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Thread: Who did CONANs show

  1. #1
    mixedgas's Avatar
    mixedgas is offline Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
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    Default Who did CONANs show

    Who got reckless and did Conan's "cheesey german disco laser show"
    nearly scanning a slow yag raster onto a national TV news guys retina would have been really bad for business, when it got on whats his name's face about 1/4" from his eye.

    Steve Roberts

  2. #2
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    I didn't see it...

    I assume this video is what you are talking about?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by mixedgas View Post
    Who got reckless and did Conan's "cheesey german disco laser show" nearly scanning a slow yag raster onto a national TV news guys retina would have been really bad for business, when it got on whats his name's face about 1/4" from his eye.
    Hey Steve - Well, it was SUPPOSED to be US - we gave a very good quote for what they wanted, and we would have done a MUCH better job, with bounce mirrors, etc rather than boring scans - but, some penny-pinching exec. found 'somebody cheaper' and I see that's exactly what they got...

    This is what WE had offered to do with his stage...(minus the WL, cause they had a very limited budget...)

    ...much brighter, safer (more predictable / positively terminated, etc) would have been timed better to the 'beat' - and best of all - would have been done by a properly NYS ClassB-licensed operator...

    I'd really like to find out if whoever did it WAS licensed, cause I don't pay $600. to file for every gig we do in NY, and $60. + $75. for an eye Exam every 3 years to renew my license, so some yahoo with a 'mobolazer' can be out there making a mockery of doing it 'right'..

    ..whatever.. onto bigger and better projects!...

    - J
    Last edited by dsli_jon; 01-27-2008 at 19:52.
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  4. #4
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    Talking Speaking of Conan... :)

    ... is it just me, or does somebody we all know very well secretly moonlight as somebody else we all know very well?...

    Click Here to reveal Conans 'True Identity'

    cousins? frat-twins sep'd at birth? THE SAME GUY??? (I mean, come on, Conan DID just have LASERS on his show!!... - Oh, if they only HAD been done by BB, et al...would have been much better, for sure...)

    OK, so official 'disclaimer': This was a joke, only a joke, and nothing but a joke, so help me God, so I sure hope I don't get flamed for 'libel', here... - I've just gotta get back out on the road (2 more weeks, come on!) ... ya know, 'the devil finds work for idle hands'...


    - J
    Last edited by dsli_jon; 01-13-2008 at 02:03.
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  5. #5
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    Don't sweat it Jon... We were making the same comparison at SELEM 2007. They *do* look a lot alike though... (Judging by Bill's reaction, I expect he's heard it before.)

    BTW, I really enjoyed that Geronimo clip. Nice work dude... Pity you couldn't get the gig for Conan's show. But then again, it appears that it was a one-off gag, so all the extra choreography would have been wasted.

    And actually, I didn't see any part of the youtube video where Conan's eye got scanned. Maybe I missed it? It did look as though a few of the beams were headed out towards the audience, but you don't know what they had in place between the stage and the seats for the audience. (I also believe the stage is elevated...)

    Eh, hard to say for sure, but one would think that the show operator would have made sure he was at least within the guidelines when doing a show that would be on National TV. Then again, if it really was some talentless hack, maybe not...


  6. #6
    clandestiny's Avatar
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    Wow, you guys are ruthless- LOL-
    This used to be a civil enviorment where questions could be asked -
    and the lesser of us get helped along the way-

    Now I have to put on a bullet proof jacket just to log in here- LOL

    what are we gonna say if Pango did moonlight that gig and Haayden was at the controls?
    go big or go home

  7. #7
    mixedgas's Avatar
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    they brought it back for a third night, and launched straight up through conan's desk, and he danced in the beam. They then had units behind the desk that they scanned the host and his guest.

    lacka budget my a$$.

    Clan, this is one case where somebody did us wrong and it could have been a major whoopsis.

    DSLI , sorry you didnt get it
    600$ to file, what a rip!

    this is one case where ILDA should volunteer and offer to do it right, just to show them what they missed.

    BTW, we've been calling Benner Conan since the 90's
    And if hayden did it, it wouldnt have been sucky stupidabeam moving light clones with scanners stuck to them on night three.
    Last edited by mixedgas; 01-13-2008 at 12:16.

  8. #8
    mixedgas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mliptack View Post
    I didn't see it...

    I assume this video is what you are talking about?
    Naw, I ment the the one when they brought it back for a third night and cut a hole in his desk (probably already there for that fake RCA desk mike they use) and he danced in the beams,


  9. #9
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    yeah I just searched for laser on conan or something like that and found that clip. I actually figured it was either a later segment in that show or just some other episode entirely since I didn't see it scan near his eye either.


  10. #10
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    Forgive my ignorance guys - but obviously we dont see this show over here (Thank god) but is this guy supposed to be funny.
    Ive seen funnier bricks - it certainly wasnt, to quote a Youtube comment, 'hilarious'
    if this passes for comedy you guys should get out more.

    If you need to ask the question 'whats so good about a laser' - you won't understand the answer.
    Laserists do it by the nanometre.

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