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Thread: Amazing Light Show, with NO 'audience scanning' (just a few gamma-rays! ;)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    SoCal / San Salvador / NY

    Default Amazing Light Show, with NO 'audience scanning' (just a few gamma-rays! ;)

    Not sure who all is a 'space-nut' here, besides me - I'd imagine quite a few - anyhoo, for those of you who appreciate 'lumias' and 'abstracts', here are a few amazing shots from the 'greatest kit in the Universe'...(could use a few more beams, though..)
    - J

 - the final LEM-tier
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Milwaukee WI


    WOW are you sure all of those are real? Those are some really beautiful pictures, I would love to get my hands on some High Res versions of those

    I one that looks like an eye (like 3 or 4th from the top) but I'm not picking favorites... there are some pretty darn cool pictures!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    SoCal / San Salvador / NY


    Quote Originally Posted by mliptack View Post
    WOW are you sure all of those are real? Those are some really beautiful pictures, I would love to get my hands on some High Res versions of those
    Hey Max -

    well, here's the source...
    ...(scroll down below the Mercury article...keep going...keep going - THERE!... )

    'Hubble, Hubble, Hubble...'


    PS - yeah, I like the 'Helix' one too - would make a great 'avatar' - - (PS, Pat, is that mask one of those 'nazi-demons' from 'American Werewolf in London'?? )
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  4. #4
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    Native Floridian


    Very nice! One of my favorites is the Sombrero Galaxy (M104). Though the Hubble image of M51 is fantastic. Being able to see all the nebula within the galaxy is very cool. I also like the Crab nebula (M1), the neat history behind the Crab nebula is that it was a star that went super nova back in the year 1054. At 6300 light years away, you could see it in broad daylight and could read at night from the light of it. Looking at it today all you see is this cloud of gas, expanding at something on the order of 1800km/s. Left behind is a pulsar and I think it was one of the first pulsars discovered.

    Not sure who all is a 'space-nut' here
    I'm no space nut, am I?!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Connecticut, USA


    those are some of the most beautiful pictures i have ever seen! i, myself am a space nut. No, not a genius in its laws and theories or anything, probably know JUST about enough to be dangerous! lol. the theories of space and time....WOW...lookin at some of those pictures and the uncomprehendable distances and sizes of some of those masses makes you really realize how small and miniscule we all are.

    absolutely blows my mind to look at a picture like that (just say the crab nebula) and realize that it would take, what- 1,000,000 years (if not more) to get from 1 side of it to the other....and thats at light speed!!! my mind cant even begin to comprehend that type of absurd distance.

    any space and time theorists here??? ( i a dork or what??)



    thanks for the pics jon!

  6. #6
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    Milwaukee WI


    Marc... YES... I got really big into physics and the theories of space time its some pretty in depth stuff. The whole twin paradox theory etc. I forgot what the tiny particles that I am thinking about are called 'muons.' They travel at relative speeds. The thing about them is their lifespan is tiny, like 20mS. But in that time they are traveling a longer distance than would be possible at a speed of X and a lifespan of 20mS they must be experiencing time dilation!!!

    But from a different observer all the calculations may not work, or even apply!

    I just found this site and it goes into the whole muon thing:

    Then there is 4th dimension theorists i.e. the hypercube etc., well of course there are theorists that there are many more dimensions... but lets only start with one more than we know we have See image
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 180px-8-cell.gif  

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Connecticut, USA


    oh dear lord!! you got me started!! LOL....

    i just read a book called "parallel universes" about a year ago. and read a few of einsteins books. fascinating isnt even the word!! the parallel universes book covers alot of the 4th dimension theories and such. (im pretty sure it was that one...???) that cube image is wild. but i thought the 4th dimension was time??? the "muon" and string theory stuff is just too mind boggling for me. the parallel universes book was A LOT of math. it started to get WAAAAY too into formulas and such for me to wrap my head around. FASCINATING none the less, but less understandable that some of einsteins books. i read one called "Einsteins Dreams." now THAT is a serious book! you should check it out!

    *ACCELLEARTING* to the speed of light....not possible (according to theory of relativity by einstein.)


    *TRAVELLING* at and BEYOND the speed of light *IS* possible!!! (though, never humanly achieved obviously) now THAT just drives me INSAAANE!!!!!

    what makes light, light?? its speed?? if we *COULD* travel at the speed of light, would we *BECOME* light????

    I WANT ANSWERS DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL........


  8. #8
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    Milwaukee WI


    I think we could all use some answers... here and there...

    I think it was some theories that stated that the 4th dimension was time, can remember off the top of my head. I just recall the hypercube image, not the one I attached above, but rather one that started out as a point and moved through the different dimensions. It was pretty cool considering I learned about this for the first time like 7-8 years ago.

    I'll have to check out the books you mentioned once I get some time to read again.

    Have you ever read into the rips in the space time 'mat'? I forgot who it was but there were a bunch of people who predicted to see a particular moon or something at a certain point in the sky. Well this one person said no it'll be here in the sky. Of course the original group of people said no, our calculations are right, and that his math was all skewed.

    It turns out the one guy was right. It explains the universe as a mat. Think of a sheet of rubber. In the center there is a large mass (drop a bowling ball on it) thats the sun. Now the sheet of rubber is like one of the coin swirly things from back in the day. Every additional mass will create an indent and will rotate around the center mass. But any mass on the mat will affect the other masses even if only a small amount. This is dealing more with gravitational pull and how someone found another planet just because of the gravitational pull on a particular planet that was visible. I'm pretty sure that planet is no longer a planet, however. I think scientists realized it was just a mass of gases. Anyway... I'm done rambling. Hope this all makes sense!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Speaking of multi-dimensions, has anyone heard of this guy's theory:
    The flash video is put together well.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Toronto Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by nanoWatt View Post
    Speaking of multi-dimensions, has anyone heard of this guy's theory:
    The flash video is put together well.
    A first season of Sliders ( was better
    I hired an Italian guy to do my wires. Now they look like spaghetti!

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