonesty of anyone is clear when they drop the "democratic" half of "democratic socialist". Works for many over 50, but falls on deaf ears on those under 40. All trump can do is lie, repeat the lies to try and sell them, lie louder to get applause, and avoid answering serious questions from TV personalities who let him do it unchallenged because they want to keep the show running. Bernie is the real deal, despite common human quirks. I don't buy his whole package, but probably 80% of it. He's the only candidate with integrity. I've been wanting a candidate offering integrity for 37 years.
    Perfectly put. I think most well educated people know that true socialism will fall flat and fail miserably. Pigeon-holing Bernie into the socialist designation is the rhetoric of the republicans and the Hilary supporters. I find Hilary to be the most despicable of all the candidates. I hate her stance on gun control and she has demonstrated, time and again, that she is a mouthpiece for the highest bidder. She is dangerous, with little regard for national security. If Bernie fails to win at the primaries, I would have to put my support behind Trump, much as I wouldn't want to.
    Last edited by absolom7691; 03-14-2016 at 17:25.
    If you're the smartest person in the room, then you're in the wrong room.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    mid michigan


    so far this has been a great thread, i had thought at first this would be a poo throwing contest but has so far been a very well thought out thread, this is great.

    "The combination of pot, narcotics or alcohol and firearms or driving concerns me as well. I would think that many employers would be concerned if an employee was on chronic pain killers of any kind while at work or while driving to and from work. They should also be concerned if in order to hold the job an employee refrained from these medications and was in extreme pain.

    It has been my understanding that THC has been used in conjunction with narcotics for chronic pain due to its proven anti nausea effects and as an anxiolytic. This calming action augments the pain relief from the narcotics. Using enough THC alone to treat extreme pain suggests that the individual would be pretty doped up."

    I can understand some people taking this view, i know for my self i refrain from using painkillers when i need to drive, go to work, and when using my firearms, it is indeed a new level of suffering and i know at some point i won't be-able to work because of it, the place i will be working at knows this and gave me a desk job and for that i am very thankful.
    Remember Remember The 8th of November, When No One Stood, but Kneel, In Surrender
    In a popular government when the laws have ceased to be executed, as this can come only from the corruption of the republic, the state is already lost. Montesquieu

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