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Thread: A plea for safety, pl edition.

  1. #281
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Greenville, SC USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Eidetic View Post
    ... but Steve's "prediction" didn't have a time frame.
    Well we are starting to move beyond the era of 700mW-1W lasers. Many of the blue pointers out there are well into to the 2.x and up range. He's running out of time because we're leaving that era and moving into the 2.1W-3.0W range. I think it is a bit disingenuous to suggest that he wasn't talking about 3 years later.

    I think it is pretty obvious he was saying that it was urgent and imminent. Surely no one really believes he was suggesting that it was going to be 3 years after he wrote that... Honestly?

  2. #282
    Join Date
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    Mesa, AZ


    To be honest, I'm freaked out about how little time has gone by since the 445nm lasers first appeared in handheld form. Two years is nothin'! I'm in the middle on this. Like Stuka said above, lasers are now in the realm of being practical directed energy weapons in the hands of the malicious and stupid. But I also see them as relatively safe devices. I mean, compared to guns, automobiles, motorcycles and rockets. Or scissors, if you run with them in your hand (ask any mother!). Besides, we generally have two eyes. Oh oh, did I add fuel to this fire?!?

  3. #283
    Join Date
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    Knoxville, TN, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by tsteele93 View Post

    Do you guys go to the eye doctor? Maybe because I wear contact lenses I have a different view of this, but every year I have to go in for a very thorough exam to renew my prescription. I even specifically ask about any anomalies and whether my hobby could be a cause. I'm very confident that if I had caused injury that it would have been spotted.

    I'm assuming that a great number of people have regular eye exams due to contact lens or eyeglasses prescriptions. Not everyone, but surely all of us smart myopic people, right?
    Dude, you DO realize that the concern expressed by Steve and others is NOT about those of us who understand the hazards, but those immature, or uneducated, or in the case of the club scene, unaware patrons who have been exposed to potentially permanently damaging beams - right?

    Gotta ask - you sure you haven't participated on this forum previously under a different moniker?
    The whole "arguing for the sake of arguing" stance seems really familiar.

    EF, is that you?

    Metrologic HeNe 3.3mw Modulated laser, 2 Radio Shack motors, and a broken mirror.

  4. #284
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    Greenville, SC USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Stuka View Post
    My, what an interesting, never-ending thread this has turned out to be...

    Actually, yes, I have read pretty much everything you have posted, and this thread in detail.
    Really? Because you go on to suggest this...

    I'm guessing you may be too young to remember much about it, but there was the weird period in history called the "Cold War" that basically (well, sort of) ended in 1990.
    You might want to re-read "in detail" over some of my previous posts to see why I don't think you ARE reading them...

    One of the less-publicized facts from the period is high-power lasers were VERY prevalent along the various East/West "frontiers", and our Soviet Bloc "friends" used them quite liberally in certain areas, including the region that was included in my first tour of duty. My exposure, luckily, was apparently relatively minor; unfortunately, some of my fellow aviators were NOT so lucky, and because of laser-related eye damage lost their aviation careers very early.
    What kind of powers are we talking about here? Sure you aren't mixing apples and oranges? I would be very surprised if those were 700mW-1W lasers, but please let me know if they were. I just think it would be very difficult to damage a pilots eyes at those distances with a 1W laser...

    What is NOHD on that? With 1W and 1.0mr I get 730ft and with 1W and 2mr I get 367ft.

    Doesn't sound like the same kind of lasers to me.

    And all kidding around and smiley-faces aside, when it comes to the Pangolin worship, drinking the koolaid,etc.,... however you decide to refer to it, that's probably not something you need to worry about from us ~
    We're really not that interested in trying to "convert" anyone, just sharing lessons learned.
    I'm probably not just speaking for myself here, but pretty sure that anyone that might have been interested in openly trying to help you get the most out of your investment has moved on to folks who actually seem interested in really learning how to use the software, rather than just complain about it.
    Well, white light seemed very interested in helping me, but I never felt like you were interested in doing much but trying to convince me I was wrong. I think it is great that you are happy with QS. I just needed something more polished.

    The trace module is not good, and it is terribly difficult to edit and clean up a quick trace import because of a clunky and outdated interface. It could be great, but it won't be because the worshippers won't hear of their chosen software needing any improvements and dismiss anyone who suggest that there might be problems and brush them off as being the problem.

    The reason the discussion was difficult and you couldn't answer my questions was because QS couldn't do what I was asking and the la studios trace program (that Pangolin providesvfrom their website) had a critical flaw in that you coud not re-open a file that you had been working on in order to continue editing it at a later time.

    And of course, even if I COULD deal with the QS quick trace module, I can't save it to anything but pangolin's proprietary format, so I can only share with fun guys like you!

    I suspect I'll have to get LSX and ether dream DAC and see if it will do what I want... Or as White Light suggested, I could step up and pony up the $$$ for Beyond. After my initial mpression with QS I don't see tht happening though. I can't even get support on Pangolin's message board.

    Everyone kept telling me that I might get faster answers if I asked on the Pangolin message boards, so I asked there and got no reply. When I looked into it further, I saw that no one from pangolin had responded to anyone in over three weeks.

    Of course the Pangolin faithful had no problem with that because we aren't to question pangolin, and I was told that they had SELEM and big events going on, etc... Maybe they could bother to get back to me after that. And of course I'm just a complainer if I think that isn't good enough.

    Ultimately I think that I can live without your help Stuka, because after all - you weren't any.

  5. #285
    Join Date
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    Knoxville, TN, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Eidetic View Post
    To be honest, I'm freaked out about how little time has gone by since the 445nm lasers first appeared in handheld form. Two years is nothin'! I'm in the middle on this. Like Stuka said above, lasers are now in the realm of being practical directed energy weapons in the hands of the malicious and stupid. But I also see them as relatively safe devices. I mean, compared to guns, automobiles, motorcycles and rockets. Or scissors, if you run with them in your hand (ask any mother!). Besides, we generally have two eyes. Oh oh, did I add fuel to this fire?!?
    Nah, the scissors debate has calmed down these days, for the most part...

    Metrologic HeNe 3.3mw Modulated laser, 2 Radio Shack motors, and a broken mirror.

  6. #286
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Greenville, SC USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Stuka View Post
    Dude, you DO realize that the concern expressed by Steve and others is NOT about those of us who understand the hazards, but those immature, or uneducated, or in the case of the club scene, unaware patrons who have been exposed to potentially permanently damaging beams - right?
    Uh, yeah. That's what I was talking about when I was referring to the fact that Amazon and eBay sell 50-100mW lasers to thousands of people every day who may even think they are really under 5mW and safe.

    Gotta ask - you sure you haven't participated on this forum previously under a different moniker?
    The whole "arguing for the sake of arguing" stance seems really familiar.

    EF, is that you?
    Another swing and a miss. I'm on LPF under this screen name as well and I am very public about who I am...

    No secrets.

    It is also disingenuous of you to suggest I am arguing for the sake of arguing, I came here with very specific questions about my new laser show and the QS software and what I was trying to do with it. I didn't come here to argue, I came here with questions which were considered as attacks on some people's favorite software and oops, they didn't like that.


  7. #287
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    Knoxville, TN, USA


    Yep, EF, reincarnated.
    Even knows more about what was going on than those of those that were there.
    (sorry, tired of multi-quoting from an iPad; referring to # 295...)

    If you REALLY want a direct commo channel with Pangolin, use the "Contact..." link on their main web page.
    Their forums are definitely not as active as this one, and a delay in response there really is not that unusual, especially when they have back-to-back worldwide events going on like they do now.

    While I can't speak for them, I'm guessing that at least some of the Pangolin staff were very aware of the exchanges going on when some of us on this forum (some, in fact, who act as beta testers and "consultants" of sort for Pangolin) actually WERE trying to help you get the most out of the software. When you post some of the same questions on their forum, looking for different answers, I could see we're perhaps that might not be considered a priority, especially when the exchange is likely to go the same direction as it did here.

    Not saying that IS the case, be I could certainly see where it could apply.
    Last edited by Stuka; 09-15-2012 at 18:16.

    Metrologic HeNe 3.3mw Modulated laser, 2 Radio Shack motors, and a broken mirror.

  8. #288
    Join Date
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    1 hr from everything in SoCal


    Quote Originally Posted by Stuka View Post
    EF, is that you?
    Great minds think alike. I was wondering the same thing.
    If you're the smartest person in the room, then you're in the wrong room.

  9. #289
    Join Date
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    Greenville, SC USA


    Hmm, not so great if you were both wrong, eh?

    Is EF electro freak? If so, he is on LPF too.

  10. #290
    Join Date
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    1 hr from everything in SoCal


    Quote Originally Posted by tsteele93 View Post
    Hmm, not so great if you were both wrong, eh?
    Not at all. We were both correct. You are effectivly the same caliber of idividual. I, for one, will not feed the trolls. If you are not trolling, then I will leave you to remain ignorant. Have fun, boys, I am out.
    If you're the smartest person in the room, then you're in the wrong room.

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