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Thread: Z-Fold 532 nm Cavity YouTube Video

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by mixedgas View Post
    That would be Kevin @ Starlight... He didn't crack it, he designed a whole new controller.
    Wow! So he figured out how to detune the pump diode so the rod wouldn't shatter? That's really impressive!

    Damned shame that he isn't pursuing the project any longer. Those AMS units were good for up to 200 watts of green. And being DPSS, they would be a lot more reliable compared to the flashlamp-pumped Laserscopes. Sure would make for one hell of an outdoor laser! (Although good luck if you're not terminated and have to file for an FAA letter of non-objection... Can you just imagine what the NOHD would be on a beast like that, with peak pulse power nearing 100 KW? Ouch!)

    Then too, I wonder what you'd have to spend to get a set of scanner mirrors that could handle 200 watts of Q-switched green?

    Maybe it's just as well that he didn't publish his results.


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Nottingham, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by Laser57 View Post
    I found this green wavelength DPSS cavity interesting, anyone ever see one of these specific laser cavities before? Curious what it might be out of.

    Firstly, that's not my Youtube channel; absolutely nothing to do with me - he is a different Daniel

    Secondly, I don't think it's out of anything commercial, and absolutely nothing LSCP or similar.
    They don't use epoxy / hot-glue!
    It looks fully home-brew. Hats off to the guy for building a thing and getting it to lase!

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