I decided to post an experimental stereo processor app that I worked on a number of years ago; I've recently cleaned it up to make presentable for others to try.
There are so many free audio players around that are much better than anything I could offer, but my app does a couple of odd things that make it unique. My app is
called Parametric5; it's a 3 band parametric EQ audio player, and what makes it unique is that band #2 offers 3 different modes: ordinary EQ, time arrival vs frequency,
and overall phase shift adjustable over the full +/- 180 deg range. If you've ever hooked up a pair of speakers and got the polarity backwards on one of the two, you
may find the phase effect interesting. Selecting the Process Right Channel Only option allows you to hear the difference between the channels- it's great headphone
stuff, and the program also offers the ability to store the processed signal to a wave file.
Para5 was my adventure in figuring out a method to provide precise gain vs frequency control on a PCM digital signal- turns out there a number of ways to do it, mine is
not the best since it requires a lot of computations, but it is what I came up with. The freq vs time arrival and overall phase adjustability modes just happened to fit
in with my method, so I threw them in for the sake of mundane curiosity. Don't trade in your favorite audio player, this app is just for experimenting.
Make or choose a directory BEFORE running the setup. Para5 creates files in the directory that it's running in. Please see the Para5_Notes file to get started.