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Thread: Video eye candy getting close to abstract lasers

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Laser-like Video eye candy

    4K Psychedelic Animated Graphics - 2 Hours!

    Nice evolutionary variations on typical fractal themes, eh James? Perhaps you're already familiar with the Electric Sheep software collaborative, as mentioned under (Show More). Looks like something that might be right down your alley.

    Reminds me of the time I blew the fuses on the sound system, but didn't know until the star projectionist informed me after he had replaced the fuses. Can't carry a tune, but I was wearing headphones and singing my heart out in front of 420 fans.🤦*♂️

    Reckon these visual artists publish these on YT, in hopes that some talented musos will inject some emotional stimulus to make them go viral. Take away the music and laser shows soon get pretty boring for viewers, as well. Laserists don't need no stinkin' music, though.🤩
    Last edited by TheHermit; 09-19-2022 at 19:32.
    What goes around, comes around;
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  2. #2
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    Akron, Ohio USA


    It is very nice. I like the color variations and the soft edges and stuff. It does look fractal. I'm not familiar with the source. I will look it up though.

    If you or anyone else is interested in making videos from animated vector images, anything imported or created in LB can be exported as a directory full of numbered bitmap files. Then ffmpeg can be used to compile them into a video. Any resolution and aspect ratio is possible, well beyond 4K if the bitmaps are rendered from a Liquid Math script. Any bitmaps exported from the running app's currently loaded frame_set are square (becausethe app's display space is square). The thickness of the rendered line in a bitmap can be anything from 1 pixel wide to whatever. And individual frames can have millions of vertices. Since bitmaps are just static images, the contents of each frame has nothing to do with how long it takes to display it.

    This is how I made these videos clips.

    Outside generated vector data can be imported into the Liquid Math calculator for further marh processing and bitmap rendering to any resolution and until it gets converted into a raster image, it's all in double float precision.

    Who needs a laser projector?

    * ducking to avoid a barage of rotten tomatoes *

    Last edited by james; 09-19-2022 at 22:47.
    Creator of LaserBoy!
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    All software has a learning curve usually proportional to its capabilities and unique features. Pointing with a mouse is in no way easier than tapping a key.

  3. #3
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    Pretty cool. Reminds me of the Winamp days, with add-on visualizers. Fractals are my absolute favorite visual representation of mathematical formulae and some of these look like fractals.

    I don't have a problem with video projectors showing these kind of images but they cannot do what lasers do. That color saturation, infinite contrast ratio and crazy visual punch. Also the Laser Speckle. That is still my favorite thing about lasers that no video projector can emulate, using standard light sources.
    If you're the smartest person in the room, then you're in the wrong room.

  4. #4
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    Akron, Ohio USA


    Oh! That's a twist. I wonder how long it took to generate all of that.

    I remember way back in the i286 days, a program called Fractint that did all of its math in integers in the cpu. This was when the fpu (math co-processor) was a separate device. It took forever to complete a vga screen. I don't know a lot about fractals but I guess they involve evaluating an expression and using the result to plug back into the same expression and doing that many times over to determine if the expression takes off to infinity, negative infinity or settles on a constant value. So it takes tons of calculations for a single pixel.
    Last edited by james; 09-20-2022 at 08:53.
    Creator of LaserBoy!
    LaserBoy is free and runs in Windows, MacOS and Linux (including Raspberry Pi!).
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    All software has a learning curve usually proportional to its capabilities and unique features. Pointing with a mouse is in no way easier than tapping a key.

  5. #5
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    Colorado USA


    Quote Originally Posted by TheHermit View Post
    Shemakhinskaya Bayaderka Festival / Yana Kremneva / 2016

    Actually, I was going to put this under the "What we did before lasers" thread, but found this title to be more accurate and it's more considerate to hijack my own thread.
    As other abstract laserists have mentioned, the goal is often to emulate the rhythmic motions of dance.
    Make note at how you find yourself becoming emotionally attached to the dancer's character, not that it has anything to do with her being an attractive woman, of course.🙄 Laser abstracts are visually appealing as well, aren't they? But, there's time to become acquainted, because you're focused upon a single entity throughout the entire sequence, instead of being bombarded by strangers.
    We become fascinated by her uniquely strange, but precise rhythmic movements, instead of the status quo. From that point on, the eyes are trapped and the mind wants to see what the dancer does next.
    IMHO, this is the essence of 'visual music' at its finest. If I could achieve this level of interpretation within my cycloids, I'd be a very happy laserist.
    This is a great example of visual-to-musical nuance threading and emulation. It is also what I think is a prime example of "less is more". I was blown away by her "precise rhythmic movements", as TheHermit described it. During her performance, I was not once struck with the idea of boring repetition, there was none.

    Wow! Thanks for finding and sharing this.
    Everything depends on everything else

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheHermit View Post
    Thanks for chiming in with your approval, Lasermaster1977. I was concerned that others may miss the point of my posting something so provocative and seemingly unrelated to laser shows. My point is not to criticize, but to remind today's 'youngsters' of the most basic, primal fundamentals that have evolved into today's OTT laser productions, that have diminishing visual appeal.
    It took me a decade to understand that "less is more" and climaxes are only relative to previous lows. ALL shows need dynamics, audibly, visually, and emotionally to lead the audiences on an incredible roller-coaster ride of ups and downs. Every successful production has these elements, even head-banger concerts and action movies. Every action movie begins with becoming acquainted with the 'heroes' simple lifestyles, has struggles and victories at the end, before bringing the audience back down to a normal state of "all is well in the universe".
    I just returned to make the point regarding the dancer's obvious discipline of years (decades?) of training and the well rehearsed choreography of her performance, also vitally important for laser entertainment. She's not just going through the motions of off-the-cuff improvisation. Every nuance of every movement is preprogrammed within her mind and muscle memories.
    This is what separates the pros from the amateurs.
    "Practice makes perfect."
    I humbly thank you.

    And you make another valuable and excellent point when considering the flow of effects or entire show productions that I want to reinforce for the young, laser effects/show producers of today and those still aspiring to become one. "Climaxes are only relative the previous lows."
    Everything depends on everything else

  7. #7
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    Colorado USA


    Quote Originally Posted by TheHermit View Post
    Meh, humility is greatly over rated, IMO. That's why I rarely exercise it (& why I'm a hermit).
    But to you, my Friend, I humbly appreciate your gracious technical assistance and support of my show philosophy. Furthermore, I sincerely salute you and bow to your superior authority regarding these matters.
    "Got to keep the loonies on the path."

    Who said that? "Stand still Laddy!"

    "Oi! I gotta li'l black book wif me poems in!"
    oh come on, shouldn't I be getting an award or something?
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  8. #8
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    I need to speak with Jon Robertson.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails SVHS.jpg  

  9. #9
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    I think he wants the b&c tapes...
    "There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who, with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun." Pablo Picasso

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