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Thread: Caribb-LEM Mark III, March 1st-11th of 2017 (or March 4th-11th if you want 7 days)

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by HankLloydRight View Post
    I found a great deal on used/new scuba gear on Craigslist -- I was checking every week. I think I posted about it above -- got an entire kit with BCD, Octo, dive computer, regulator, weights, fins, etc for I think $1000. The BCD was brand new, never used. The rest was using once or twice.

    On my last trip, I borrowed a Petrel from a friend... I liked it a lot.
    Very cool. A local friend said he didn't like the Petrel at all because with gloves on it would sometimes hit the side bump sensors that act as buttons. Also hitting the left button with the thing on your wrist and near you is an awkward user interface. There are some newer competitors out there but I like the looks of the units, figure used market deals might be pretty decent and the EXT interface for o2 cell monitoring is pretty straight forward in case I ever get around to getting CCR cert (or decide to hook it to an o2 unit I take to the quarry once in a while.)

  2. #62
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    One note about gloves: You will not be permitted to wear them while diving in Utila.

    Here's why: When you wear gloves, you are more likely to touch things because you know your hands are protected. However, as we all know, when you touch coral you damage it. Given how long it takes coral to grow, and how many divers descend on Utila in the summer months (it's a huge dive destination for College students working on marine degrees), it makes sense to limit the possibilities for damage. So they ask that you do not wear gloves. (The water is never cold enough that you would need gloves, so the only reason people wear them is to protect their hands when they touch things, which is what they want to discourage.)


  3. #63
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    Well, it looks like Faye is in Thailand (!), so I think it's unlikely that she will be there to lead any dives for us in March.

    That being said, we do have 7 people from PL signed up so far, with at least 3 more people on the fence but strongly leaning towards attending. Plus 5 people from Rich's dive shop in California, but that number is sure to rise later this month when he opens it up to the rest of his clients.

    Interestingly though, all the PL members are exclusively signed up for the 10-day option. The filthy casuals from the dive shop have all opted for the 7-day. So this means when they show up on Saturday, the laser geeks will have had 3 days to tweak all the lasers. Saturday night (their first night on the island), they will be treated to the first of two outdoor laser shows we have planned. Yeah, they're going to be impressed for sure!

    One thing I need to pass along to anyone who wants to take SCUBA classes while in Utila: If you want to take the advanced open-water course, just do everything on the island. It will be cheaper, you will have more choices for topics, and the course work for the advanced class is really trivial - couple hours tops. HOWEVER, if you want to do the initial open-water class, or if you want to take one of the higher courses (like the Rescue Diver class I did last time), then it is highly recommended that you do the course work in advance (either at a local dive shop, or better yet via the on-line training that you can take at your own pace). That way when you get to Utila, you won't spend a bunch of time with your nose in a book, you'll just be diving!

    Contact Rich or myself for more info about SCUBA classes. I think Brad, Hank, Jonathan, and Brian were all considering the advanced class at one point or another, and for you guys there's no worry because you can do everything on the island and not really impact your free time. But for people wanting to get their initial certification, or for people wanting to to other training, you'll want to start the class work now so you'll be all done before you fly to Utila.

    Oh, and I've already spoken with Rich about scheduling a few night dives for us. That was *so* awesome last time!

    Less than 2 months to go!


  4. #64
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    I don't know Adam. I think Faye is still going to try and make it back for March.

    We hav 9 signed up from the Cali dive shop.

    This is going to be an epic trip!!!!


  5. #65
    Bradfo69's Avatar
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    Rich... what is the story regarding cell service on the island? My phone is with AT&T. My understanding was that there is coverage by AT&T but, it may require a different SIM card or something of that nature that was available on Utila. Or... is that something we need to work out with our carrier here in the states?
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  6. #66
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    This page might help out:

    Are you looking just to have cell coverage down there, or do you need to have your US number?

    If you have an unlocked cell phone, I'd suggest buying a local SIM card with a local number, and then give people your Honduras # to call you if needed. AT&T will let you roam down there, but it's not exactly cheap.

    Pay Per Use Voice Rate $3.00 per minute

    AT&T Passport℠ Packages (you can buy these for just one month):
    One-Time and Monthly Recurring Charges
    Passport $40: 200 MBs (overage $0.25/MB); $1.00/minute
    Passport Silver $60: 300 MBs (overage $0.20/MB); $0.50/minute
    Passport Gold $120: 800 MBs (overage $0.15/MB); $0.35/minute
    • All packages include unlimited text/picture/video messages sent.

    Here's a coverage map: (enter "Utila" to search).

    I was talking with Rich about 3G data access while down there, since the wi-fi was spotty and impossible to access while in my room. So I bought a little device called "SKYROAM" which connects to the local 3G cell service for data, and provides a localized wi-fi hotspot for up to 5 devices. I just used it for a 2 week trip to the UK and it worked great. As long as the SKYROAM has an agreement to roam in Honduras (I'm pretty sure they do), it should work there just as well. Day passes for the device are just $8/day(24 hours), and the device costs $80 to buy. I'll likely be using it daily, so if anyone is "near" me or my room, it can be shared if the hotel wi-fi is down or out of reach of your room.

  7. #67
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    Thanks! I don't own an unlocked phone so the AT&T Passport and SKYROAM both seem worth investigating. Looks like SKYROAM is a little pricier at $160 for the 10 days but, you own the device for future trips. Since I may go to Europe for ILDA in the fall, that might be a better option.
    Mainly I'd be looking for texting and voice capability though so, maybe the Passport. Decisions, decisions.
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  8. #68
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    Depending on how good the 3G is at the resort, you could use something like Google Voice+Google Hangouts for a VOIP solution. You'd have a US number people could call or text, and it can ring on your mobile phone (over resort wifi or skyroam wifi) or even on your computer. And the best part is I think it's free both to get a GV number and to get calls on it.

    One skyroam unit can connect to up to 5 devices, so if you're near me or need to borrow it, you can use mine for Utila. I can also lend it to you for ILDA assuming I'm not traveling anywhere out of the country that week (highly unlikely). You'd just have to pay for the day passes.

  9. #69
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    Yep, what Hank said.

    At&t does work on the island. I usually buy the $40 package so i can use text messages. I try and avoid voice calls and use Skype for the wife. I also have an unlocked phone and usually buy a local SIM but I am doing that less frequently now as I don't need the local number anymore due to having local staff and manager onsite.

    I've got a skyroam unit too and used it over Christmas in England and France without any problems. I am flying to Utila tomorrow for a quick 10 day trip and will be taking it with me to try out. I'll report back.

    Also I believe we now have abetter internet connection - I think it is only at the dive shop but, again, I will check and let you all know.


  10. #70
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    T-Mobile roaming looks to be $15/mb down there. Hmmm.

    When I traveled to Germany/England T-Mobile did me right though, no complaints there!

    Are others bringing their own regulators and stuff or using rentals? I was figuring I'd bring my shorty wetsuit, fins, mask, snorkel, reg set (DIN but have yoke adapter.)

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