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Thread: RGB Reflector needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Saint Joseph, MO

    Default [Solved] RGB Reflector needed

    [Solved] I bought one on Alibaba.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails XQOE5678.jpeg  

    Last edited by wendylou; 09-11-2020 at 12:33.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    What you need is a broad-spectrum first-surface mirror. Expect to pay about 10 bucks for one.

    The first item in the link above is probably very close to the broken mirror in your projector.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Why did you delete your thread? Other people can't learn from your experience if you delete things.

    Broken bounce mirrors and dichros are not uncommon when you ship modules or projectors, and beyond normal packaging precautions there isn't much you can do about it. Sometimes UPS just likes to play soccer with your package, and when they do that, stuff breaks.

    Fortunately the fix is pretty cheap, at least for a broken first surface mirror. (Dichros can get a bit more expensive.)


  4. #4
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    Dec 2013
    Saint Joseph, MO


    Quote Originally Posted by buffo View Post
    Why did you delete your thread? Other people can't learn from your experience if you delete things.

    Broken bounce mirrors and dichros are not uncommon when you ship modules or projectors, and beyond normal packaging precautions there isn't much you can do about it. Sometimes UPS just likes to play soccer with your package, and when they do that, stuff breaks.

    Fortunately the fix is pretty cheap, at least for a broken first surface mirror. (Dichros can get a bit more expensive.)

    Thread not deleted; post was revised because I found and purchased the mirror. I appreciate your response though, everyone here is so helpful! One lesson I have learned from all this is that, as nice as it was to purchase a less expensive scanner made in China, when it comes to repair – and during a pandemic – wow, good luck. My repair return went on a 6 month journey only to be returned as "Unclaimed". At least I got it back, but of course the part was now damaged. I had been advised to purchase a new one, too, because they no longer make this model. And since the reason for my repair was blooming on the red laser output, I'm thinking if I do need to replace this scanner, maybe it's time to consider non-China manufacturers. These concerns are amplified by the pandemic in terms of shipping delays. I was very happy with my Lightspace scanner, they have been very responsive, and of course the US distributor, Walt, is really nice. But I don't think I ever want to ship anything back to China for repair ever again. Wondering if the Kvant or Unity lasers listed by Pangolin are the way to go? Anyone been down this road?

  5. #5
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    Cleveland Ohio


    Xlaser, kvant....can’t go wrong

  6. #6
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    Walt Meador is running the Lightspace USA operation. He should be able to sell you another Lightspace projector that is US-certified, if you want to stick with that brand.

    X-Laser has some very nice projectors, and their service is second to none. If you are worried about reliability, service, and support after the sale, I would strongly recommend going with one of their units over any of the other choices.

    The Kvant and Unity projectors from Pangolin are another option. Personally I've had some problems with Kvant in the past, so I'm not a big fan, but I know other people who really like them. Can't say much about the Unity brand, as those are a completely new design that they (Pangolin) are importing from China and re-branding as Unity. Not sure that they've sold enough of those to get a great deal of feedback yet though.


  7. #7
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    Saint Joseph, MO

    Default Repaired + Beam Question

    I bought a 15 x 21mm Enhanced Aluminum, 4-6λ Mirror (#43-871) for $18.50 from Edmund Optics and glued it on the mount. So that problem is now solved. Thanks for guidance.

    But the issue remains with my red diode beam (the reason I was sending it back to China for repair in the first place):

    There is a divergent dispersion surrounding the central red beam only – not always noticeable but other times it's distracting from the central red beam. The red beam used to be clean so something has changed. The external optics are clean, so that's not causing it.

    I opened up the RGB diode module and noted that there are two optical wedges per each diode that the beams pass through before existing through the their respective windows in the RGB module. Does anyone know what function those wedges perform? Is this some form of spatial filter? I'm famiiar with pinhole focused spatial filters, but not versed in the purpose of two optical wedges. Could they cause the issue if out of alignment, or should I be suspecting the red laser diode itself? Those are cheap enough to replace, if needed. Thanks for any knowledgeable insights!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_7210-crop.jpg  

    Last edited by wendylou; 10-02-2020 at 09:25.

  8. #8
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    Cleveland Ohio


    Yea the splash. Drove me nuts for years. Two things. One red diodes have non coherent splash and you can’t get rid of it without using a spatial filter. Two when scanning you usually can’t see it except during static point drawing. Use a dark background to minimize it. Sending it back won’t fix it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Saint Joseph, MO

    Default Diode or Optical Wedges

    My red beam has become significantly noisier around the beam waist. I'm wondering what is the purpose of the two triangular wedges that are pressed together to form a cube, with the opposing faces at 45 degrees to the beam path incident on them? The beam passes through that on the way to its exit window in the RGB module cover. It appears that one wedge is adjustable. So I'm wondering if this might be some sort of off-axis beam cleaner? The factory said to return it for repair when they saw my blooming red beam photo. That optical cube of triangular wedges is about the only thing one can adjust, so either that is out of alignment or else the diode is the root cause. I just don't know why they pass all three diode beams through their own respective sets of two wedges... unless this is something to do with polarization or birefringence. Anyone who builds these things know?

    Update: Looks like it is for beam shaping.
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    Last edited by wendylou; 10-05-2020 at 19:57.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Cleveland Ohio


    Those wedges are prisms used to correct the diode. The make the beam more circular by correcting one of the axis so it diverges closer to the rate of the other axis. Unlikely to affect what you are seeing much.

    thats the simple answer.

    they can be tricky to get right so be careful messing. Your beam looks circular. What I see also are diffraction rings. That is either the camera or you have some sort of back reflection. That should not be there.

    try lightly pressing on each optic to see if you can change the diffraction pattern. Once you find the optic causing the problem see if you can move it or and optic near it to make it go away. I also see you not dead center in the alignment so you have room to play.

    small moves one at a time. Now that I think of it the wedges could be the source of the diffraction pattern.
    Last edited by kecked; 10-06-2020 at 03:27.

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