Greetings, all;

I’m giving a slideshow/Demo of my recent work on Tuesday from 3:15 to 4:15.
Included will be pix of the development of the Molecular Disrupter, Whirled Pieces, and Rorschach And Awe. Rorschach won a Fenning Award at the ILDA conference last year, and the Disrupter is in contention for this year’s awards.

All three will be in operation in the ballroom this week so you can mess with the controls and see why we make our stuff interactive.
And everything is analog: operating with a nanodollar budget, we can’t afford all that fancy-schmancy digital circuitry stuff, so no computers needed. (Except in the design/CAD stage, of course. Gotta have that.)

This will be a bunch of bench porn: nuts and bolts and Lasorbs, oh my.

Soldering, heat sinking, glass cutting, and other strange behaviors!
Wires dangling all over the work area!
Mike interacting with his drill press and hand tapping machine!
Lasers pooting out all over the test kitchen of St. Wilfred’s Lumentic Institute!

Tremble in awe before the mighty Molecular Disrupter, shown during construction with its covers off!
Visualize Whirled Pieces!
Take the Rorschach And Awe test!

High jinks, low comedy, and multi-medium will ensue.
It’s an all-ages show, although robots may be offended by the mechanical nudity.

Hope to see you there…Mike
Mike Gould
In Charge, Illuminatus Lasers