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Thread: TAX

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by stanwax View Post
    VAT & import duty paid to customs and excise.
    Quote Originally Posted by stanwax View Post
    As I said the money will be vat and duty.
    Quote Originally Posted by laserLips View Post
    who's pocket am I lining.
    Nobody is getting their pocket 'lined'

    Quote Originally Posted by laserLips View Post
    If I go into a club I expect to pay a door charge, if I go on holiday I expect to pay for the flight, if I send something throught the post I expect to pay for shipping
    and if you import goods you expect to pay import duty - its no big secret!
    Quote Originally Posted by laserLips View Post
    but what is this bloody tax for, tax for what? Who does it end up going to? The shipping compnay, govenment.
    The tax is VAT and Duty that the customs and excise collect for the government.
    Quote Originally Posted by laserLips View Post
    I admint I don't really knwo what I'm talking about
    No Shit

    Do you kick up this much fuss when you buy anything that has VAT added - and I assure you if its come from abroad you will be paying the duty too.


    PS anyone got a wall I can bang my head on?
    If you need to ask the question 'whats so good about a laser' - you won't understand the answer.
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  2. #12
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  3. #13
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    In the UK, Customs & Excise and the Inland Revenue are now the same outfit, responsible for all tax collection. Almost everything you buy has VAT on it, it's effectively a sales tax. The only way to avoid paying VAT is not to spend any money! However, if you are a VAT registered business, you can claim back any VAT you've laid out, but you have to charge VAT for your sales and services, and account for it on a regular basis, so you effectively work as an unpaid tax collector for the government. There's no minimum turnover required to register a business for VAT; probably not worth doing for a 'hobby' but a good idea for any business venture, provided your customers are also VAT registered, as you can also get the VAT back on some vehicles (vans but not cars) and anything else you buy for the business. You have to charge your customers VAT but they can then claim it back. The reason for import duty, of course, is to pay the unemployment benefit for people who've lost their jobs due to cheap imports!!

  4. #14
    soforene's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by greenalien View Post
    ... The reason for import duty is to pay the unemployment benefit for people who've lost their jobs due to cheap imports!!
    Not to mention the millions of migrants flooding into this country and straight away sticking their hand "in the pot".
    The same pot that I pay into to pay for my pension and my NHS bills in case I need 'em !!

    Don't even go there, Gurlfriend !!

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by carmangary View Post
    I feel sorry for you guys. We don't have those crazy taxes over here. If I were you I'd throw all of your tea into the bay.
    Funny. That was my first history lesson at primary school. First one I remember, anyway.

    I got bitten by tax on some nice rotary switches from the US recently. VAT was ok, just 7 quid, but they wanted another 8 for 'handling'. Obvious bullshit. Not going to do anything about it though, it obviously won't succeed, for the simple reason that the trouble it puts them through will be deemed worth more than the £8. They won't tell me that, of course, they'll just quote bell, book and candle at me, but that's the raw of it.

    Going to be walloped again, no doubt, four bluetooth serial adapters from the US. I can almost hear those dry grey little tax-man hands a-rubbing over their mean little candle in the night. Easy to see why Dickens and Shakespeare and damned near anyone with a literary streak has fun at their expense. I put it down to therapy, of a sort.

  6. #16
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    Actually, bare circuit boards shouldn't attract any import duty currently, one of the other benefits of buying the FB3 OEM 'kit', it's not a finished product and could be viewed as parts.

    I've asked Pangolin to mark my package with the correct TARIC code, and hopefully that'll ensure it only attracts the VAT man, and not C&E.

    TARIC lookup is linked below

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by laserLips View Post


    Quote Originally Posted by The_Doctor View Post
    I can almost hear those dry grey little tax-man hands a-rubbing over their mean little candle in the night.
    And all this time I thought it was locust making that sound! Perhaps they, and the tax-men are somehow related?

    Stan, I'm with Sir Lips on this. I'm also not willing to accept certain things on the level of simply "it's the law", or that's just the way it is. Granted, your responses may not represent your full view on the matter, but then, the cry for any justification (or lack thereof) for import taxes and duties, didn't appear to resonate with you.

    Perhaps I'm wrong.
    Alas, poor diode. I fried him well.

  8. #18
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    The question to ask, is how much did you pay duty, and how much handling fees of the courier, normally the courier adds an a lot onto the duty. I seem to remember, c&E can invoice you for the duty, but the courier has no right in holding the parcel up till its payed (they arent allowed to delay delivery) I also seem to remember you can contest the couriers charges as you never contracted them to be your clearing agent! (I`ll root around and see if I can find the information for you, its on a forum somewhere)

  9. #19
    mixedgas's Avatar
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    Tea Chucking ,Fake Feather wearing Septic Spam here. What a great day to have what appears to be a necro post pop up on the day we celebrate our reaction to what Franklin called the Intolerable Acts, especially the Stamp Act. Happy Independence Day America.

    Sadly our taxes are once again catching up to the UK taxes.

    PS, We thank your for your Guards band playing My Country, Tis of Thee at the Buckingham Changing of the Guard every day since it was written in 1831 [really just kidding on that one]

    PS, Cousins across the pond, we love you, Well, now we do.

    One really should learn up on Brokers, Customs Carnets, and loopholes in naming gear.

    Last edited by mixedgas; 07-04-2024 at 14:49.
    Qui habet Christos, habet Vitam!
    I should have rented the space under my name for advertising.
    When I still could have...

  10. #20
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