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Thread: 25 Show Tapes (12 ADAT & 13 D.V. SVHS)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    SoCal / San Salvador / NY

    Lightbulb <smh>

    ...'Woody' has responded; We're in-process working a deal to protect / preserve the IP.. Will post results for the 'OPPJW' (Other People's Projects Justice Warrior), herein-concerned..
    Last edited by dsli_jon; 08-18-2017 at 02:28. Reason: update
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Cleveland Ohio


    Let someone come into your house and take your dinner off the plate to give to the neighbor because they are looking for something new to eat. Respect IP because without it there is no innovation. Why bother if you can't make a living. I'd kill to have that content but not unless it was rightly distributed to me by the owner. Flame away.

    If you have older material you want to release by all means do so. Until then it's not public. Thank you for keeping my childhood dream alive.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    It would be cool to see some shows that can be ran from a home setup to be sold with a "non distribute and non commercial license" for laserists who have a nostalgia to the shows to experience them (at home only) . Not everyone has grown up with laserium or can casually go to a show if one pops up if they don't live in the states.

    100 euros isnt a lot of money for the amount of shows.. so it didn't seem like a real substational profit but an legal and controlled approach might be of interest john!
    I am sure ivan would appreciate giving people across the seas a chance to experience it legally without the risk of leaking files.. as the industry gets older and older there will be more people who do not have (never gotten) those seeing opertunities but do have the equipment to at least get an idea in person. I am aware of the lumia and beam tables needed in some shows.. but some shows would work!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    SoCal / San Salvador / NY


    Heya Pj -

    Quote Originally Posted by masterpj View Post
    It would be cool to see some shows that can be ran from a home setup to be sold with a "non distribute and non commercial license" ...
    Actually, there Is.. Do you own LSX? If not, a) you Should, it's amazing.. b) There Are a couple of - Limited Licensed - modules in there, that showcase some of the Best animation that Laser Images produced (ILDA Award winning stuff..)

    ..but the problem with trying to run Laserium Show-content from a 'home setup' is that - Unless you have / can-build a projector that *can* play such Content - properly - it's going to 'cheapen' the experience, and thus, the reputation.. and thus the Legacy.. It's FAR more than just having '2 scan channels and maybe some lumia'.. Do you wanna see what One (amazing, btw..) Gent home-built, to even come -Close- to playing / emulating Laserium content, as-intended?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	SC_CS Emulator.jpg 
Views:	14 
Size:	600.5 KB 
ID:	52703 (!!!, right??)

    Quote Originally Posted by masterpj View Post
    100 euros isnt a lot of money for the amount of shows.. legal and controlled approach might be of interest john!
    a) Again, it's Not about the money / what we might 'lose', if this Show Content got out 'into the wild' - It's about Protecting it from being 'cheapened', by getting 'dumbed down' to a 1 or even 2 channel RGB.. How would you feel if you Paid to see the 'London Symphony Orchestra', and you get there. ...and there's just 2 guys with electric guitars on the stage? (and yeah, even If those 'two guys' were like Eddie Van Halen and Steve Vai, or whoever..) It still would just Not Be the 'same Experience'..

    b) Who's john??

    Quote Originally Posted by masterpj View Post
    I am sure ivan would appreciate giving people across the seas a chance to experience it legally without the risk of leaking files..
    Yes, he Always stated that he'd 'Love it if we could get back into the London PLA'.. And that is about the Only way he'd want it To be Experienced.. NOT via 'illicit-clone show tapes', played on 1 or 2 RGBs, I Guarantee you he'd have Not seen That as the way for 'people to experience it'..

    Quote Originally Posted by masterpj View Post
    I am aware of the lumia and beam tables needed in some shows.. but some shows would work!
    Nope, again, sorry.. Some - show Modules - some indie-Songs that were 90% graphics, with Lumia-layers 'added in, to enhance', might work, here / there, ie: Octopus' Garden, in the Beatles show, but.. What are you going to do with the songs - in Many of the show-modules - that Require 5, 6+ different 'layers' of Lumia / FX, to even be Seen as a "show", at All?? ie: ..What would you say if you got that 'module'.. And could not produce (or, didn't know you Needed to-produce..) All those varied Lumia / FX.. And all you see is a 'few rotating dots' and some 'dashing lines' near the end?? You'd be like.. 'THIS is the "great Laserium"?? Seems lame..' Who would not think that? Or, ie: ..What if you got that module as "Laserium show content", and had no idea you Needed those 8pt Star filters to 'bring it to life'.. (or, were not able to with your set-up, etc..) you'd most likely, be like '..Uh, a bunch of 3d dots, Srsly??' ..but, being Performed, "as-designed" / intended.. the 'ordinary becomes Extraordinary', no?..

    ...Some songs, in the Beatles show, for example, are 99% Lumia - and how it's Performed, Live - that makes the Magic.. it's NOT the 'graphics', or even the abstracts / spirals, etc, as again - those are like individual 'musicians in the Orchestra'.. and you cannot adequately have a full-on Orchestra, with only a couple musicians / instruments..

    .."The Cosmic Laser Concert" - really think about what that 'means'.. That was Ivan's 'magic formula', and Performed LIVE.. (and, yes, 'the multi-layered Projectors' and consoles, and amazing signal-path summing / innovative data-processing cards, etc, etc they came up with - All 'cast members in the Orchestra' - but None able to 'do it all'..) Even the EDM concerts nowadays with 40x RGBs.. THEY'RE STILL ALL JUST XY BOXES, PPL!! That's - Only ONE 'instrument' in the Orchestra-concept... Begin to see the 'concern', now?

    We'll see, down the road, what might further be able to be Licensed, etc.. But, Laserium has Never had the 'mission' to be a 'Laser clip art mill', nor cookie-cutter Show-control platform etc, etc.. And, as long as I have anything to say about it (in upholding Ivan's Legacy, as He intended..) it never will..

    Last edited by dsli_jon; 08-18-2017 at 04:19. Reason: forgot pj-shot..
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

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