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Thread: And before we did lasers...we did Light Boxes...

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Colorado USA

    Default Audio triggered LED Light Box is far better than expected!

    I'm blown away...the dynamics in the LED light intensity is terrific. This first audio triggered test used the audio from a TV news channel and even it is mesmerizing. For this test and only for convenience, the new LED Light Box sits immediately below my suspended flat screen TV screen and it's speakers.

    I can't wait to see what a music audio source does. I will post some video of it later tonight as an edit to this post.

    Here is a simple test, not at all optimal, a bit over exposed in places. But the SP106E is surprisingly effective. I'm looking forward to improving the effect with some custom programming.
    Last edited by lasermaster1977; 11-14-2022 at 17:36.
    Everything depends on everything else

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Colorado USA

    Default A slightly better rendering and video...

    I've gained a lot of insight from playing with the SP106E controller (which does have it's own limitations) but my final efforts and design will focus around a combination of the Teensy 4.0 in combination with the Bela platform or visa-versa. I've been delving into learning their capabilities and programming.
    Everything depends on everything else

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Colorado USA

    Default @TheHermit, thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by TheHermit View Post
    Very cool! Much better than the sound to light boxes, with pyramid glass, that were sold at swap meets during the 1970's. Concentric circles are mesmerizing and hypnotic Then, I found myself looking into a gun barrel. lol
    Couldn't figure out everything that's going on, apart from the obvious audio to light triggering.
    Don't know if you've discovered it yet, but the Teensy audio shield has line inputs, as well as line outputs.The Teensy audio library has lots of Digital Sound Processing modules, like hi/lo pass filtering. IOW, you could isolate and separate the desired audio bands, then feed those signals into ADSR envelopes for the desired response... all achieved in software.
    Simply pick and choose your desired DSP modules, from the left pane, in the PJRC online Audio Design Tool and follow the coding instructions on the right pane.
    BTW, Reaper also has filtering and envelopes. The soundtrack can be dragged onto the timeline and the Teensy controlled via usbMIDI.
    Fun toys. Thanks for sharing.
    Yep, your comments are the direction I'm heading and then some. Automated imaging is cool but not as cool as automated imaging with some human real-time augmentations. That said, I should have video'd this demo at a higher frame-rate, this was done at 30fps and some flicker is evident.

    Don't know if you ever looked at the beginning of this thread at the 1st video(s), can't recall if there are one or two but they use random blinking, thermal bi-metalic switched C7 XMas tree light bulbs. I did these back in '74. Watching these random light patterns while listening to music, any music, back then was (pardon the pun) very enlightening and instructive in terms of the way the mind is drawn to auto-correlate the visual color sequence stimuli.
    Everything depends on everything else

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Colorado USA

    Default First Light (get it...its a pun)

    Now I'm making progress and programming fun is underway, FINALLY!
    Everything depends on everything else

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Colorado USA

    Default with music it is "Light Fusion" test1

    Thanks to TheHermit for this music selection called "Harmonic Frequency-The Power Of The Flower".

    I used the first half of the piece of music to fit the neo-pixel light sequence.

    I'm pretty pumped at the way this variation to an old theme turned out and how infinitely more versatile it is.

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  6. #56
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    I wonder if I hear in that music some influence from the track Obscured By Clouds from the album of the same name.

    This video might be worth a view:

    At 9:34 an image appears that in some ways at least visually echoes the effect you are developing. Very impressive that this person is demonstrating supercontinuum lasing in a home lab.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Colorado USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Greg View Post
    I wonder if I hear in that music some influence from the track Obscured By Clouds from the album of the same name.

    This video might be worth a view:

    At 9:34 an image appears that in some ways at least visually echoes the effect you are developing. Very impressive that this person is demonstrating supercontinuum lasing in a home lab.
    Now that's pretty cool...and in a home lab.
    Everything depends on everything else

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