This has been announced on the UKLEM facebook page but just for anyone who doesnt go there I thought I should make it known here too
UKLEM 2024 will take place as per usual at Surfleet Village Hall on Station Road Surfleet Lincolnshire PE11 4BW.
It will take place from Friday 29th March til Monday April 1st (til midday)
Please let me know if you are planning on attending, we have all the usual suspects turning up as well as at least 3 from the USA - which is very exciting.
You can pay at the LEM in cash – see me (but please indicate interest here also) or you can pay in advance bank transfer via con.
Bank transfer
Acc name Andrew Connolly
Sort 30-63-57
Acc no. 30850360
Lloyds Bank
The price will be £30 for the full weekend
Or £10 for a single day.
See you there. If you dont make it - boo sucks.