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Thread: A Proposed Novel Design For A Magnetically Pump Laser

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    Default A Proposed Novel Design For A Magnetically Pump Laser


    Subject: A Proposed Novel Design For A Magnetically Pump Laser

    I have a proposal for a magnetically pumped laser. Don't know if it works. I have written a pdf article on it.

    "This short paper describes a proposed new laser using magnetic pumping. The idea is simple. A ruby laser may just be embedding a laser ruby rod inside the primary coil of an a/c transformer together with the iron core. According to contemporary electromagnetism, electrical energy is transmitted by a current-carrying conductor through the magnetic field around it. The author's new aether photoelectricity theory offers a different explanation. The energy flow in current-carrying conductors is through aether apulses , single aether electrical wavelet of one wavelength (the equivalent of the photon). The flow of such photons (microwave around 10 μm) within the conductors is the actual physical mechanism of electrical energy transfer by metal conductors. There is no magnetism in photoelectricity theory. The energy currents entering the primary coil of an a/c transformer would "jump the air gap" into the iron core. The iron core (when active) conducts the flow of photons towards the secondary winding. The photons again jump the air gap and enters into the secondary winding giving rise to the energy current flowing across the long distance electrical power lines towards its destination. In the new magnetically pumped ruby laser, the photon flow across the copper windings and the iron core would have some photons entering into the embedded ruby rod. Such photons may be able to activate lasing of the ruby."

    "Proposed Novel Design For A Magnetically Pump Laser"

    Chan Rasjid

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Cleveland Ohio


    There are multiple ways to set up a problem. F=ma is just one. Another is the Hamiltonian another the lagrangian ect…
    This will get you started.

    There is ample proof for relativity tested over 150 years or more so,relativity isn’t in question and fits the observed universe.

    There is more than ample proof of the energy mass equivalent again fitting trillions of data points.

    Thus this is pretty standard and proven science. If you can show an alternate consitency or break of symmetry or such bring it forward. Or restate the problem in a new format.

    I wish you luck but nothing I read that you wrote is compelling. Keep at at and who knows what you might discover.

    Try applying your idea in the Hamiltonian space. Or you may like to place in phase space.

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