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Thread: Etherdream 3 issue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2022

    Default Etherdream 3 issue

    Hello. I am experiencing some weird stuff with my etherdream.

    My computer, windows, does not want to recognize the device. If i put in ethernet cable the sitter sees the device with what ever firmware installed back in 2022. Having connected to etherdream to my laser it just displays a red dot.
    I am going to get a new ilda cable, but could the problem be due to my etherdream gone faulty. have not used it since my lasers galvos broke - maybe that was caused by some malfunctioning with the etherdream?

    Either way - can i flush the device if the ilda cable is not the thing messing stuff up? i am pretty desperate here,hmmm

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2022


    oh btw, i got my laser fixed and it runs shownet editor okay, so the ilda reciever is not broken in the laser

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Might want to send a pm to j4cbo here on the forum. He can help you troubleshoot your Etherdream.

    If you are certain that your ILDA cable is good (which I think is the case, as you said you tested it with a Laserworld Shownet controller and you said it worked that way), then I agree that the problem must be with the Etherdream.

    However, based on what I've heard from other Etherdream users, I would not expect this to be a hardware failure of the Etherdream itself. Rather, I suspect your software is not able to communicate with the Etherdream controller.

    It could be something as simple as having the wrong drivers installed, or having your software configured incorrectly (such that the software is unable to communicate with the Etherdream controller), or it could be a networking problem.

    Others here on the forum may be able to assist you further if you post details of your setup. (operating system, laser show software, network configuration, etc.)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by buffo View Post
    Might want to send a pm to j4cbo here on the forum. He can help you troubleshoot your Etherdream.
    Good luck with that, j4cbo hasn't logged on to PL since 12/22.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I just replied to your email with some follow-up questions

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