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Thread: Kindsa weird chat :)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Kindsa weird chat :)

    [05/10/2011 20:07:17] prodjallen: hello
    [05/10/2011 20:07:55] : hi
    [05/10/2011 20:08:54] prodjallen: hows it going?
    [05/10/2011 20:09:01] prodjallen: your from photonlexicon right?
    [05/10/2011 20:09:34] prodjallen: i'm looking for a Spectronika laser or laser collimator
    [05/10/2011 20:09:43] prodjallen: wanted to ask if you might have one?
    [05/10/2011 20:10:32] : there was a speckronica on ebay for weeks back
    [05/10/2011 20:11:50] prodjallen: hmm
    [05/10/2011 20:11:59] prodjallen: i really only need the collimator on a spectronika
    [05/10/2011 20:12:03] prodjallen: the one that looks like this
    [05/10/2011 20:12:18] *** prodjallen sent Spectronika Collimator.JPG ***
    [05/10/2011 20:13:20] prodjallen: have you ever seen those?
    [05/10/2011 20:13:50]: yeah, theres a couple of sites selling them
    [05/10/2011 20:14:04] prodjallen: really where?
    [05/10/2011 20:14:31] : spectronica for one
    [05/10/2011 20:14:54] prodjallen: spectronikas website is shut down
    [05/10/2011 20:15:01] : hmm
    [05/10/2011 20:15:34] : somewhere else as well but cn'at think of it of hand
    [05/10/2011 20:15:50] : what you trying to do??
    [05/10/2011 20:16:01] prodjallen: collimate a laserscope beam
    [05/10/2011 20:16:14] prodjallen: when you use that specific collimator
    [05/10/2011 20:16:21] prodjallen: in the right place on the optical table
    [05/10/2011 20:16:30] prodjallen: you can get an "ion" quality beam
    [05/10/2011 20:16:55] : dunno if there rated to that power
    [05/10/2011 20:17:31] prodjallen: oh they are...
    [05/10/2011 20:17:39] prodjallen: ive used them on multiple units
    [05/10/2011 20:17:50] prodjallen: ran in testing for more then 9hrs straight
    [05/10/2011 20:17:51] prodjallen: no problems
    [05/10/2011 20:18:18]: so why cn't you get any more if you got some already
    [05/10/2011 20:18:55] prodjallen: i got it from someone else and he didnt have anymore =[
    [05/10/2011 20:19:50] : hmm, maybe google is you friend
    [05/10/2011 20:20:03] prodjallen: i have man i have
    [05/10/2011 20:20:13] prodjallen: for 2 years ive been looking for another one
    [05/10/2011 20:20:31] prodjallen: are you robin from PL? or smogthemog?
    [05/10/2011 20:20:42]: i did see someone in euorpe, but will have to search
    [05/10/2011 20:20:51] : no neither
    [05/10/2011 20:21:50] : but optics on a good scope convert should not need this, why too much power imo
    [05/10/2011 20:22:45] prodjallen: its not a power problem, the problem is beam quality is very bad without a collimator
    [05/10/2011 20:22:54] prodjallen: and i dont use it as a collimator
    [05/10/2011 20:23:00] prodjallen: i use it as an expander
    [05/10/2011 20:23:04] prodjallen: in reverse
    [05/10/2011 20:26:18]: that doesn't make sense to me, what you trying to do? if beam is good ok. beam is bad collimate, bad beam and reversre dont make any sense to me
    [05/10/2011 20:28:03] prodjallen: because the beam divergence is very bad
    [05/10/2011 20:28:13] prodjallen: one ft away and its 1/2"
    [05/10/2011 20:28:41] prodjallen: so we use a beam expander to fix the divergence at the cost of beam size
    [05/10/2011 20:38:46] : you need to collimate no expand then
    Last edited by Lexat8; 02-18-2012 at 13:55. Reason: mild security issue ;~)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    SoCal / San Salvador / NY


    ...and to think - if he had only taken a *grain* of advice, and simply FILED his friggin' Var-app, with the seasoned-advice so-freely given, even before he finished his 'Frankenscope'-project - with the copious-amounts of help he would have then-gotten, he would have had at least 3-ways to successfully collimate these into very show-usable beams, ie: etc, etc.. all w/O telescoping into a firehose-beam, first... *sigh*... Oh well, we tried...

    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    East Sussex, England


    I thought he was under mixedgas' wing currently isn't he? And so we are to 'lay off' him...
    Frikkin Lasers

    You are using Bonetti's defense against me, ah?

    I thought it fitting, considering the rocky terrain.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Jon... steve is a great guy and i cant believe how much good advice he gives to people ( like yourself ) but ... we all know that steve also has a mega life of hiTech shit that most of us struggle to understand and i respect him for that .... but he is also just like us.... a victim of people that take the piss out of all the good advice that we try to bring to the table for free ...

    I think that even steve will be saying some very naughty words under his breath ... to see what Mr Pro DJ A is trying to pull off ... ( steve.... even our lord allows you to say naughty words when the going gets tough )

    all the best ,,,,


  5. #5
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    SoCal / San Salvador / NY


    Quote Originally Posted by norty303 View Post
    ...And so we are to 'lay off' him...
    ..Oh, believe me, that's *exactly* what's happening... It's just a shame, cuz he could be much-further ahead, if he wasn't so determined that he'd 'found a better way' than-those that had traveled his path - ya know, only 22-23x, before.. or, than-those that *blazed* the bloody trail, to begin-with... Anyhoo, all he's gotta do is show he's filed / taken the steps to get legal, and I'm sure the 'floodgates of help' would be open, again... assuming he actually then, *believes* / applies the correct-info / advice...

    Quote Originally Posted by Photonphart View Post
    ...steve is a great guy and i cant believe how much good advice he gives to people..
    Hah, 'Photonphart', Lol... but... methinks we have you 'sussed'.... too 'distinct' a posting-style... and the dead give-away?... "all the best"... Good to see you 'back'... albeit 'ninja-style'...

    ..but yeah - you're so-right... and it's further-amazing, when you actually take the time to *read* Sam's FAQs... OMG - HOW does ONE MAN learn / know SO MUCH about SO MUCH, and still have it be 99.99% all the-correct info... The guy should be teaching at NASA, or better...

    Anyhoo, enough of the drama-mill for today...
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  6. #6
    mixedgas's Avatar
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    He is talking to one of my pro friends, and making some progress, but not that much.
    I think he has memory issues, some folks just have miswired brains, myself included.
    Going to school full time has helped him considerably.

    We should not use him as the Butt of Jokes, that is what upsets me.

    Besides, he keeps getting past Spec's defenses, so either he or his Inet provider must have some meager set of net skills.

    Clue Specs "Brains" keyword data mining in 5,4,3,2,....

    Last edited by mixedgas; 01-11-2012 at 03:00.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Miami, FL


    I guess nobody here has heard of the term "Do not feed the trolls - thx management"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by mixedgas View Post
    Besides, he keeps getting past Spec's defenses, so either he or his Inet provider must have some meager set of net skills.

    Clue Specs "Brains" keyword data mining in 5,4,3,2,....
    I'm pretty sure that conversation happened over AIM. I have no control over that external service.

    The Vbulletin banning isn't smart. I can lock out via IP/username/hostname/email or any combination above - Each is easy to bypass here unless I start trying to actively shape the access credentials which would be problematic for every other user on the board given it would have to perform a non trivial number of queries on *each* connection to determine whether to drop it or not. Every single connection would take an extra 4-8 seconds to happen from the time someone clicks anything.

    The "best" solution is to disappear entire blockspaces but that nukes everyone else that might be coming in.

    If I block a /24 - thats 256 ip's that can't connect.
    /16 is 65 536
    /8 is 16 777 216

    That's pretty absurd all things considered - hence why I tend to ignore re-registrations for a while, collect connection data and then just lock down multiple IP's or a couple known /24's

    Quote Originally Posted by flecom View Post
    I guess nobody here has heard of the term "Do not feed the trolls - thx management"
    Yea, the problem with trolls is that they will eat just about anything - That's where the advanced asshole countermeasures come in to play. They don't get banned in a classical sense - They just get put in a global ignore list where no one, other than them, can see their posts and the board gets absurdly horrible to use up to including 15 second load times and 50% chance that their requested action will simply not be done and come back with an error that makes me look like I don't know how to run a toaster, much less a forum.
    Last edited by Admin; 01-13-2012 at 15:50. Reason: Brains

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    it was on Skype FYI


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