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Thread: 1 minute understand DT50

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Oct 2016


    I really have nothing to add and by replying to every point will just be repeating myself. Take care.

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Orlando, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by YohnYayas View Post
    Is the real reason that the company doesn't have the money to ramp up production and have extra units sitting on the shelf for consumers to buy? The average PhotonLexicon user just needs a scanner in one or two configurations. So, order 200 of unit X and 200 of unit Y. That's easier said than done, I know, and I the reasons for that are why you don't have a Buy it Now option. If that is the case, just say so. I don't buy this "we 'choose' our clients" business.
    The idea that Pangolin isn't bulk supplying to small orders of one and two units because they are insolvent is just amusing

    Every scanner is custom built in house, here in Orlando. It's not like we have a China CM who we call up and have them ship over 200 units. At this point, Bill touches every Saturn scanner that goes out the door, and there is only one Bill Benner.

    At this point, we are limited by production capacity and certainly we can admit that. There aren't 25 people on an assembly line in a sweatshop making these things. We are increasing capacity, and are hiring several new people in the coming days/weeks. But so far this year (almost 5 months in), we have delivered more Saturn systems than all previous years combined, so things are certainly ramping up. But we will still consult with every single client before they make a purchase, as do all the other serious American manufacturers.

    Anyways, posting here is taking away from actual production And I feel bad for continuing to hijack this thread, although the last few days were certainly with instigation... Any further discussion on these topics can be done on the PangoScanner threads, I don't comment on this thread any longer, but will happily continue discussion on our own threads, over the telephone, email etc.
    Ryan Smith
    ScannerMAX Mechanical Engineer
    ryan {at}

  3. #73
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    Oct 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by rns0504 View Post
    And I feel bad for continuing to hijack this thread
    Oh really?

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Oct 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by rns0504 View Post
    And I feel bad for continuing to hijack this thread
    Oh really?

    I've seen PT's and Goldenstar's "sweatshops", nothing remotely close to what you can call a sweatshop.

    Quote Originally Posted by rns0504 View Post
    consult with every single client before they make a purchase, as do all the other serious American manufacturers.
    oh bullshit

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    They aren't sweatshops but some conditions aren't as proper which can be a deal breaker when buying say modules..
    Regarding the free part, I always did work in exchange for products which I could have asked a lot of money for, so free would not be the right word.
    I asked for several years in advance for the saturn to get my hands on one along with work that reserved a spot for me early on. Nevertheless I never made a contractual agreement of any sorts with pangolin to keep my opinion free and as is.
    At the time I recieved them I was just kindly asked to not post about them until they considered it ready to go public with them.

    Chinese galvos fit a market but do not dismiss the manufacturers who push the boundry either.
    Some claims are dubious regarding performance.. the resonance issue constantly comes to mind.. if you do very long throw graphics shows too you will notice that the feedback in most galvos tend to create a "shake"... it can be percieved on some beamshows as well where the beam reaches very far distances, with a double feedback this problem can be neglected and when you want even higher precision at tinier angles you can change the way feedback is read at cost of max scanspeed.

    The DT's have been super impressive from china and I remember the DT40pro's to be a workhorse among many hobbiests around here.
    While Ryan works for Scannermax his words shouldn't be dismissed though, he helped with an impressive book which goes into detail about the ins and outs of galvos.

    The to spec made thing is true.. with some huge mirror sizes some changes need to be made to the profiles and the galvo as those mirrors will want to flex the shaft and that needs to be dampened..
    I will likely purchase a set of DT50's after I get back from touring to give my opinion and review on it how it has advanced from the DT40's.. The DT40's arent bad but it still is a 30kpps galvo, I noticed on older models of DT40 (as found in a older model able laser projector in israel) is that inducing resonances in graphics was way too easy.. meaning more points had to be added back to compensate for that.. basically reducing the performance. I have the graphic projected where I found this but I took the picture after I compensated for it.. I can take a look and see if despite all that some of the resonance artifacts are still there. I don't have access to this projector anymore as it was at Saar Laser in Israel.

    I think the issue is being brought up because corporate clients get confused and end up buying something that didnt fit their application making them weary for future purchases of the tech... I've had to deal with similar for laser graphics where a client got so dissapointed by an unnamed companies work that I had to put a lot of effort in convincing them that what they wanted was possible.. it worked out well but it's extra time I shouldn't have had to spend.
    Last edited by masterpj; 05-23-2017 at 10:42.

  6. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by masterpj View Post
    They aren't sweatshops but some conditions aren't as proper which can be a deal breaker when buying say modules..
    What conditions would that be?

    Nevertheless I never made a contractual agreement of any sorts with pangolin to keep my opinion free and as is.
    I didn't claim you are in a contractual agreement with them to be biased but you are, to me, still extremely biased and portective.

    The DT's have been super impressive from china and I remember the DT40pro's to be a workhorse among many hobbiests around here.
    It's not just "hobbyists". DTs are used for commercial projects around the world. People even use the cheaper PTs for big shows. Ask norty what he used in his builds, for example.

    I think the issue is being brought up because corporate clients get confused and end up buying something that didnt fit their application making them weary for future purchases of the tech...
    Sorry but I too still don't buy this and will still consider it as an excuse. First of all, a corporate client should know what he needs. A research associate had forgotten to choose the right mirror, that sounds more like a mistake rather than confusion and an exceptional case.
    And then he admits it was his mistake, so it wouldn't make any sense for him to be weary for future purchases.

    Like andy said, no other company requires you to have an email or phone conversation with them to make a purchase and like swami said cherry picking who you want to sell to is a slippery slope.
    If you try hard enough you can come up with excuses for everything but we're not stupid.
    Last edited by Finale; 05-23-2017 at 13:57.

  7. #77
    Join Date
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    GuangZhou of China

  8. #78
    Join Date
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    Cleveland Ohio


    I saw the DT40 at swamidogs and they did a perfect job. I own the 506 and they do a perfect job. I own 6215 and they do an amazing job. My screen is 20 feet away and the image is 10x10. For the hobby just about anything is good these days.

    What it comes down to is the artists ability to use the tool. Look at the complexity of masterpj and swamidog. Now look at mine. That’s why they win awards. A better instrument does not a better musician make once you hit the level we are at today.

    With the way devices are reverse engineered and mass produced without regard for patents in China or elsewhere, I’d be careful who I sell to as well. Not saying that’s why they do as they do but I could understand if it was.

    Did you know ever high end auto sold usually includes a trip to the factory and a private meeting.

    Anyway the new scanners from everyone are well advanced over the previous generations. Rejoice and scan.

  9. #79
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    Orlando, FL


    I'm just commenting to remind Finale that I exist because it bothers him so much.

    How much is the DT30 Plus? Where can I purchase a set?
    Ryan Smith
    ScannerMAX Mechanical Engineer
    ryan {at}

  10. #80
    swamidog's Avatar
    swamidog is online now Jr. Woodchuckington Janitor III, Esq.
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    i'd very much like to try a dt50 set or whatever the best quality galvos DT has to offer. i've used and abused the same set of dt40w's for six years or so and they've been total workhorses. however, they do display a resonance issue and i'm very interested to see if the updated galvos correct the issue.
    suppose you're thinkin' about a plate o' shrimp. Suddenly someone'll say, like, plate, or shrimp, or plate o' shrimp out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconciousness.

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