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Thread: Ether Dream 3 wont connect to Windows 10

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2023

    Default Ether Dream 3 wont connect to Windows 10

    I cant get the ether dream to connect to my PC

    I am attempting to run the ether dream 3 with windows 10 home. I have configured to firewall ports and it is not appearing in Madmapper 5.

    I have also set the IPv4 to automatic

    The ether dream appears on my mac but not the PC.

    Additionally, the sitter program will not execute on the PC.

    Can anyone help? I have a gig with it with testing tomorrow !!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    East Coast of Southern Virginia


    Have you tried Wireshark to see if the UDP status packets are coming from the Etherdream? Also you might be able to take the link local address 169.254.something.something (that you can look at on the Mac) and use it to ping the Etherdream from your PC.

    What error does Sitter give you for not executing?

    Quote Originally Posted by streamline View Post
    I cant get the ether dream to connect to my PC

    I am attempting to run the ether dream 3 with windows 10 home. I have configured to firewall ports and it is not appearing in Madmapper 5.

    I have also set the IPv4 to automatic

    The ether dream appears on my mac but not the PC.

    Additionally, the sitter program will not execute on the PC.

    Can anyone help? I have a gig with it with testing tomorrow !!

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