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My right hand is tired!
On similar occasions i have found it immensely usefull to resort to the services of my left hand. It is a bit inexperienced though, i have to admit that...
anyway, my turn to introduce myself
Name: chris
Location: Athens, Greece, Europe
Age: 31
Occupation: financial controller in a medical diagnostics company
Studies: Business administration, majoring in accounting and finance @ athens university of economics and business, MSc Finance @ University of Manchester, UK
Marital status: single for the moment but i feel clouds forming over my head and pressure building up and i am also running out of excuses. i guess i won't be able to evade for much longer
Hobbies: well, that's a mixed story, if anyone saw my "watched items list" on fleabay they would think that the account belongs to half a dozen of different people.
- i always enjoyed a good single malt scotch, or a charmingly old red wine
- i also enjoy good food ethnic, strange or mainstream. so, if you enjoy eating, chances are that you are improving as a cook as well and this is certainly my case
- a major hobby of mine is motorcycles and travelling on them. at the moment i own two, a yamaha tdm900 / 2005 model which already has 95000km on it, most on travels in greece and the balkan peninsula. I also own a 2003 yamaha R1, non street legal, for racetrack use only, with all asorted accesories (suspension, exhausts and all other bits and pieces). this one was bought as a write-off after an accident and was rebuilt by me and a friend
- as a "side effect" of mororcycle travelling, i developed a love for camping, especially free camping in the "wild", so over the years i have gathered three tents and enough sleeping bags to accomodate a dozen lads
- electronics perpetually at entry level, assembling kits, combining them, aquiring skills, i even made my own PCBs. Not bad for a finance guy!
- lasers... my fist one came at the age of 17 in the form of a Did-It-Myself 5mw 635 diode and three cassette player dc motors controller by 3 lm317 variable power supplies. i had even fitted a small little board to change "frames" in a semi-auto, quasi-random, demi-succesfull way. even did a few events with this one, really proud of it, stills works!
at the moment i am learning with a small RGV i made and i am acquiring materials and knowledge for a bigger, proper RGB
general outline - executive summary 
if it is costing, planning, project management, budgeting, travel, motorcycles or camping i'm your guy. if it's lasers, better get a second opinion, or a third, or a fourth.... i'm learning though, and i am learning quickly
"its called character briggs..."