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Thread: Small oscillations in my scanner

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Pflugerville, TX, USA


    3 phase? Who's bringing the death beam??

    Jojo - interesting information but in my case it isn't the problem. When I swap connections to the galvos the oscillations do not stay with the same galvo. We had already determined that the oscillations were from the amp and tuning got rid of them.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by carmangary View Post
    3 phase? Who's bringing the death beam?
    Heh! Actually we have two members that are bringing ion lasers. Steve Robers is bringing a Coherent I-90 Kr/Ar mixed gas whitelight laser that ought to be good for nearly 3 watts of whitelight, and he may also be bringing a smaller frame argon (Lexel 88 I think) that should be good for a couple watts of multiline blue & green. (He's also got a PCAOM for the I-90, making it the heart of a 3 watt RGB projector!)

    Then, George Mack is planning to bring a Lexel 95, which is good for anywhere from 5 watts to 12 watts of multiline blue & green. (We're not exactly sure how much power the Lexel 95 is making, because no one has a meter that goes that high!) The '95's were normally good for a solid 5-6 watts, but some were modified to make a whole lot more. We're not sure which model he has, but George is pretty sure it's the 12 watt model.

    Either way, it's going to be impressive. We'll also have 3 or 4 other low power RGB rigs set up, plus one 1.7 watt RGB rig (again, courtesty of George). I can't wait...


    PS: It's unfortunate that Clandestiny couldn't make it to this show. He's got a few copper vapor lasers that are *real* death rays. 50 watts and up! One day I'm going to try to arrange a gathering at an outdoor venue so he can set up one of his monsters...

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    Quote Originally Posted by Buffo View Post
    Then you can have Bill Benner and Steve Robers both look at your galvos and give you their expert opinions. (And if it turns out to be a tuning issue, not only will they tune it for you, but will show you how to do it yourself in the future!)
    This is what I hope to get "done"...
    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

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