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Thread: Introduce Yourself!!!

  1. #101
    Bradfo69's Avatar
    Bradfo69 is offline Pending BST Forum Purchases: $47,127,283.53
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    Wilmington, DE


    Just stumbled across this so might as well throw in my info.

    Name: Brad Billet

    Location: Wilmington, Delaware (everyone says huh?? so I just say near Philadelphia)

    Age: 45 had to get this posted quickly since 46 isn't too far off

    Occupation: I manage a large banquet and conference center. I spent 13 years doing mortgages and in 2000 decided to take a sabbatical from wearing a coat/tie and went to work at a country club. Within 3 years I was the club manager, then went on to run two more clubs until coming back to my hometown and began running the banquet facility a few weeks after it was constructed. I average 75 hours per week - as many as 93 one week and seriously have NO life.

    Single - never married - with an 18 year old son in college who also works for me. Have always stayed good friends with his mother and we even do all the holidays together. After 13 years we determined we were better friends than a couple. Working on a new relationship that's long distance but, I'm hoping that gap may be closing soon. My right hand is tired!

    Hobbies: Obviously lasers have become my current preoccupation along with a ton of other dance lighting, since I sell it as a package for weddings, sweet 16's, proms etc. Previously it was orchids - complete with a greenhouse, it's been tools and cars (rebuilt several), photography with darkroom, rock and gem collecting, high end stereo equipment, and I can't remember all the other crap. I'm a recovering alky of many years and whatever I get's an addiction. Go big or go home. I've always been into creating spectacles so lasers, pyro, and special effects for parties, weddings etc. are the current passion. If it's over the top.... I'm interested and will spearhead the logistics of making it happen. Always been a bit of a geek for electronics, computers (built many), chemistry and things that go boom. Oh and and unique high end food too. At some point, when I lose interest, (won't be soon though) check the Buying/Selling thread. I can only imagine the deals you will find. I just bought laser number 17 or 18 and, I think I've been into this for about 10 months....

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Athens, Greece


    Quote Originally Posted by Bradfo69 View Post
    My right hand is tired!
    On similar occasions i have found it immensely usefull to resort to the services of my left hand. It is a bit inexperienced though, i have to admit that...

    anyway, my turn to introduce myself

    Name: chris
    Location: Athens, Greece, Europe
    Age: 31
    Occupation: financial controller in a medical diagnostics company
    Studies: Business administration, majoring in accounting and finance @ athens university of economics and business, MSc Finance @ University of Manchester, UK
    Marital status: single for the moment but i feel clouds forming over my head and pressure building up and i am also running out of excuses. i guess i won't be able to evade for much longer

    Hobbies: well, that's a mixed story, if anyone saw my "watched items list" on fleabay they would think that the account belongs to half a dozen of different people.

    - i always enjoyed a good single malt scotch, or a charmingly old red wine
    - i also enjoy good food ethnic, strange or mainstream. so, if you enjoy eating, chances are that you are improving as a cook as well and this is certainly my case
    - a major hobby of mine is motorcycles and travelling on them. at the moment i own two, a yamaha tdm900 / 2005 model which already has 95000km on it, most on travels in greece and the balkan peninsula. I also own a 2003 yamaha R1, non street legal, for racetrack use only, with all asorted accesories (suspension, exhausts and all other bits and pieces). this one was bought as a write-off after an accident and was rebuilt by me and a friend
    - as a "side effect" of mororcycle travelling, i developed a love for camping, especially free camping in the "wild", so over the years i have gathered three tents and enough sleeping bags to accomodate a dozen lads
    - electronics perpetually at entry level, assembling kits, combining them, aquiring skills, i even made my own PCBs. Not bad for a finance guy!

    - lasers... my fist one came at the age of 17 in the form of a Did-It-Myself 5mw 635 diode and three cassette player dc motors controller by 3 lm317 variable power supplies. i had even fitted a small little board to change "frames" in a semi-auto, quasi-random, demi-succesfull way. even did a few events with this one, really proud of it, stills works!

    at the moment i am learning with a small RGV i made and i am acquiring materials and knowledge for a bigger, proper RGB

    general outline - executive summary

    if it is costing, planning, project management, budgeting, travel, motorcycles or camping i'm your guy. if it's lasers, better get a second opinion, or a third, or a fourth.... i'm learning though, and i am learning quickly
    "its called character briggs..."

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by LaNeK779 View Post
    On similar occasions i have found it immensely usefull to resort to the services of my left hand. It is a bit inexperienced though, i have to admit that...

    anyway, my turn to introduce myself

    Name: chris
    Location: Athens, Greece, Europe
    Age: 31
    Occupation: financial controller in a medical diagnostics company
    Studies: Business administration, majoring in accounting and finance @ athens university of economics and business, MSc Finance @ University of Manchester, UK
    Marital status: single for the moment but i feel clouds forming over my head and pressure building up and i am also running out of excuses. i guess i won't be able to evade for much longer
    cant evade marriage? In that case... if you are planning on building a laser projector better get it done before you get married !!! and quickly.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Athens, Greece


    i hear what you say

    this laser projector and the ones that will follow are a ticket to "freedom"

    imagine an imaginary projector sold to an imaginary club that suffers an imaginary failure in the middle of the night and i have to go and fix it

    "its called character briggs..."

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Perth, WA


    Name: Christoph Burnicus
    Location: Perth, Western Australia
    Age: 21
    Occupation: Medical Technical Assistant / Amatuer Muso
    Hobbies: Photons, Groovebox, Mechanics, Electronics
    Other: Newly obsessed.
    On a quest to find new optics and laser gear already in Australia.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Burnicus View Post
    Name: Christoph Burnicus
    Location: Perth, Western Australia
    Age: 21
    Occupation: Medical Technical Assistant / Amatuer Muso
    Hobbies: Photons, Groovebox, Mechanics, Electronics
    Other: Newly obsessed.
    On a quest to find new optics and laser gear already in Australia.
    Hi Barnicus and Welcome!

    Har, so we have another Perth member here... Kit and I are both in Perth, we may have enough members soon to hold a PERLEM!
    This space for rent.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Perth, WA


    Quote Originally Posted by dnar View Post
    Hi Barnicus and Welcome!

    Har, so we have another Perth member here... Kit and I are both in Perth, we may have enough members soon to hold a PERLEM!
    Yes, Kit got me onto this fantastic site. Holding a PERLEM sounds good! Met a bloke on the weekend with a 1 WATT gas laser! Maybe he might want to join too.
    Last edited by Burnicus; 01-03-2011 at 19:39.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Perth Western Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Burnicus View Post
    Yes, Kit got me onto this fantastic site. Holding a PERLEM sounds good! Met a bloke on the weekend with a 1 WATT gas laser! Maybe he might want to join too.
    Hi Chris,
    Great to see you on board

    Check if you haven't already.

    They are in Melbourne. Username Dave is on this forum and is the owner of lasershowparts. Dave is a very helpful fellow and has quiet a few of the mechanical parts you will need to get a blue laser module going.

    And then there was 3, PerLem here we come!

    Have fun

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Perth, WA


    Thanks, That site is great! Some high quality gear, just what I'm looking for

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    I died for a few months, but I am back x]

    Name: Jamaica
    Location: Oregon
    Age: 21
    Occupation: College student soon to graduate and potentially work with community-development in the video game industry x]
    Hobbies: lasers, video games, programming, forum-ing, social networking
    Other: Love making peoples smile ^_^

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