I have an idea for using lasers to make burglars uncomfortable should they break into my home. Or distract them enough to make it hard to rummage through a room. And of course, I don't want to do any ocular damage. But I have no idea how to effectively do this.
My first thought was to buy a DJ laser device that throws lasers all over the room. Amazon has lots of options and some are under $100. Would something like that be effective? Are there certain power specs I would want to get?
Then I read about laser dazzlers which are designed for deterring people, but they seem to be handheld devices which won't do what I want. Then I discovered bird lasers like this - https://bird-x.com/bird-products/indoor-laser which looks like it would work but it's expensive and probably overkill. I could spend hours and hours going down the rabbit hole when the answer is probably super simple to someone who knows the field. So here I am.
The main thing is that the device needs to be powered by an AC plug so that I can turn it on/off with a smart switch. It also needs to have a "hard" switch so it automatically turns on when it is plugged in. Not a device that requires you to press a button after being plugged in.
Can anyone offer some suggestions?
EDIT: That bird laser linked above is sold for about $100 less from some stores. I found this in their instruction manual (https://bird-x.com/wp-content/upload...RUCTIONS.pdf):
This laser is Class I. The power of each laser point is no more than 1 milliwatt,which is not harmful to the human body or eye. Sounds good but then it has the following precautions.
Never look directly into laser beams, or into the specular reflection(s) of any beam.
Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes when necessary. DO NOT point towards other people.
Mount at or above a height of 3 meters. Project beams above eye level.
Do not project beams onto specular (reflective) material – for example, mirrors.
Do not project beams at room entrances.
So what's the deal? Safe or not? And would it be an effective deterrent in the way I want it to be?