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Thread: Introducing Modulaser: the semi-modular laser synth

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    East Sussex, England


    This thread reminded me I enjoyed Maxwell and haven't looked at Modulaser yet.
    So I just bought it, hopefully I'll have a chance to play with it some time, and not just another piece of shelfware...
    I've just bought a load of music hardware again for noodling with, so liking the addition of a step sequencer.
    I'm guessing that I could send the midi CC control from my Roland TB-3 to Modulaser so I can visualise my squelching?
    Frikkin Lasers

    You are using Bonetti's defense against me, ah?

    I thought it fitting, considering the rocky terrain.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by norty303 View Post
    This thread reminded me I enjoyed Maxwell and haven't looked at Modulaser yet.
    So I just bought it, hopefully I'll have a chance to play with it some time, and not just another piece of shelfware...
    I've just bought a load of music hardware again for noodling with, so liking the addition of a step sequencer.
    I'm guessing that I could send the midi CC control from my Roland TB-3 to Modulaser so I can visualise my squelching?
    It worked with my midi keyboard and controller devices ok so would presume so. Great toy

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Monroe, Mi USA

    Default Modulaser is a Keeper

    OK then....just putzing with the Demo....YES....THIS IS A KEEPER !!

    I thought I read they will be supporting FB3 / FB4....good....that is the final piece in the puzzle !!

    SOoooo....this fills a am way TO lazy to do actual animation graphics....and well....Beam Shows are beautiful.... get a little stale !!! SO....I am all in for Abstract !!!

    Abstract is almost " Organic" Lumia....but somehow....more visually linked to Audio !!!...IMNSHO !!


    Added Note: I forgot......FB3 has been...." Dropped" by a ROCK !!! For now...One must order Laserdoc, Either Dream of Helios.......I ordered Helios.....also I now have the liscenced version of Modulaser...
    Last edited by CDBEAM; 05-08-2019 at 15:58.
    Beam Axiom #1 ~The Quantum well is DEEP ! Photons for ALL !!
    Beam Axiom #2 ~Yes...As a matter of fact...I DO wear tinfoil on my head !!
    Beam Axiom #3 ~Whe'n dout...Po ah Donk awn et !!
    Beam Axiom #4 ~A Chicken in every Pot, and a Laser Lumia in every Livingroom !!
    Beam Axiom #5 ~"Abstract Photonic Expressionism" "Abstractonimical" !!
    Beam Axiom #6 ~ "A Posse ad Essea" ~ From being possible to being actual the beam target !

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2019


    Ok I Got my Helios DAC, and my 2W Analogue 40k, so now hooked up to Modulaser and it looks great! this is a cool toy now :-)

    3 queries that I have are (might as well get them out in one go):

    1) How do I enable Analogue instead of TTL in Modulaser?

    2) I have played with adjusting theAttachment 55439Projection map, but it seems to use less available range than what other ILD files seem to be able to.Attachment 55440Attachment 55440 Is there any other way to change this or is this a limitation?

    3) I can only successfully connect midi controls to LFO1. LFO2+ seem to take it during the learning, and displays the correct channel, but doesn't engage in Play. Is that a bug?

    Many thanks in advance and kind regards

    Last edited by Afrozack; 05-08-2019 at 10:59. Reason: attachments added in text for some reason??? please ignore those bits

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Afrozack View Post
    Ok I Got my Helios DAC, and my 2W Analogue 40k, so now hooked up to Modulaser and it looks great! this is a cool toy now :-)

    3 queries that I have are (might as well get them out in one go):

    1) How do I enable Analogue instead of TTL in Modulaser?

    2) I have played with adjusting theAttachment 55439Projection map, but it seems to use less available range than what other ILD files seem to be able to.Attachment 55440Attachment 55440 Is there any other way to change this or is this a limitation?

    3) I can only successfully connect midi controls to LFO1. LFO2+ seem to take it during the learning, and displays the correct channel, but doesn't engage in Play. Is that a bug?

    Many thanks in advance and kind regards

    Hey there,

    1) Analogue modulation should already work (both analogue and TTL), so I'm not sure I understand your question. We're working on "projector profiles" though so you can switch between TTL / Analog with linear response /Analog with log response.

    2) I cannot see the attachments you've linked here, could you re-upload/fix them?

    3) This is a known issue and it will be fixed with the next release.

    Thanks for your feedback!


    We're already working on some guides to help new Modulaser users start using our app. You can find the first guides here. (still editing them )

    All the best!
    Last edited by Roger; 05-10-2019 at 02:09.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2019


    Hi Roger, grateful for the reply!

    1) Analogue modulation should already work (both analogue and TTL), so I'm not sure I understand your question. We're working on "projector profiles" though so you can switch between TTL / Analogue with linear response /Analogue with log response.

    ***** Ok thanks for confirming, I wasn't sure if there was meant to be a switch to enable, I think I just need to get used to colour changing with it better to get smoother flows.

    2) I cannot see the attachments you've linked here, could you re-upload/fix them?

    ******you can ignore the attachments, I tried to upload some cool designs I made with it just to add to the post but it didn't work.
    But the question was based on the projection Area, the size its able to cover It seems to span only a small area (a square range before it cuts off the image), even though I stretched out the setting on the projection map, vs the area covered at same distance with a normal ilda file on the same laser.
    I can taking some pics when I get back home to show what I mean if that helps......

    3) This is a known issue and it will be fixed with the next release.

    ****** Ok cool to know you are on it! :-)

    One other thing I noticed last night when I tried using my laptop is it also could use screen resolution options too. Mine is 1366x768 so it cuts off the bottom of the app. My desktop is fine as that full HD.

    We're already working on some guides to help new Modulaser users start using our app. You can find the first guides here. (still editing them ) <<< thanks just what i needed :-)!

    To anyone thinking about getting this.... Do it! its sooooo cool and is very flexible, very fun to play with :-)!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    May 2019

    Thumbs up Version 1.4

    Hi there,

    Just wanted to let everybody know that we've just released V1.4 with the following updates:


    • Output the Modulaser display to Syphon or NewTek's NDI®, awesome for your VJ'ing needs. Check out our guide!
    • EasyLase, NetLase laser DACs are now supported (Windows-only). Pangolin Beyond is now supported (Windows-only).
    • Connect multiple MIDI devices instead of previously only one.
    • The external display draws much nicer lines.
    • The external display now has a fullscreen mode, double click it to enter fullscreen.
    • Snap clips to the beat! Enable this first in the preferences. When enabled, it will wait to activate a clip until the beat starts again (based on BPM).
    • With the envelope generator, it is now possible to loop the hit button to another modulator.
    • Draw up to 10,000 lines instead of previously 1000 lines by using the x10 button (not recommended for lasers).


    • The MIDI learn mode could be very slow and sometimes lead to a crash.
    • Projection map settings would not be applied at startup.

    Also, our early adopter sale will en June 3rd.

    Hope you enjoy! And if you have any questions, suggestion or remarks, please let us know!


  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Well, based on the recent announcement that Modulaser will work with Pangolin's Beyond (and the fact that it's on sale for the next few days), I figured I'd give it a shot. While I'm certainly no expert when it comes to abstracts, I'm looking forward to seeing what it can do, especially when paired with Beyond. Hoping to have some free time this weekend to experiment with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by rutger View Post
    It's super cool. Have you tried out doing this with analog synthesis? I have a tiny eurorack system and bought an ILDA output (LZX Cyclops): it's insane. Super expensive though.
    I haven't really done any work in the analog realm, although I have seen some of the amazing things that others here on the forum have been able to do with both home-made and commercial analog gear.

    Last year at SELEM we had quite a few different abstract technologies present. David Zurcher had a few of his amazing Z-5 consoles, Jason Salt had his hybrid digital-analog console, and then I think it was Krztov who had the euro-rack with ILDA-out. (Pretty sure Sal has something like this at home too, but it wasn't on display this year.) And then of course we had Aron Bacs' home-brew software for abstracts (which is really amazing). All we were missing is Chuck Raugh with Digisynth, and Johny Turpin with Maxwell and we would have had a full house!

    My understanding is that this year Chris Short might have something cool and new to show us. And I know that David is putting the finishing touches on his color organ mod for the Z5 (which some of us have already seen in person), so that's going to be very cool. And Johny is trying to get the time off of work so he can make it too...

    Shame you guys are on the other side of the Atlantic though. Would be great to have you at SELEM!


  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by buffo View Post
    Well, based on the recent announcement that Modulaser will work with Pangolin's Beyond (and the fact that it's on sale for the next few days), I figured I'd give it a shot. While I'm certainly no expert when it comes to abstracts, I'm looking forward to seeing what it can do, especially when paired with Beyond. Hoping to have some free time this weekend to experiment with it.
    Thanks! Let us know what you think of our software.

    Quote Originally Posted by buffo View Post
    I haven't really done any work in the analog realm, although I have seen some of the amazing things that others here on the forum have been able to do with both home-made and commercial analog gear.

    Last year at SELEM we had quite a few different abstract technologies present. David Zurcher had a few of his amazing Z-5 consoles, Jason Salt had his hybrid digital-analog console, and then I think it was Krztov who had the euro-rack with ILDA-out. (Pretty sure Sal has something like this at home too, but it wasn't on display this year.) And then of course we had Aron Bacs' home-brew software for abstracts (which is really amazing). All we were missing is Chuck Raugh with Digisynth, and Johny Turpin with Maxwell and we would have had a full house!

    My understanding is that this year Chris Short might have something cool and new to show us. And I know that David is putting the finishing touches on his color organ mod for the Z5 (which some of us have already seen in person), so that's going to be very cool. And Johny is trying to get the time off of work so he can make it too...

    Shame you guys are on the other side of the Atlantic though. Would be great to have you at SELEM!

    Would be great to be there, who knows, maybe next edition


  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    So I haven't had a chance to put this software through it's paces yet but I'm hoping to get a projector set up this weekend for some playtime.

    However, I did launch the software and play with it for a few minutes just to verify that it works with Pangolin's Beyond software. And yeah, I can report that it *does* send output to Beyond! (Damned if I know how though!)

    Default routing appears to be to the "Scanner 2 main" zone. (Maybe this weekend I can figure out how to change that...)


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