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Thread: Looking for manual/serial command set for Lightwave Electronics Xcyte laser

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Default Looking for manual/serial command set for Lightwave Electronics Xcyte laser


    I recently purchased an old, non-functional Lightwave Electronics Xcyte UV laser. After adjusting the damaged LBO crystals slightly, I managed to get some 355nm output. However, for further tuning, it would be very helpful to have more control over the TEC setpoints and to reduce the power output a bit. So I’m seeking a manual or detailed information on the RS232 control protocol for this laser. I’ve already tried some common commands (e.g., *IDN?) at various baud rates, but the laser hasn’t responded to anything so far.

    If anyone has a manual or knows the command set for this laser, I’d greatly appreciate your help. Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default Xcyte

    I have the software for these lasers. Not sure if I have the manual, will check.
    These lasers have a problem where they go low power, not due the the diode degrading though...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    Oh, wow, that’s great to hear! The manual would be fantastic, but just having the software would already help me out a lot.

    In my case, the issue was with the crystals. The 3rd harmonic generator is external to the cavity, and the first crystal had some damage on the front facet. It’s not perfect, but by shifting it slightly, I managed to get out a partial beam. The second crystal also had some moisture damage on one side, but by sacrificing the already damaged AR coating and lightly polishing it, it’s now reasonably clear again.

    Thanks a lot in advance for your help!

    Quote Originally Posted by hologeek View Post
    I have the software for these lasers. Not sure if I have the manual, will check.
    These lasers have a problem where they go low power, not due the the diode degrading though...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default Xcyte

    Turns out I do have the user manual too. Just send me a PM with your email, and I will send it over.


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